Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
@Shit Snacks Hey ! You should give the vacuum cleaner a go.
1. Remove the screen and soak it in alcohol.It is number one suspect for shitty taste. I really hate it when hash gets stuck onto it.
2. Check if anything rattles or if there are glass particles .
3. Put a sock on your vacuum cleaner tube to avoid scarring to the wood.
4. Clean from both holes/sides of the heating chamber.
5. Press fire if there is any smell ,do short bursts and repeat vacuuming till you get satisfying results.
6.If things are really bad like something is stuck into the coils you can try to free the particles with a safety pin and then do burn offs and vacuuming.
As Gray Area said it is not a problem that you get flow from the sides of the tubo.

Thanks all.

Not sure about the vacuum cleaner thing I can't really use my right hand so well currently, and I never really wanted to try taking out the heater screen as it was placed just so... I've done a good job of keeping mine reasonably clean considering, not sure how well this vacuum technique would work with screen still installed?

Good to know about the air flow, don't hear any rattling or see any cracks through slots on the side, but I am just not a hundred percent sure it is working as it was before. Part of what makes it hard to tell is now I don't have my usual stem...

Thanks for the attempt, @frosty234 .

I am looking for the file that goes with this link from firmware page.
sorry i missed to change this link. there was a typo in the name of the file originally. i just verified that all links work now, please try again.

this is the stand on warranty:
90days for the electronics from joyetech (the devices seem to hold for a long time when they survive this period), 2 years for the rest except glass.

have a nice sunday everyone!

how is the temp stepping going?


Well-Known Member
how is the temp stepping going?

I find it perfect for my usage :freak:
I like seeing the vapour diminishing with the last draws at a certain temp, only to come back thicker than ever at the following step. My friends' red eyes during the last weekend can vouch for its effectiveness too!

Last night I scorched my herbs, but it was completely my fault as I was at the end of a session with still a bit to go so and accidentally pressed three times instead of two, triggering warmup mode :doh:

One a separate note: I'm thinking of buying a new water piece, and I thought that a cooling mouthpiece would be a great addition. I contacted stevenlmz79 on DHGate to see if they would think about making one, will keep you posted (would very much like to buy DDave's but shipping to the EU is a bit steep - and the Milaana's on Vapefiend is out of stock).

Last but not least: I've decided to get a Flam with my next order, along with the wooden stems as soon as they are available. Just so you know, FJ :cool:

Have a great day everyone!


Well-Known Member
There's a coupon code available
I find it perfect for my usage :freak:
I like seeing the vapour diminishing with the last draws at a certain temp, only to come back thicker than ever at the following step. My friends' red eyes during the last weekend can vouch for its effectiveness too!

Last night I scorched my herbs, but it was completely my fault as I was at the end of a session with still a bit to go so and accidentally pressed three times instead of two, triggering warmup mode :doh:

One a separate note: I'm thinking of buying a new water piece, and I thought that a cooling mouthpiece would be a great addition. I contacted stevenlmz79 on DHGate to see if they would think about making one, will keep you posted (would very much like to buy DDave's but shipping to the EU is a bit steep - and the Milaana's on Vapefiend is out of stock).

Last but not least: I've decided to get a Flam with my next order, along with the wooden stems as soon as they are available. Just so you know, FJ :cool:

Have a great day everyone!
which gives you -10 $ on the ddave tubo cooler leading to a total of 30 $ including shipping to EU. Just fyi, I can look for the code if you're interested (and it's still working)
. It's not that much more than the milaana cooler at vapefiend.

I have to admit that the ddave cooler is my main method with the tubo, followed by the whip.

I'm really looking forward to buying a wooden stem though. Release is this month, right?


AVB Inspector
Yeah, unfortunately in the UK (when buying ftom the US) we also get slapped with a 20% import tax plus an additional handling fee of at least £8.01. Special offers aren't very special by the time they reach us. :huh:
@BaroneBarra great call on asking at dhgate man :tup:. I have two Milaana cooling stems from Vapefiend, but always on the look out for alternatives not from the US - there aren't any really. Maybe an Arizer glass balloon adaptor, that's about it. Definitely keep us posted man please.:drool:
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Well-Known Member
There's a coupon code available

which gives you -10 $ on the ddave tubo cooler leading to a total of 30 $ including shipping to EU. Just fyi, I can look for the code if you're interested (and it's still working)
. It's not that much more than the milaana cooler at vapefiend.

I have to admit that the ddave cooler is my main method with the tubo, followed by the whip.

I'm really looking forward to buying a wooden stem though. Release is this month, right?

@frosty234 I am looking at buying the ddave vapor cooler right now, do you have the coupon code? I was thinking of asking him directly. Thanks! FJ told me the wooden stems would most likely be released end of May.
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Well-Known Member
I was so excited to buy the vapor cooler with the coupon; but apparently so was everyone else, because by the time I tried to buy it, it was already sold out.:disgust:

Oh well.. still waiting for my Tubo in the mail anyways.:shrug:

I spoke too soon. @DDave saves the day again!

I should have the vapor cooler arrive around the same time as my Tubo, yay! :clap:
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New Member
@funkyjunky What is the best way to know when custom or prebuilt Tubos are back in stock? I don’t want to miss the next availability if I’m not checking the shop everyday. Sorry if this is asked a lot.

Simple Man

Simple Pleasures

Woo hoo. Tubo is here. Looking forward to learning to use it. Gotta go back and reread the "how to" posts.

Why oh why isn't there a best of thread that would make that all easy to find? Get busy and make one somebody. lol

Edit: Thanks for creating this thing, FJ.
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Simple Man

Simple Pleasures
Unfortunately your picture isn't working (at least for me).
Just ask whatever you wanna know :)
Couldn't figure the photo thing out. Was just a GIF of somebody jumping for joy.

I'll probably temp step. That's the way I use other vapes. Suggested temp and length settings to get all the goodness without tempting combustion?

My setup will most likely be: Tube >> 18mm WPA >> d020 bubbler >> cork adapter >> extra long whip.

On a separate note, does anybody have an idea for hooking dual whips up to the bubbler? My spouse and I would love to lay on the couch with Tubo between us and lazily sip houkha-style without passing anything.


never wanted to beat that one ;)
Actually I started a tubo wiki already at but did not have the time to fill it with information.
But it would be great if those willing would contribute and we could compile all the useful info there! :)
Edit: Since I posted it now, I just added some page stubs which could be filled and augmented with more from all of you ;)
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Well-Known Member
Couldn't figure the photo thing out. Was just a GIF of somebody jumping for joy.

I'll probably temp step. That's the way I use other vapes. Suggested temp and length settings to get all the goodness without tempting combustion?

My setup will most likely be: Tube >> 18mm WPA >> d020 bubbler >> cork adapter >> extra long whip.

On a separate note, does anybody have an idea for hooking dual whips up to the bubbler? My spouse and I would love to lay on the couch with Tubo between us and lazily sip houkha-style without passing anything.
A "Y" adapter would work, I think they're also called Klaisen adapters, but won't swear to it.

Here's an example

I have one for larger hits with small vapes, like GH's, I put it on the incoming side and double bang it!

You could put it on the outward side and put two whips on it. I'd be interested to hear how fast you'd kill a bowl, or how it kept up with two people drawing on it.


Just got my Tubo this week and still experimenting. Its my first mod box and I already broke one of the glass hose connection pieces (my vault now I gotta reorder), that said I really love how well it works with smooth cool hits out of the box. I am looking forward to getting into the menu more, right now its just on demand and cruise mode. Does anybody know when the wood stems that hold the mighty capsules are due for release. Thanks FJ great vape!


Well-Known Member
Just got my Tubo this week and still experimenting. Its my first mod box and I already broke one of the glass hose connection pieces (my vault now I gotta reorder), that said I really love how well it works with smooth cool hits out of the box. I am looking forward to getting into the menu more, right now its just on demand and cruise mode. Does anybody know when the wood stems that hold the mighty capsules are due for release. Thanks FJ great vape!
Just curious, when did you originally order yours?

@funkyjunky Is this the official firmware developed by you? The github username is different. If that's the case, it might be an idea to link to a github html page for download links. :)
yes, this is my repo. dont have the compiled files on there as i dont want too many ecig users cruising their atomizers to death. the firmware should be posted on the manual tab of and

@funkyjunky What is the best way to know when custom or prebuilt Tubos are back in stock? I don’t want to miss the next availability if I’m not checking the shop everyday. Sorry if this is asked a lot.
ill add more to order every week or two. yes i got quite busy with all the 420 orders. next round, next week, friday most likely. at the moment we are looking at higher building times still, hope to get back to the 4 weeks soon.

have @Abysmal Vapor s OG tubo here for the second time. very bad luck imo.
replaced the evic and decided to open up the heater as well to re-seat the tubes and add an intake screen. ended up taking out the old coils and replacing them in the process, you can see them below.
imo they look very good after maybe a year or so of use. no degradation or getting brittle. the discoloration of the metal is normal and happens at high heat, most likely from the burning in before it went out.

and some fresh heaters, the coils get stretched out in a later step:

please, if i miss questions, ask them again :D
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