Mine was ordered March 25 and changed to "building" status on April 1. I know it'll be worth the wait but it sure would be nice to see that status switch to shipped. If things are running slower than expected, I worry for those who ordered this last weekend. It may be quite a while before you see yours.My tubo evic has been getting built since 28/03is this normal?
Nobody except @Dan Morrison has used a Nomad, so there is no way to compare.@NHCheef is your Tubo on the way?
Ordered 03/23. It just finished and will be shipping out soon, yay! I regret choosing economy over priority shipping now. I just hope it gets here complete and unmolested.
For those with a Tubo, do you think the Nomad will blow it out of the water? I'm interested to see what people think about this. I wonder if the Tubo helps with the VAS enough that I won't feel the need to get a Nomad.
@NHCheef is your Tubo on the way?
Ordered 03/23. It just finished and will be shipping out soon, yay! I regret choosing economy over priority shipping now. I just hope it gets here complete and unmolested.
For those with a Tubo, do you think the Nomad will blow it out of the water? I'm interested to see what people think about this. I wonder if the Tubo helps with the VAS enough that I won't feel the need to get a Nomad.
@NHCheef is your Tubo on the way?
Ordered 03/23. It just finished and will be shipping out soon, yay! I regret choosing economy over priority shipping now. I just hope it gets here complete and unmolested.
For those with a Tubo, do you think the Nomad will blow it out of the water? I'm interested to see what people think about this. I wonder if the Tubo helps with the VAS enough that I won't feel the need to get a Nomad.
@Aerio Can you please tell me where everyone is getting these DDave mods and accessories? I also want to get a vapor cooler mp!I ordered mine 27/3, and have been checking the order status every day since. Especially during the run up to 4/20, haha.
As mentioned by others, it changed to "building" at 1/4, and had its status updated to "building" again but with a comment about my whip on the 10/4.
It just changed to packaging on the 22/4. I'm so hyped!
Already recieved my extra 30Q batteries, charger, and custom vapor cooler mouthpiece from Ddave.
Can't wait!
Tubo coolers back in stock!A quick Google should give you this link https://www.ddavemods.com/store/c7/Tubo_Evic.html
The cooler seems to be out of stock though. Maybe write him a mail or pm @DDave
It's definitely worth it, cools the vapor significantly, other option would be the whip but that's not quite as handy.
I suppose it was the wrong term; I should have asked how they compare. What made me say "blow it out of the water" is that the Nomad is 33% more expensive and the wait time is 3-4x as long. The Mighty is only 15% more than the Nomad, so I want to see how it performs.. eventually.
I recommended the tubo in another thread and the person replied that, among other things, the tubo only has a 60 day warranty? Is that accurate? I've never had problems with mine and have had it for quite a while so it's not an issue for me. But that does seem very short.
@funkyjunky I was just trying to update my dual to the latest firmware and I am getting a file not found error when following your link.