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  1. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    haha dreamerr dont let anyone bring you down. i must be a little slower because i get 2 sessions of half a bullet though i tend not to run it the whole time. when i had the solo i always ran it the whole session which is probably why the pinnacle seems more efficient to me.
  2. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    wow i guess i need to get the pong. dreamerr the pn is the only vape i have atm and i love it. though since i always like having 2 vapes in rotation the pn will get a friend in a month or two. i think i see a log vape in my future lol crohnie i like your point about being able to finish the...
  3. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    hmmm i might have to order a pong
  4. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    its definitely not worthless. helpful for people who want cooler vapor and have trouble with irritation. if you dont find the vapor too hot then its probably not a mod you would be interested in. but it is not worthless thanks for sharing dreamerr
  5. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    thats what i like to do. if i am home i charge after 2 sessions usually
  6. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    i have used 70% iso and a q-tip to clean my mp without any problems. but i have never soaked it in iso
  7. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    i have just been using a q tip and iso for the time being. i tried soaking in vegetable glycerin but i think i got the wrong kind because it is thick like a gel
  8. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    i have not ordered directly from them but vaporblunt has a strong presence on fc. im sure you will have a good experience
  9. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    its not closed at the edge. a little fraying is possible but i dont think it would be enough to make a difference. i have taken my screen out 4 or 5 times to clean the mouth piece with a qtip. i would say its worth trying. if you have any arthritis or limited dexterity i would not remove the screen.
  10. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    i have taken my screen out with little difficulty. it takes a little while to put the screen back in but it is relatively easy. i dont know if it will ruin the screen in the long run. i dont think it will.
  11. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    exciting news about the pro. im curious about the battery life. is it increased?
  12. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    i used iso and a q tip without any problems
  13. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    whats pbw? also for those who use the mouth piece i was reading the directions on how to remove the screen. the manual says to use the wooden tool to push out the screen. i have noticed that the wood tool is to wide to to fit into the mouth piece and push it out . anyone else notice this? so...
  14. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    so far i am loving my pn but im not happy about the cleaning issues. i like to clean my pieces often and boiling is not always convenient. hope this issue is resolved soon.
  15. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    nice review dreamerr glad to hear about the smell test results. and interesting fill technique.
  16. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    yes dreamerr i was referring to the clear tip. i received one clear and one flavored i believe all of the packages are suppose to come with one of each. i will try it w/ and w/o the tip. i will let everyone know my preference.
  17. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    thanks crohnie. yea i am aware the flavored mouth piece may melt. not really my cup of tea anyway lol
  18. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    just received my PN its charging now. cant wait to use it. btw it is even smaller than i thought, for those of you without the tube do you use the tip or keep the mouth piece as is?
  19. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    looking forward to it dreamerr mine should be here today!
  20. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    good luck dreamerr cant wait for your full review. i should have my pinnacle by the end of the week
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