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  1. Rrose Selavy

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    hey THCSCIENTIFIC i am thinking about getting the omicron light what battery voltage does it run at? and do i need adapters for different carts? EDIT: does it have a user replaceable battery?
  2. Rrose Selavy

    EpicVape E-Nano Vaporizer

    you can always get a reducer
  3. Rrose Selavy

    The Grasshopper

    hmmmmmmmmm :hmm: i read it differently like mud..... hope Zenpen can shed some light on this.
  4. Rrose Selavy

    The Grasshopper

    still keeping my eye on this. i wonder how large a donation has to be to get the $99 price tag? cant wait to see some videos zenpen i wish you a successful kickstarter :party:
  5. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    good to hear mvapes i know you have had a long wait. soon you will have a HI for each hand :rockon:
  6. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    i thought that Alan started up production again, am i wrong?
  7. Rrose Selavy

    VapePower: High Performance Vaporizer Batteries

    CentiZen im glad to here you're so busy :rockon: keep up the great work
  8. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    keep it up TRVB im sure everything will get resolved :peace:
  9. Rrose Selavy

    The HI

    officially read the whole thread i want to be a jedhi so bad. i was not aware that production restarted so recently. i think i can safely say this is one of the best threads on FC thank you Alan :D
  10. Rrose Selavy

    The Grasshopper

    this little guy is very intriguing. im curious if the mouth piece gets uncomfortably warm. a very stylish vape for sure, cant wait to find out more.
  11. Rrose Selavy

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    as promised here is a milk vid of my clout worked mini beaker. i also posted this in the e-nano thread.....hope thats ok mods :shrug:
  12. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    i will just leave this here
  13. Rrose Selavy

    The Pinnacle by Vaporblunt

    so i would like to say that i have had flaking and staining as well. i have only used 70% iso with a q-tip. basically a thin clear circle of plastic came off the mp where the plastic meets the screen. this was about a month after i received the pn and used it 4-6 times a day. im not sure why i...
  14. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    hey ed and ataxian im pretty sure andy is making all the e-nanos without markings now. i did not order mine unmarked but thats how it came (your right it looks great unmarked). I emailed andy asking if he was sending out only unmarked versions going forward and i believe he said yes. or possibly...
  15. Rrose Selavy

    hey Crohnie we have a few of the same vapes and i noticed you have a cocobolo UD. i was...

    hey Crohnie we have a few of the same vapes and i noticed you have a cocobolo UD. i was considering buy a twig and also love cocobolo. i know you had some trouble in the e-nano thread but i hope you are enjoying it. im curious how you think the UD and nano compare. clouds? efficiency? draw...
  16. Rrose Selavy

    Herb Grinders

    wow i just looked at the purple and it is super nice :mmmm:
  17. Rrose Selavy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    hey everyone picked up my new mini beaker by clout. i posted more pics in the recent acquisitions thread... milk vid to come :peace:
  18. Rrose Selavy

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    thanks mrboote i owe you one
  19. Rrose Selavy

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    picked up this clout mini beaker to go with e-nano. this thing is ridiculously tiny. milk vids will come later, sorry for the crappy cell pics. EDIT: apparently idk how to post pics. i will post a video tomorrow.
  20. Rrose Selavy

    Contest - Win 3 JyARz

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