Gentleman Of Leisure
I'm down on the Tafee Bowle but haven't actually tried it; I just can't forgive the 750mah internal battery. The 18650 cells the TM and FW7 use are all in the 2500 to 3000mah range and still don't last more than four bowls before you notice a difference in punch.these pictures are so nice!
i feel like just looking at the tm and fw7 i can feel how smooth the hit is!
PS regarding the lighter. i have a Big Shot or Blazer or Buddy (one of those) on the way. that will be good right?
or is a small keychain lighter, like you linked. the better choice?
That's one nice thing about the Sticky Brick: you do have to get your torch technique initially but with the right single flame torch length (not the big dabber torches) you can fully extract .3g or more in two or three hits. Some folks use a bent intake and a double or triple torch but I like the control of the Honest single flame that came with my OG.
After seeing your globe and desk setup I'll allow the right log might be handy. I prefer meaningful controls like the Tinymight and FW7 offer for more of a low medium and high approach to extraction. If a HeatIsland or Underdog set to one happy temp was paired with a simple WPA like I use with the Tinymight you might prefer that sort of always-on solution to fucking with batteries and chargers.
If you go Tinymight before Brick the WPA will spare you clogging the steel cooling unit in the short stem. With some spare batteries on a charger the Tinymight would do well on that globe. It's such a punchy and versatile heater. I use mine with an upside-down Splinter stem as a WPA and can adjust the bowl size by scooting that screen down.

One caveat is the threaded battery door on the Tinymight is kinda bullshit. I'm gentle with mine but if I was swapping cells several times a day it could get annoying. The Firewood7 battery door is easy but you have to remember not to burn yourself on the ceramic heater bottom.
The only brick I've owned is the OG and it's so comfortable to hold and use, like a dry bong with dense vapor instead of smoke. I'd use mine more but it's less efficient with me being unable to restrain myself.
Not to be too gushy but if you had three hits off your first bowl with any of these vapes (even the Firewood7 stuck on the lowest heat setting) you'd probably be impressed and encouraged, so you only need to "worry" about which one you try next after the elev8r. Since you can't even pay for a Firewood7 for another month you could put a Tinymight or some flavor of brick through its paces in the meantime. The Tinymight being low effort to sell for someone already on reddit might give it an edge for me but bricks sell for 80% of their new price too so there isn't much risk either way.