floatin' with the clouds
Now that's a sweet case!
Can you see whats going on here?
If the perspective of the picture is set right, I believe the stem tapers narrower from top to bottom. Mine is somewhat opposite. I hate to suggest the possibility that the metal bowl should be on the other end. I think mine works very well!first Impressions of the wood stem were bad. I have the newer model black solo and the stem I got has no taper on the metal part. The fit was so tight that unless the holes and notches line up there was almost no vapor. After i sanded the metal end a little it came to life. Works good. stays at temperature better then glass stems if you sit in front of a fan or ac vent. Helps a lot in the car were air vents are so close.
Can you see whats going on here?
mod note: Please avoid back-to-back posts, use Edit instead. Two posts merged.
The better one is the one you want more.
The vaping end is the same (and the differences between a stock stem and a PVHES have been posted plenty of times).
We can't really tell you what you want...
The gong will be far better for attaching to glass, the stealth will be a bit easier to rig up a stealth setup.
I'd say stick with the gong, but if you really want the stealth, grab one of them...
I have just eksplained the airpath to you over several posts. The heating element is held in plase by a plastic bowl, u suck air down the outside of the ss bowl and between the plastick.
So u got a hot plastick airpath before it enters the four holes in the bottom of the heater.
I would provide pictures but my unit went in the garbage yesterday.
Ist it safe or can the plastic bowl give me some health problems?
Is the SS heater better than a Ceramic Heater?
I would like to buy me a M1A Model. Are there any known Issues?
Thanks for your answers.
I think we have a misunderstanding here.
I´m a Healthy Nut like you, and i don´t want so inhale molten plastic.
Hi Clouded Vision:just because something is plastic doesn't mean it will melt at high temperature.
If the perspective of the picture is set right, I believe the stem tapers narrower from top to bottom. Mine is somewhat opposite. I hate to suggest the possibility that the metal bowl should be on the other end. I think mine works very well!
Yes , I didn't understand his question either .
I don't own an Ed's stem but I thought the other end was made of wood and was the mouthpiece .
How come you get zero vapors ?