my experience with Z so far, maybe it will help someone new to splinters (i would have appreciated some sum up from someone who has it):
(note that i have only a not very functional mod, which says unit too hot all the time so i am able to take only 1,5 bowl in a row)
Battery life - using 3 batteries, after ive done 9 bowls i still have half of my battery life left. i have been using 35-50W and my abv was almost black in some spots (which i like, dont judge me

) so the three battery mod might really be little bit of overkill since it might last for around 15-17 bowls (even i as a cbd user dont have to use that much of weed at once).
Batteries - i got LH HG 3, they seem ok, i wasnt expecting nothing special from batteries. i recommend getting nitecore digital charger, it is nice to see the minimum/maximum voltage of your batteries.
flavour - nothing new here. i was expecting flavourful thick vapor and thats what you get. for me its better than my e-nano, cant even compare it to my crafty. i always thought smoking is necessary to tell if some weed tastes good, is harsh or not. splinter can reveal the whole spectrum of your weeds flavour and i have never tasted weed like this before even though i own the e-nano, which is supposed to be flavoursome too. the difference is, that splinter is on-demand, so if you want to take a terpene hit you can and then in another few seconds you can milk the shit out of your weed. and thats not possible with my nano. i can have a terp hit, but then i have to wait another 20 secs for reaching the ''milking'' temperature.
vapor harshness - this is very individual i think, but for me the vapor is cooler then with crafty with much bigger clouds. even at 50W after inserting fresh weed i can take that hit with no problem for a short draw. so xl8r really isn't a must. it will definitely provides smoother vapor and i will get it, but even without is the z nearly perfect.
vape strenght - this is where splinter amazes me the most. it is incredibly strong. i have noticed, that i use much less weed with splinter, even though my abv isnt as even as with my crafty. i did a few 1 bowl 1 hits and with cbd its awesome. this way even those cbd strains with almost none thc are heavy hitting, i havent had this experience with any other vaporizer (not that i have tried many of these novelty vapes). it seems to me much stronger than my e-nano and i can take much bigger hits with it without the vapor being too harsh
pocketability - this is what i don't understand very much. when some ask here about this many people say that splinter is more pocketable than z. well z is very small. what isn't very pocketable is 2 or 3-battery grip and mostly the glass stem, which you have to have in a case for transport, its also good to have some stiring tool. neither a splinter and neither a z i cant imagine being carried in a pocket with the glass stem safely. also its what a would call travel-log-vape so its always open and i dont know how about you, but i dont want to be vaping some shit i have collected in my pockets

wpa - i want to get this asap. i have a small bong and this is i think a must, cause it will be so comfortable to use. looking forward to receiving this very much.
mod - i have reuleux rx gen 3. i have read online it is not very reliable, also i received mine not working and had to exchange it. also i have a mac, which means i didnt want to bother with arctic fox. it is very easy to load myevic though. sneakypete says it is a little bit of pain, but actually its just a matter of connecting it to your mac, installing wismec software and uploading it to your rx gen 3. and thats it. thats also why i bough it again even though i received the first one not working. it is very easy to upload custom firmware and also it fits perfectly in my hand. i will try to load funkyjunky also, it has cruise mod, which i would like to try for sure.
overall - this vape fulfilled my expactations and more. i live in eu, i didnt have a mod and i missed the sale on gwn (by a week, lol). so the total sum for my splinter including batteries was 335 $(140 for z + shipping and 45$ custom fees, mod, batteries, charger 150$). so i wouldnt say it is a cheap vaporizer. but for me it is worth every cent, because its the first vape i really enjoy in every aspect. since it arrived i havend used my crafty and i even would not use my enano if i had a working mod and wpa..
P.S. I got mine in blackwood with smoked glass