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  1. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    just received my xp charging it now. i will keep you guys updated
  2. Rrose Selavy

    Herb Grinders

    just picked up a mini 4 peice scs from my lhs. all i can say is wow. nice and small get my buds nice and fluffy.
  3. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    my order was shipped today i will keep you guys updated
  4. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    yea i am very confused about this i dont see why we cant run burns i would really like more info maybe you have to leave the capsule in
  5. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    so we should not run burns? or should we run them with the capsule in?
  6. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    hopefully mine is one of the units arriving friday as well
  7. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    I placed my order with Taylor a few days ago and he has been very helpful so far. but as clicker said he is awaiting a shipment.
  8. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    good to know taylor you have been so helpful i am very happy i placed an order with you. i will definitely be a repeat customer.
  9. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    so i assume the unit i am getting from you will have the updated decal ?
  10. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    hey guys i have a quick question that i hope someone will be able to help me with. i have been reading the inh thread and saw that you can remove the bottom screen with a bent straight pin to clean underneath. my question is how do you get the screen back in? does it come out easily and does it...
  11. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    just ordered from taylor thank you so much!
  12. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    great news taylor will be ordering tonight. is there a fc discout code?
  13. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    on the site it says about 10 days
  14. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    how has the new model been treating you. hope it is performing to your liking.
  15. Rrose Selavy

    How much do you consume : Per load/session/day

    me too. i also have salted hemp seeds that i eat plain
  16. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    good luck hyde im sure everything will work and you will get your new unit soon. thanks for the input
  17. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    do they send you a replacement before you send the defective unit back?
  18. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    good to hear cant wait to order mine thursday. hopefully it will ship out friday but if not i can wait.
  19. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    was your model the old xp or the new one. 4 holes or 2?
  20. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Inhalater XP

    soaking the capsules in iso should help clean them
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