Green Kiwi
Well-Known Member
Ha , yes I also have done that, upside-down ,and with a strong suction hose (6mm) connected to vacuum cleaner to make sure no flint and or dust or aluminium goes into the heater bellow .Also, has any of you polished the mighty or crafty with a Dremel in the oven? Been thinking about it for a while and it seems like a good idea, but very unsure as this might release particles from the material that might not be that healthy to heat up.
Makes it looks brand new and also makes it soo smooth that you bowl stays cleaner after the polishing is done.

I also like sharing devices with friends in need, it's the best thing you can do with your old ones, while you couldn't help yourself and bought a new one that possibly had 1 new cimmic like boost or increased turn off time , etc......

Have fun brother , there are very good tutorials nowadays on this topic. and in my own experience it safes money by watching them first instead of afterwards ...........