I think your friend wasn't doing it right. The nano will milk up bigger pieces really quickly, I'll post a video if I can get over my privacy issues. The vapour is thick but (this is a dumb way of describing it) it's more Solo thick than Evo thick if that makes sense. I use it with the 186 & 187 from yingmin. It works really well in both of them but if I was only buying one for it I'd go for the 187 style.
I only ever used the nano with small to medium pieces, but the impression I got of it was just that of a nice log comparable to a UD or HI. Great performance that's obviously nothing to be sneezed at, but still - it's a log...
It seems to get heavy praise, I just don't really see what sets it apart from any other high quality log...
But we should probably take that discussion to another thread as it's getting a bit off topic now
I haven't tried it, but there's not much need...
It's just a single hole disc perc.
With the amount of water he's got in there, I'd imagine there's a fair bit of drag, and it will be 100% chug city...
I'd assume it'll retain a fair bit of flavour, as there's so little diffusion going on.
There's nothing functional about the wheel as far as I can tell...
The single hole perc is just offset to one side so that the exiting bubbles will hit one side of the wheel and spin it.
If you want it purely as a show piece and you like the spinning of the wheel - go for it.
If you want something spinning parts that's also highly functional, then join me in hoping eventually we will get some kind of propeller perc piece produced at some point
The FC-1000 is the largest piece of the 3 you mentioned.
IME it works better the more airflow you can give it, but I was happy using it with my solo, so it should still work fine with the nano. I might not recommend it as being a one-and-only piece with the nano, purely because it is so large, but I really love it's function. Of the 3 you listed it is my favourite, but possibly not the best suited to the nano?
The FC/GB 186 - first off, I prefer the bubbler neck of yingmins GB-186. It looks janky as fuck, but I prefer the ergonomics and the view it provides.
Stevens FC-186 seems better built, and possibly thicker.
The GB186 seems to smooth out the hit a little bit more but they both function virtually identically.
Again this perc likes a bit of airflow to get it going, probably a bit more than the fc-1000.
It's close in scale to the fc-1000, but not quite as big
The straight fab is the smallest of the 3.
This one makes the most sense to me to pair with a log like the Nano.
I actually personally prefer the matrix pillar and stereo matrix over the straight fab, they are all really nice pieces and You should be happy with any of them.
Possibly also look into the FC-Cake, FC-187, and GB-187. They are all essentially just matrix perc rigs, so they all offer a nice amount of diffusion with minimal drag. They're small-ish and relatively simple so they're a bit cheaper too