Hey y'all, I'm new here, so I figured I should say hi.... so, hi!
I'm wondering if anybody here could help me with a problem I've been having with my Arizer Solo since Thursday?
It's ~14 months old, hasn't acted up until just the past few days, and it just won't turn on now.
I tried every outlet in my house and two different chargers. They give off weird patterns when plugged in.
https://streamable.com/mpg6 -
shows the charging pattern it is giving, it's not turning on at all, the reset method did nothing and I'm not quite sure what to make of it.
After a while, the charge light becomes red and flashes like it's charging.
https://streamable.com/ssbr -
shows what happens with a charger from my friend. Different pattern, turned the sound back on the Arizer for this one.
Any help/advice is appreciated! Thanks.