I agree 100%I have both the Solo and the Enano, I would get the Enano instead of a power adapter, you will be glad to have both available to use. I love them both, and use them both daily.

I agree 100%I have both the Solo and the Enano, I would get the Enano instead of a power adapter, you will be glad to have both available to use. I love them both, and use them both daily.
Is it worth it to invest in power adapter? Or maybe its better to save some more money and buy small stationary unit, for example Enano?
Really loving this thing and looking forward to becoming an active FC member
Howdy, welcome to the Forum and all the fun.
Now that you've demonstrated your wisdom and good taste by buying the Solo, we'll be looking forward to those very contributions........
Thanks people!
I'll use connector from old original charger and will connect it with 12V 2A charger.
Another question
I really like SOLO, it's my first vaporizer and it never let me down since January 2013 but I only use it for evening sessions at home nowadays.
Is it worth it to invest in power adapter? Or maybe its better to save some more money and buy small stationary unit, for example Enano?
Negligible amounts, sure, but you also get to take huge rips instead of slower sips. I get medicated either way, it is gentler with water.
Oh it's not going to lower your tolerance
How do you guys like using f bombs or other lift off water blunt tools with the solo? I want to grab one on dhgate but will spend more for a better one per recommendations. Sucks because my gong is 18mm and it looks like these use 14
OF you personally are probably the biggest contributor towards my decision to get a solo, so thank you
I`m not looking to use a bubbler to change my tolerance...I was saying that my tolerance has changed to the point where I`m vaping more and might like to try a bubbler to keep things cool...
you'll love it mate. I rarely dry vape now
I absolutely love it. Using the fbomb for both my solo and ascent. The small amount of water used keeps in a lot of flavor.How do you guys like using f bombs or other lift off water blunt tools with the solo? I want to grab one on dhgate but will spend more for a better one per recommendations. Sucks because my gong is 18mm and it looks like these use 14
I just fixed the blinking blue light and my Solo seems to be working perfectly again. [...] I unscrewed the bottom and found this white oxidation or residue on the bottom of the oven.
I absolutely love it. Using the fbomb for both my solo and ascent. The small amount of water used keeps in a lot of flavor.
Are both the f bomb and pinnacle pro's both 14mm? Pretty sure they are, just checking to see
Me tooAre both the f bomb and pinnacle pro's both 14mm? Pretty sure they are, just checking to see