
i'm totally blazed as well. maybe tomorrow Google-translate will help me to figured out.
anywayz,... why i'm so blazed? maybe someone remember telling me that story about ordering a fake Chinese Arizer Solo from an eBay? if not- i bought one out of curiosity. i had a two working original Solos. one of them started to fade away in its battery capability. while second one is still brand new and going strong. i quickly picked up that Chinese one to compare.
it came down quickly. in 3 weeks from China to Latvia. when i opened a box- a big booooooooo! no wild flower? are you kidding me, WTF???


then... i dug deeper and noticed another big one. this time- a big wowwww!

they put instead of one curved and one straight glass stems, a two pieces of those non spill bubblers!!!! those cost twice as much then original ones! wow! i know it is not an original EasyFlow pieces, but thanks! anywayz.
although in product description they were not described.it came with US cable instead of EU standard, but anywayz. story is was about why i'm so blazed. first month was smooth sailing. then i noticed that i have to choose lower temperature to hit my sweet spot. after one more week- i had to drop another one. then this Chinese bad m-fcuker went completelly mad! literally! no original piece have behaved for me like that. i guess something with thermostat went kaput + something with electronics. and now it preforms like a mad master freeking blaster

. my ABV is getting dark brown at temperature Nr3. any beyond that results in black ABV. and if ripping too hard sometimes it goes to dee combustion side of the force. that is a beginning. the most amazing thing is that it warms up in 35 seconds!!! battery expires after 4-5 sessions, while on original piece i'm doing 10 and more with one charge. this thing is crazy!

and lights are cyborg flashing when it is charging. and while charging it is getting more then normal hot. it doesn't show a battery level when turning it on. don't know much about electricity. and i'm no vape doctor as well.

but these symptoms seems pretty fcuked up in my book.
i just hope that damn thing can't explode while ripping

. or can it? got scared now. theoretically?

or maybe it is just a major sativa freakout
i hail from Latvia. a place called Ogre. google it. city with that name really exists. but it means completely different than in english tong.