Well-Known Member
Gone all out on the balls....
Made a few of these now for backups. Actually got it nailed. No more stress fractures or tool marks. Push the stem into a tub of sand, compact it down hard and use beeswax on a ball end dab tool to stop it sticking. Blowtorch and a gentle push while turning the dabtool back and forth.
25x 6mm ruby balls in this one. The little ball cartridge I made before is an excellent cooler but a bitch to clean when bits of AVB get up in it. Might be overkill in the balls but draw resistance is still really free so why not...
Total cost per stem is about £15. Mostly the ruby balls tbh. Even in bulk they're at least 40-50p each. Still for a glass stem with 25 ruby balls in it that's not too shabby. Literally takes 5 minutes to make tops.
They stack in threes perfectly inside this stem, so I get 8 rows of three with a single ball on top, then three nipples trap them in place around the top ball. Forces the air round them for maximum contact.

Made a few of these now for backups. Actually got it nailed. No more stress fractures or tool marks. Push the stem into a tub of sand, compact it down hard and use beeswax on a ball end dab tool to stop it sticking. Blowtorch and a gentle push while turning the dabtool back and forth.

25x 6mm ruby balls in this one. The little ball cartridge I made before is an excellent cooler but a bitch to clean when bits of AVB get up in it. Might be overkill in the balls but draw resistance is still really free so why not...
Total cost per stem is about £15. Mostly the ruby balls tbh. Even in bulk they're at least 40-50p each. Still for a glass stem with 25 ruby balls in it that's not too shabby. Literally takes 5 minutes to make tops.
They stack in threes perfectly inside this stem, so I get 8 rows of three with a single ball on top, then three nipples trap them in place around the top ball. Forces the air round them for maximum contact.