The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel


Well-Known Member
A word of caution on the S&B orange plastic grinder. Be on the lookout for tiny bits of the tips going missing. It's happened on more than one grinder I've had and left me wondering Where the fuck did that piece wind up?
So I discontinued use, even though I really like how they work. Went back to trusty old OG Cosmic 4 piece, which pays a dividend over time, in kief...

Have also discontinued use of mine months ago due to the broken bits. Can't think vaping ground up plastic is very good for you.


Well-Known Member
Oh boy! :worms:

It's the nectar of cannabis gods!
Oh no; here we (I) go!

Also love the capsuals should ship with heaps! Anyone got a cheap link they are sweet, fit loaded in the back side of the grinder!
Back of the grinder! Hadn't thought of that for caps, another good option, thanks

Best grinder i know.
Will check for little plastik parts splitting off.
I forgot about that, yes, it happened to me as well, and the piece was so tiny.
The reason I stopped using plastic grinders is half the weed got stuck/absorbed in the plastic, I felt I was losing way more terpenes. So I threw them out. (Sorry Aimless Ryan) However, they are easier to hold/twist because of the molded shape....

I can leave my home only with my smell-proof caddy full of capsules without grinders and bud.
Exactly! And if you like to fill bowls, you can leave home with a smell proof doob tube, (no grinder or capsules) Super easy bowl fill, as it matches the shape of the bowl. The black doob tubes also match the Mighty, looks like a third battery!
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Flower of empathy

Sometimes to stupid to become a fool
Accessory Maker
haven't got any issues with broken plastic tips, maybe bc i've the habbit of removing almost every small stem before grinding - i like to fill up Havanna (Cannabis) Club bottles with those stems and let them sit a few weeks, gives the rum a nice weed tasting turn (depending on dosage...) and somehow i have the suspicion the hemp fibers absorb some of the fusel alcohols, it tastes less sharp/harsh (pure buds don't do that so much)
Anyone tried cleaning the grinder or even the CU in a dishwasher? (for the rlly lazy ones ;) )
Up to now i only cleaned the grinder with a 15 min bath in warm milk and a sturdy brush with warm water and soap afterwards, works fine
Flower of empathy,
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Question: Has anybody had any luck adding additional conduction by using screens in their capsules? I put one screen on the bottom of the capsule, one on top of a half load, then add an additional domed screen on top to keep the half load of herbs lightly compressed. Then I put the lid on to keep everything secure. For what it's worth, I removed the screen from my cooling unit as I really don't need it with my technique. I really thought I might get slightly higher temperatures (darker ABV) than 410F doing this. *sigh* Not so much.

Don't get me wrong, I get good results with my Mighty. But I run it at max temperature for the whole session until I get no more vapor. Afterwards, I put the 'spent' load in my Solo 2 at max and get more clouds until the ABV is dark brown.

I realize that ABV color is not necessarily a reliable indicator for extraction, but my Solo 2 seems to milk more from my herb and gets the ABV a lot darker. I do realize there is more conduction going on in the Solo 2 than the Mighty and that it has a higher maximum temperature. I also know that convection usually won't get your ABV as dark a brown as conduction.

Anyone had any luck getting better results? Am I doing something wrong? I realize that this vape has made a lot of folks very happy so I am definitely not bashing it at all. I'm just a higher temperature guy and like to get all I can from my herb the first time. Don't really care about taste...just results.
I put a liquid pad on top of the load and it adds conduction and gets me a very even AVB. Might want to give that a try, yeah?


60 going on 20
I put a liquid pad on top of the load and it adds conduction and gets me a very even AVB. Might want to give that a try, yeah?
I second that. I’ve been using the liquid pads in my Mighty, Crafty and Plenty since day 1, makes all three of them solo session vapes........A nice little .15 load in the Crafty or Mighty with the pad on top.....still works like a charm. For the Plenty, because of its large chamber (learned how to use prior to the reducer chamber being offered), I just mix the same amount with ABV. I have a handful of capsules, but with the pads, they’re just superfluous.


Active Member
Anyone notice that after you drop it, it stops vibrating for a while, but always comes back? It's happened a few times for me.


Well-Known Member
I got the SLX when it just came out and was only available at this one shop in Amsterdam for eur 100, but I had read so much about it, and was so exited about it, I just got it.

10 months later, I think there's a lot of hype to it. Some of the ceramic coating has come off the edges of the teeth, it DOES get dirty (F that "never clean again" BS) tho maybe less than your traditional grinder. Personally I would like the end product to be more finely grinded, but that's personal. The finish on the grinder itself is not worth it's money, at least not what I paid.

Before that, I had for close to 10 years a wooden grinder I once bought in Germany, with spikes coming out. Did the work and did get dirty, but cleaning it was part of the fun when I was dry.

I stay away from plastic grinders, coz they chip. I still have to meet a plastic grinder that can handle a nice nug of GSCs. I thinking it's a shame that the S&B products come with such a cheap looking grinder.


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Santa Cruz shredder
Interplanetary super weapon II
New Vape fine or course

All seem to be pretty popular choices
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Aimless Ryan

Came to read about grinders; fucked combustion
I got the SLX when it just came out and was only available at this one shop in Amsterdam for eur 100, but I had read so much about it, and was so exited about it, I just got it.

10 months later, I think there's a lot of hype to it. Some of the ceramic coating has come off the edges of the teeth, it DOES get dirty (F that "never clean again" BS) tho maybe less than your traditional grinder. Personally I would like the end product to be more finely grinded, but that's personal. The finish on the grinder itself is not worth it's money, at least not what I paid.

Before that, I had for close to 10 years a wooden grinder I once bought in Germany, with spikes coming out. Did the work and did get dirty, but cleaning it was part of the fun when I was dry.

I stay away from plastic grinders, coz they chip. I still have to meet a plastic grinder that can handle a nice nug of GSCs. I thinking it's a shame that the S&B products come with such a cheap looking grinder.
Nice to read an honest, critical thought about the SLX ("Ess Ell ex" to me). Apparently there's an unwritten rule in the grinder thread prohibiting that. Even with all the hype in that thread, I have never wanted one. First of all because it's not deep enough. My hands would hit each other. Volcano grinder avoids that by having strategically placed knurling. Which actually does something.

Also, do Europeans even know what Girl Scout cookies are?


Well-Known Member
@Baron23 does the fine grind work well on Ghost?
I have used ever kind of grind I have in the MV-1 without issues, tell the truth.

Most of my herb is ground with the fine grinder, dried in a pollen box for a bit, then stored in Space Case containers. I have not done anything different to prepare herb for my MV-1 and its worked perfectly fine.

Oh, I have some old Blue Dream that just goes to dust and probably won't put that in it, but everything else, yeah.

I did grind some herb using the NV coarse grinder and it worked fine also but I didn't see a particularly big difference.

NV Coarse ground Mr Nice

The load



Old & In the Way
Anyone notice that after you drop it, it stops vibrating for a while, but always comes back? It's happened a few times for me.
Many vibration generators (and I think Mighty/Crafty are this way) are simply mechanical, not much more than a small weight spinning on a shaft that is set slightly off-center (eccentric) through the weight. Often they can 'hang', or stop at a point where it's harder for the small current to rotate the shaft next time it's called to do so. It's also not uncommon for this condition to self-correct. If the unit is not vibrating , you can try to reset by bumping the Mighty (near the bottom) sideways on say, the palm of your hand.


Well-Known Member
Nice to read an honest, critical thought about the SLX

Also, do Europeans even know what Girl Scout cookies are?

Thank you Ryan, I try to keep it real so others can know what to expect.

And if you know what Amnesia Haze or UK Cheese is, then yes, we know what GSCs are. Good things just go around. Tho I must confess there're many cuts/strains in the US I would be curious to try, it's just a matter of time before they pop on this side of the Atlantic.

But let's keep it about the Mighty, as Stu says.


Seeking My Shangri-La
I put a liquid pad on top of the load and it adds conduction and gets me a very even AVB. Might want to give that a try, yeah?
I've decided to only use dosing capsules with my Mighty as it keeps things very clean. But thank you for the suggestion, @Baron23. The capsule liquid pads are too thick to use with herb and I don't really feel like trying to pry one apart to make it thinner. So far, my screen method in the capsules seems to be working rather well.

My ABV comes out very even colored every time; no need for stirring at all which I like. I'm getting typical Mighty results just wish it had a hotter maximum temperature. Maybe their next model will? But I have to say that it gets me pretty medicated so it must be doing it's job. And I have my Solo 2 to get ABV dark brown if I wish. Both units are serving me very well.

Again, thank you, @Baron23. And you too, @mucsusn. Good suggestion.
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