Ah, my home away from home.... It's good to see "o nordeste" represented here finally! Seja bem vindo zippobong, and enjoy your Solo.Cheers from sunny and melting northeast Brazil

Ah, my home away from home.... It's good to see "o nordeste" represented here finally! Seja bem vindo zippobong, and enjoy your Solo.Cheers from sunny and melting northeast Brazil
If you email Arizer and are a repeat customer, they may give you a $50.00 "loyalty credit" which brings the price down to $178.00. For another $18.00 you are getting the utmost in loyalty.If you are in Canada or US, go for planetvape. http://www.planetvape.blogspot.com/ has a post with a coupon code to get it for 160.
You responded to someone a little while back who was deciding who to purchase from for best reliability, warrenty, etc. Therfore, Arizer would probably be the most trustworthy. So I am about to receive my Solo in a day or too. I currently use my Q daily with an AquaVape Inline cooler attached to the whip as a mouthpiece. In lieu of this preferred method, what setup would you recommend to have a similar experience. I really need the water run since the dryness gets to my throat. ThanksI'm not quite sure I get what you mean... what is the utmost in loyalty refer to?
If anyone could answer a few questions to help me fix my smelly and unpleasantly tasting solo, I'd greatly appreciate it:
(I've run the solo at least 30 minutes total on 7 to try and 'flush out' the nasty burnt popcorn taste I get with every draw. Getting a little better, but I've seemed to have reached a limit).
1) When I heat up the solo to 7 (or any heat), then take a whiff of the heating chamber, I can smell the same burnt taste/smell.
When you do this with your solo, does the first whiff or so have the same mild-strong burnt aroma?
2) When I'm vaping and take the stem off at any point (usually after a few draws), I can see visible smoke/dark vapor emerge from the heating chamber.
Does anyone see the same thing with their solo?
Thanks a ton - taste has gotten a lot better since last time but it still is overpowering the 'bud' taste, even at lower temps.
First off, I must concur. I've only recently acquired my Solo (m1A3), but fortunately already own a PVGonG 18mm Stem. Before being able to use it, I had to clean it. It had SO much oil in it, it's hard to describe Dreamerr. I had been attempting to harvest the oil & not lot it drip-out/accumulate too-low down(so as to stay IN the stem). I am a complete newb when it comes to ERLZ, & therefore I don't even know what to do with it. I heated the stem & let the ERL collect on a piece of tin-foil. Not sure of weight, but about the size of 3 'quarters' if you stacked 'em on top of each other. Is this oil worth using? If so, I would like to start experimenting in the diff. ways to do so(like I said, Hash virgin). This is also an EXTREMELY important question for myself; I need to know whether or not to harvest these oils(collecting in A LOT of assorted adapters & stems, for obvious reasons) or to simply take the lazy-route & throw my stems into some grunge-off.. which is what I have done in the past since I tend to love the ease of GO. The substance(oil) is extremely viscous, even at room temp.(in a hot room). Not the easiest to handle, that's for sure. Would love some knowledge dropped on me!Nug or ground and it all works and I don't stir either. The solo is just a great machine. ..... Or you can join me in how oily you can get your stem challange
Take off the cover and dump out all the herb you have sitting below the chamber. Just turn it upside down and shake it out. You will be surprised how much is under there. If you are brave, I am not, you can open it from the bottom and do it. Take out the stem and run the solo to clear whatever else is left. Iso the chamber first. Also if you stems are dirty with debris not oil it will change the taste even the oil does so that might be something you would want to clean as well. Or you can join me in how oily you can get your stem challange.
Welcome to the forum BTCsolo and pizzaroll. Pizzaroll thanks for making me hungry for something I can't get where I live at least a good one.
Po Stu que massa, valeu brother!!!Ah, my home away from home.... It's good to see "o nordeste" represented here finally! Seja bem vindo zippobong, and enjoy your Solo.
You need to be unscrewing the threaded metal cap, not just popping the plastic top cover tab. Unscrewing this cap may reveal some ABV that you can blow out. If that is what you did and could not find anything, perhaps try removing the screws on the bottom to slide the entire cover off and blow out what you find. Good luck. Hope you get it sorted out soon.Last time I opened the top / took off the cover, I wasn't able to find any way to 'look' underneath the bronze heating plate (where I though herb might be trapped under). I simply blew some air into it then put the cover back on.
Are you suggesting somehow removing debris trapped underneath the heating chamber? If so, how?
My 5 pack of Silicone rings came today.
I've tested a few bowls with both my PVHES GonGs, it is giving me ideal airflow while securely holding the stem. Definitely a must have for tinkering owners. I'll probably fuss with the 4 other ORings I have, but unmodified this is already awesome!
It's also got me thinking about taking the factory seal out and seeing what happens then?
I've been considering that from the start , has anybody tried removing the stock ring ? My tentative attempts to pry it out with a small screwdriver seemed to be gouging up the ring more than moving it ...
Can anyone verify that the MFLB's battery caps are the exact same as the SOLO's travel caps?
Some good weed would help.Planning on purchasing the Arizer Solo tomorrow. Is there anything else worth purchasing along with it for better usage?
Yes they are, pre-load and slip the cap over the bowl and you are good to go, but...and this is a big but, go to Home Depot and buy 1/2" screw covers in the "specialty drawers" in the nuts and bolts aisle. .74 cents for two of them and they are the same cap.
Some good weed would help.![]()
Planning on purchasing the Arizer Solo tomorrow. Is there anything else worth purchasing along with it for better usage?
aww man i feel right at home...lol. Odd Future? Maybe. I have a decent grinder, and ive seen all the awesome water attachments and what not on youtube...i wanted to get a nice high quality bong, but decided on a vape instead. my gf broke my other bong a couple days agoFirst off, welcome to the fun. Great choice, IMO.
Hopefully very soon you'll be lusting after PVHES stems, WPAs (and maybe a bubbler to put one on), number 113 Silicone rings and so on. We'll be here to help you spend your money when that time comes.
If you don't have a good grinder, that might be worth thinking about.......
Otherwise, stand by for good times.
aww man i feel right at home...
i wanted to get a nice high quality bong, but decided on a vape instead.
Can anyone verify that the MFLB's battery caps are the exact same as the SOLO's travel caps?
"OF" gives good advice.aww man i feel right at home...lol. Odd Future? Maybe. I have a decent grinder, and ive seen all the awesome water attachments and what not on youtube...i wanted to get a nice high quality bong, but decided on a vape instead. my gf broke my other bong a couple days agothanks yall.