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  1. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    mvapes that made my day. for a second i thought it was red hair and was like WHAAA? im vaked :smug:
  2. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    totally agree with you Dreamerr its about good business practice. thats why i got mine through taylor
  3. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    haha thanks Adobewan and mvapes i think im in good company
  4. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    im sure you are close to the top of the list though :tup:
  5. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    decided to upload my first video will try for a better one later
  6. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    mvapes i could not have said it better myself VaporEyes im glad to have some company.... its like looking in a mirror :freak:
  7. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    haha thanks mvape im pumped to hear how you like it. toros idk about everyone else but for me it was lack of funds not restraint, lol what does that even mean? i have no self control when it comes to VAS and GAS. hello everyone my name is Rrose and i have a problem please tell me i am not...
  8. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    mvapes i saw that you scooped that up. im jealous cant wait to hear what you think of it.
  9. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    thanks for the pic andy it was very helpful it appears that i have the newer one
  10. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    andy when did you add the new cords? i got mine 2 1/2 weeks ago im curious which cord i have
  11. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    sucks to hear all this negative stuff come up. i will defiantly be picking up a gfci power strip. in happier news i love my e-nano so much and have caught log vape fever. already put my name on alans wait list because the more logs the merrier. cant wait to pick up my very mini beaker to try...
  12. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    haha thanks Jeppy just got a confirmation email from Alan saying im officially on the list. luckily i have a new vape at home and new glass on the way. im sure they will keep me busy until i can order the HI
  13. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    hey FC i have a new found love for log vapes lol. have had my e-nano less then two weeks and already i know i will want another log soon damn VAS. Everyone posts such great things about the HI and Alan so i emailed Alan to put me on the waiting list. one day in the very distant i will have one...
  14. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    i did not get any tubing with my order but i will go find some. thanks any idea what thickness? also the mini tube im talking about is at my lhs if it is still there in a few weeks it will be mine!!!!
  15. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    hey everyone i got my e-nano a few days ago and have been running it through the ringer. so far i am very satisfied especially because i have only owned portables up till now. any way this thing is small beautiful and gets me super medicated the only thing now is to save up for this worked mini...
  16. Rrose Selavy

    Herb Grinders

    i have the gunmetal color as well. mine is a mini
  17. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    thanks hoops that means he must have sent it out asap. i ordered a cherry e-nano last night but mine has to get all the way to NJ. you got a tracking number right?
  18. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    wow thats quick it got to you in two days? or did you order it last monday?
  19. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    so i just ordered a cherry nano with all glass wand last night. i cant wait for it to arrive.
  20. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    haha thanks dreamerr
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