After being asked to show a picture of how a bowl looks on level 3 at half filled with a steady not slow draw, I provided a picture of a charred bowl which was disgusting for both my mouth and head. I was told this wasn't alarming, and then this morning got a very long email basically telling me that my problems are down to technique.
As someone very experienced with a number of vapes, this doesn't sit well with me. I feel like I'm stuck now, the maker doesn't think there's an issue with my unit, yet most of you other Couchlog owners here do think there's an issue.
So even if I tried to sell my unit people will know it's a questionable one, so no-one is going to want to buy that at the price I'd want to tell it for. And I just have to live with a vape which whilst not terrible, is still a whole load of cash to pay on something that I'm not happy with.
Edit-Chris has said he'll take a return so that's the best course I think in this situation.
Personally, I may be wrong (to err is human, no one is immune), it is difficult to make a remote diagnosis on this kind of product. With a mouthpiece and CL in position 3 with a full bowl (my aim here is not to extract everything in a single puff), I heat by turning the mouthpiece (using the fins on the wood), and thus move back and forth between the bowl and the CL while inhaling (like a car cigar lighter). Then, as it's a full bowl, I stir with the help of the funnel and repeat the above steps until the extraction is complete (I generally manage to get 4/5 tasty and cloud puffs without any burning, for a duration that generally does not exceed ten seconds).
So my technique is very different from yours. Here, you inhale it for 25 seconds without taking in any air (back and forth) and without turning the bowl during this time. Personally, I can't take such long puffs all at once (whether with the CL or another vaporizer), so I can't reproduce your technique.
@TigoleBitties seems to use your technique (page 55, with its CL set at 3.5, he vaporize it for about 15 seconds) so he would be more apt to respond and tried out the technique for a longer period (for science, as he likes to say

But, I find it strange that the connector detaches so easily from the controller and that it doesn't make contact when it protrudes just a few millimetres (that must be annoying indeed). In any case, if you think there's a real problem and Chris has offered you a return, you should consider it.