yea exactly now you can understand why im impatient. no worries we will see if i have the will to wait the few months for reviews and debugging. Either way there are so many amazing vapes coming out everyone will be happy.
Dreamerr seems like you are a big presence in this thread how long have you had your INH004 since you say its your fav in your sig im sure it has held up well.
got rid of was not the right phrase it was confiscated (long story) otherwise i would still have it. it was a great vape but an upgrade is always a good thing its best to look at it like a positive lol. right now i am combusting unfortunately.
yea i know i just remember seeing somewhere that the inh004 smelled bad wanted to know if that was still the case. if its how my past portables normally smelled im not concerned. just want to make sure its nothing excessive.
hey maybe i missed it but i have not seen any vids of the xp in action. hopefully someone will post one soon. also i was wondering about smell does the xp stink how easy is it to clean?