Connect Crafty with Crafty App and check the hours on it.But what to check on a crafty ?
Check your inbox for a pm.can you send me this apk?
Too much suspense.Salut fc!
I know its been a while.. but I got an somewhat interesting story:
just had my Crafty - first bought in November 2014 - in for service and they sent me a brand new one and also a capsule magazine for my shipping costs yay.
So of course I was somewhat excited to try these and see if the new one is actually a newer one in any way. Packed a capsule, switched BT and the Crafty on and started the app - no connection. Of course, it's used to my old one, so 'Connect to new Crafty' and put in the new serial number.. which starts with MY0---
Ehhm.. there's a preset of 'CY....' there which they don't let you delete. So I tried different parts of the rest of my new serial which didnt work of course. Until I found a way to replace the C. Placing the cursor between the C and Y let me put an M in there, and now I was available to delete the C, so genius!!
But then..but then.. it still won't take my serial as the 'save' button remains inactive wtf.
And of course I checked and tried this a million times in all ways you can put it in wrong, but still nothing.
So reinstalling the app.. still nothing!!
But something's telling me I get quicker help here... :*
cool @t-dub was sending me the apk and I could find out more UUIDs ( still verification and additions very welcome )
But I think the most interesting ones should be there:
remain capacity accu 00000153-4c45-4b43-4942-265a524f5453
full charge capacity 2406 - 00000143-4c45-4b43-4942-265a524f5453
discharge cycles 215 - 00000163-4c45-4b43-4942-265a524f5453
charge cycles 284 00000173-4c45-4b43-4942-265a524f5453
accu max 61.7 00000133-4c45-4b43-4942-265a524f5453
accu min 11.3 00000123-4c45-4b43-4942-265a524f5453
volt heat 3511 - 000000d3-4c45-4b43-4942-265a524f5453
Could u give meaning of less obvious commands?responses? Can I look up somewhere the format of these things.
When I received my Crafty in October 2015 I immediately believed it was the best vaporizer! I returned it once for a piece of the plastic breaking off and received excellent support. However recently my power button is unresponsive. I tried received a RMA # via their website: however, the original RMA (for the broken plastic) was never closed on their end so I am unable to initiate a new request.
I have sent 2 emails to the German and USA email addresses and had absolutely NO response. Its been 2 week now??? I don't get is. If anyone knows the reason please let me know. Very Upset.
Too much suspense.
I can't help you with the app difficulty, but I'm most curious to know if you followed through and actually vaped from the new Crafty!
Glad to hear you got a new piece.
This also so seems to be a change in serial # format, the Crafty now beginning with MY instead of CY.
It's very odd that S&B haven't maintained the app.
I have a crafty that I haven't used for a couple months due to my new found love with rosin and dabbing, as a matter of fact I haven't even been to this thread for probably the same amount of time. But I recently revisited and read about the new dosing caps and saw that my man @ChooChooCharlie was spreading the love with free samplesso I said why not. I pulled out my crafty for a reunion while waiting for my capsules and realized I was not getting any vapor, my temp was dropping 10-20 degrees during a normal inhale, and my herb was still greenish after my session so I started a rma. I was disappointed after not hearing anything for about a week, when I called no one answered, so I sent an email stating my concerns and my disappointment in there slow response. They responded the next day apologizing, stating my rma had been approved, and my email had probably gotten sent to my junk mail. I checked my junk mail and there it was
. I sent my crafty in yesterday and they should have it by tomorrow. 77 hours and received this replacement around 6 months ago if I had to take a guess. Used to be my daily driver so racked up those hours in like 4 months. I originally purchased March of 2015 so my 2 years is getting close. I am debating on requesting an upgrade to the mighty or just gambling that this new one will fail before my warranty period is over and I get one more fresh unit before it is too late. When I 1st purchased my crafty stealth was very important hence my choice over the mighty at that time, but if you look at my signature you can see I have aquired more stealthier units since then. I am thinking the mighty can be more of a home unit with company that has the advantage of being extremely mobile
Thanks t-dub
Must admit that i have a little buyers remorse. I just looked through this forum and it seems like there is no chance in hell that an Crafty will outlive it's 2 years warranty, and since im a heavy user, i'll probably also be having problems with the battery life. Where do I stand regarding warranty considdering that Ive bought a used unit from Ebay? Will they still replace it if it brakes? Im in Europe if that matters anything.
I got the Crafty instead of the Mighty because of stealth, but now im considdering buying a Mighty for home use, and then just use the Crafty when im out. This way the Crafty might also have a chance to survive a little longer.
I must admit that im shocked to read that all Craftys seems to die within a couple of years, max.
As long as its real you should be able to get service. Other people have purchased Craftys second hand and have received warranty service, some without having a proof of purchase. However I didn't do this myself and I am not sure if it was a one-off situation or not.Where do I stand regarding warranty considdering that Ive bought a used unit from Ebay?