Trouble with the white is that it won't stay white for long at all

Beautiful stem though, hope you enjoy it, i love my galaxy.
Haha yeah, but that is true of everything? I like opaque white glass, I doubt I'll use it frequently enough to get it too dirty quick, but then you know when to clean! I have the good vibes stems coming too, I shelled out more for those and they are really something special... Excited to show them off here! I like the multicolor swirled style high artisan pills though, almost got one of those with twist mouthpiece instead
Hey, do you guys need to stirr with the TM2? IB HATE stirring and thats why I never got the TM1
No, you don't need to stir either one, I never stir either one, it's easy to use them without stirring effectively (loading properly, using temp control properly, etc)
You can not use "regular" rimmed basket screens. Tinymightvapes commissioned rimmed baskets that will not pop off when you remove the stem. @vgoodies has them as mentioned above. You can also get them from Finland. I would be surprised if you can get the correct rimmed basket screens from Etsy.
I'm not sure why you started talking about rimmed basket screens because they were clearly asking about the rimless basket screens:
Anyone know USA shippers for basket screens? Ebay and Etsy guy are on vacation till the 10th
FYI, I tried buying 15mm rimmed baskets from AliExpress, they don't work and fall out of standard wall thickness stems. They might work with an o-ring around the outside of the basket but that's more trouble than it's worth. It seems the custom ones from TM and VGoodiez are the only ones that work reliably.
Again, the person was talking about the rimless basket screens from the eBay / etsy seller... Correct rimless basket screens do not work here, unless you get the ones specifically for the TM, and often there is variance with all basket screens fitting inside inner diameter of different stems and they might need to be warped to fit if they ever can...
how long is a basket lasting you?
You could be fine with one basket forever, keep it in your stem, clean it with your stem, the thing is usually the mesh basket screen gets dirty and clogs faster, depending on your grind etc, so that is why it is easier to have a spare basket screen to swap out before you have to clean your stem... It can be easier to toss them or save them to clean a bunch at once, but they are by no means disposable, you could be fine with the one basket screen that comes with your TM easily.
This one seems to be the same for the people waiting one.
Oh cool, that link doesn't work for me though