Well-Known Member
IMHO with the second option there is a need for ss sleeve maybe.
Why is that? What is that sleeve supposed to do, to reach the desired temp earlier and spare a couple of seconds?!

If you believe that the system has a limit for the small size/low thermal exchange surface of the coils then a ss sleeve just could not be the cure.
I use the live monitor sessions with the pc to tune the Range-P-I menu in Artic Fox. But that is just the end of the work.
First step would be to find the working resistance for what you want to do. Then you can try to find how much more or how little less it could be working just fine tuning the technique so you define a range of working resistencies, the boundaries of a working window of resistance. This is the TCR. If the proper equipment is available it would be wise to collect data about the temp of the load. I don’t have that equipment so i’m happy to replicate the performance I can have in power mode but with the proper advantages of TC.
Without equipment it is just my liking to give that range of res a corresponding temp.
But with the live monitor the results are damn consistant.
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