Dreamwood Glow


Trenchtown Rock
Hello guys, I recently found my long missed Glow RCV18 (which I thought I lost) and would like to give it another try. My question is: Are modable box mods still a thing? I'm looking for one I can run articfox (or similar) on, if that is still possible. I find the whole topic a bit overwhelming and have not yet dug my way through this thread. Therefor I'll be happy about any suggestion and/or explanation.
I’m sure you know this, but if you decide to run it in temp control you will have to switch the stock coils out. The stock kanthal coils run in wattage only, will have to switch them to stainless steel for temp control.


Active Member
For those of you who have changed coils a lot. How much of a difference does the clearance/gap between the coil and the air holes underneath, make? Just wondering if a smaller or larger clearance is better for getting a good flow of hot air coming through. Or is there a particular sweet spot anyone has found?

I think I need to add more clearance because moving them closer seems to have had the opposite effect. Thought I'd ask here before I start tinkering, to save me some time.

Also, has anyone found dosing caps(preferably mesh) that fit the glow RCV 18 correctly on ali or dhgate?


Well-Known Member
Quest 2.0 and the more recent Axon Chipset controlled mods apparently offer decent DNA like performance, without being quite as good or as pricey.

Cruise mode is only available with DNA mods and the Jwei mods working with Tubo firmware or AF.
PID-like controls are available only for Tubo fw or AF mods, those controls are not so easy to use and tune. DNA mods have “self-tuning” PID and are more efficient.
I like to use mods with a single 21700 battery, rare feature for AF or Tubo.


Active Member
Cruise mode is only available with DNA mods and the Jwei mods working with Tubo firmware or AF.
PID-like controls are available only for Tubo fw or AF mods, those controls are not so easy to use and tune. DNA mods have “self-tuning” PID and are more efficient.
I like to use mods with a single 21700 battery, rare feature for AF or Tubo.
That's interesting because I have actually read up quite a lot about this. Have you actually used any of the quest 2.0 mod boxes? Lost Vape were known for using DNA chipsets on their mods. This is their own chipset aimed at the same target audience. All the reviews(user reviews and professional) indicate that it must also have some form of "self tuning" PID, there are apparently measurements to be found on some youtube reviews.

As for autofire/cruise mode, that is not something mentioned in the reviews as being present or as being absent. You could be right about that part. I've read reviews from people who are avid users of the DNA controlled mods who say there was nothing missing though. I'd have though it would at least get mention. There is a record function, that lets you save a particular draw you liked and 'replay it' as many times as you like. Maybe that could be a work around, but it seems such an easy feature to include via software that it wouldn't make sense to leave it out and put off potential buyers. If anyone actually has one of these, any input will be welcome because I've been looking at deals on these.

The newer Axon Chipset Mods, I'm less sure about. I just know the Vaporesso Armour MAX specifically is supposed to have surprisingly good TC for the price. I woudn't be surprised if they did have some PID tuning present though, it's not propietary tech by any means and although not easy, these firms have their own experts on the R&D teams who know what they are competing against. AF was written by enthusiasts was it not?

Whatever the case with either of these chipsets, I was pretty clear that the performance wont be quite as good, they are generally much cheaper so it's kind of expected. The DNA chipset is still king for performance but they are pricey/not cheap to replace if one breaks.

I'm well are of AF. I even do my own PID settings... which takes patience but the device monitor feature in NToolbox is very helpful for this. I'm not too well versed with Tubo to be honest. I've been looking for a list of compatible mod boxes but can't seem to find one. Is it aimed at a different chipset to the one AF is aimed at or the same one?
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Chronic vapaholic
TuboEvic is a fork of myevic by ClockSelect (https://github.com/ClockSelect/myevic). So it initially targeted the same Chinese trifecta that ArticFox eventually covered. I don't know how many particular devices were added by funkyjunky tho, as the firmware was mostly made to be used with the vapes he sold, while AF continued to be developed for a long while and kept adding new models (then RedPanda etc)

A shame they did not open source their project before turning the lights off.


Active Member
TuboEvic is a fork of myevic by ClockSelect (https://github.com/ClockSelect/myevic). So it initially targeted the same Chinese trifecta that ArticFox eventually covered. I don't know how many particular devices were added by funkyjunky tho, as the firmware was mostly made to be used with the vapes he sold, while AF continued to be developed for a long while and kept adding new models (then RedPanda etc)

A shame they did not open source their project before turning the lights off.
Thanks, the github documentation does have a 'compatible hardwares' list after all but it appears most of those files on that source are 6 years old or more. Here it is though:

  • Joyetech
    • eVic VTC Mini
    • eVic VTC Dual
    • eVic VTwo Mini
    • eVic VTwo
    • eVic AIO
    • eVic Basic
    • eGrip II / Light
    • Cuboid
    • Cuboid Mini
    • Cuboid 200
  • Wismec
    • Presa TC75W
    • Presa TC100W
    • Reuleaux RX75
    • Reuleaux RX200S
    • Reuleaux RX2/3
    • Reuleaux RXmini
    • Reuleaux RX300
    • Sinuous P228
  • Others
    • Vaponaute La Petite Box

I'm not sure how many of these still are available. I imagine whichever mod boxes lamart uses(Tubo based?) must still be in production, anyone know which ones those are? Wismec?
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Active Member
I've been doing some tweaks to my setup to allow for some micro dosing and I'm quite happy with the results so far. So I thought I'd do an update.

To get my temperature ranges closer to the Xmax V3 Pro. I've set the resistance at 0.258(cold resistance +0.003) and the TCR at 165. With these bigger coils, it feels like it takes a while for them to get to the target temp, so I have enabled the 5second boost(pre-heat curve) from my impcognito settings. There's a light glow starting at 430F but you could probably take it up to 450F if you really wanted to push it(not that much brighter). I start at around 340F or 350F depending on how much herb is in the basket, finishing around 430F sometimes finishing lower than that. 410F seems like the sweet spot, if you were wanting to clear the bowl in a couple of draws. For smaller doses, it's probably better to pack it tighter than you normally would, to allow for a tighter draw. I've had success with 0.02g, I could probably go lower but I imagine you'd only be getting 1 maybe 2 hits with 0.01g or lower.

config file if anyone wants it:

Coil setup:



Coil height, slightly higher than stock(I think):

I have also combined the rimmed basket with the dosing cap with the lid off, which seems to work better with the glass cooling stem than the dosing cap on it's own.

I'm not sure if it's just my herb but I don't get the flavour I used to get with the Impcognito at low temps. I'd really like to try the Glass Mouthpiece with Glass Screen Dreamwood sells, as that would be closest to an all glass path you can get on the glow. However, it's out of stock unfortunately and I've been checking back for weeks to no avail. If anyone knows a alternative source to buy one I'd appreciate a link.

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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it's just my herb but I don't get the flavour I used to get with the Impcognito at low temps
FWIW I get an excellent flavor from my setup. I Did coiled another wrap in each coil for that bigger operation range. I kinda look at the operation range as steps the mod can land at. So, if my range between cold resistance and hottest is around 0.95OHM, I have 95 steps that each one represent a different temp, so the bigger the range, the better and more precise my temp choosing will be, and IMO it's especially important when talking about low temp vaping.

Note: I don't think my mod can differentiate steps smaller than 0.01ohm, and even that is kind of an assumption with my cheap AF mod.


Active Member
FWIW I get an excellent flavor from my setup. I Did coiled another wrap in each coil for that bigger operation range. I kinda look at the operation range as steps the mod can land at. So, if my range between cold resistance and hottest is around 0.95OHM, I have 95 steps that each one represent a different temp, so the bigger the range, the better and more precise my temp choosing will be, and IMO it's especially important when talking about low temp vaping.

Note: I don't think my mod can differentiate steps smaller than 0.01ohm, and even that is kind of an assumption with my cheap AF mod.
To be honest, the amount of vapour I'm getting at lower temps is good(probably even better than the impcog), which is why I was expecting a stronger taste. So I'm fairly sure I have my settings dialled in sweet. That's why I'm thinking the biggest difference is that I never used to use dosing caps with the impcognito(plus maybe the length of the cooling stem being a lot longer has a little to do with it too). I'd just fill a shallow basket, so the air is directly hitting the herb first. A glass screen stem would be even better for flavour. Dosing caps are so much easier to keep everything cleaner though. I'll probably still use a dosing cap most of the time when I'm having longer sessions.

As far as steps go, I'm happy with mine. Setting it to Fahrenheit gives me plenty of range in temperatures. More than enough for me, as I tend to end up stepping by 10F or more.
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Well-Known Member
To be honest, the amount of vapour I'm getting at lower temps is good(probably even better than the impcog), which is why I was expecting a stronger taste. So I'm fairly sure I have my settings dialled in sweet. That's why I'm thinking the biggest difference is that I never used to use dosing caps with the impcognito(plus maybe the length of the cooling stem being a lot longer has a little to do with it too). I'd just fill a shallow basket, so the air is directly hitting the herb first. A glass screen stem would be even better for flavour. Dosing caps are so much easier to keep everything cleaner though. I'll probably still use a dosing cap most of the time when I'm having longer sessions.
I used to use capsules when I first got it, but these days load the herbs directly 99% of the time. Maybe if I'm really need the portability, going from one place to another, I can make a capsule or two ready for later on. BTW I'm not sure how glass screen affect the flavor as the herb get blasted with the hot air anyway, and only then it get past through whatever screen/basket we're using. Anyway, glad you're enjoying it and give it a try with the good old straw method without a capsule and let us know if something changed :)
As far as steps go, I'm happy with mine. Setting it to Fahrenheit gives me plenty of range in temperatures. More than enough for me, as I tend to end up stepping by 10F or more.
Yeah, but I mean, if you raise the temp by 10F, but both the previous temp and the current temp lands on the same resistance, I don't think it REALLY changes the actual coils′ temp (and therefore the air's temp).


Active Member
Yeah, but I mean, if you raise the temp by 10F, but both the previous temp and the current temp lands on the same resistance, I don't think it REALLY changes the actual coils′ temp (and therefore the air's temp).
That shouldn't be happening though should it? A difference of 10F in target temps, should always be landing on a different resistance, even if only a slight difference. That's how temperature control works because the resistance of the coil changes at different temperatures. Which is why the TCR(Temperature Coefficient of Resistance) value is important, it's telling the mod the physical properties of the alloy material, ie what the resistance should be at different temperatures. In general, I just go off the device monitor and the vapor I'm getting. If I'm getting to the target temp quickly, with smooth straight lines on the graph(no spikes) and it's able to keep up when drawing air over the coils, then I'm happy. I'm getting good vapor, even AVB, no danger of combustion.

I wouldn't get too bogged down with resistance readings personally. When you consider the actual TCR of SS316L is supposed to be between 88 and 92, which next to nobody uses, I don't think it's correct that you should be seeing such a big range in resistances(ie it's probably not supposed to fluctuate so widely between those temps... unless I'm misreading your point). I always like to remind myself that some people are still running dry herb atomizers like this in wattage mode and getting by just fine.

Plus without having a decent thermal camera pointed at it, you wont really know for sure what temperatures you're actually working with. Now if someone were to go to the effort of seting up a thermal camera test bench, to get the correct temperatures dialed in, maybe even the temperature of the herb chamber during a draw. Complete with a list of Resistance and TCR values for the stock ss316L dreamwood coils and a range of prebuilt coils, like ones I have installed now... I think most glow owners would be all over that but I doubt anyone will.:D
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Well-Known Member
... if you raise the temp by 10F, but both the previous temp and the current temp lands on the same resistance...

The Live Monitor Utility for AF, Tubo and DNA has three decimal places for cold and live resistance. Also available on the mod with three decimal places most of the times.
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Well-Known Member
Oh I see the issue here, I brain farted the coldest to hottest difference value. I meant to say 0.095 Ohm difference, which is why I said 95 steps. Probably missed a 0 there. I'd need a hell of a heater to reach 0.95 Ohm difference lol
  • Haha
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