Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
The cracks have been occurring on the bottom of the unit by the screws. A crack will appear and since it's so close to the edge the crack will eventually chip off. The newer model that I sent back had cracks and chipping but it didn't interfear the the functionality of the vaporizer. It was a problem, one crack I noticed right after I received my unit, then another crack started. I think it would be a hassle to try to fix it yourself, I personally wouldn't want to mess with it. I know all you McGyvors love to tinker with things like that.
Eventually it can be a major problem if all 4 screws were to do that. The newer model replacement has no cracks, I keep checking.
Eventually it can be a major problem if all 4 screws were to do that. The newer model replacement has no cracks, I keep checking.

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