Was that when using a SS or Ti tip?
I don't think it matters because flame placement would be the same.
Shhhhhh... There is a solution to that.
Cute, cybrguy!
I think you are spot on for where you want to be. I'd say at this point you are no longer learning to use the VapCap but fine tuning it to your specific requirements.
Thank you, that was nice of you to say. A much needed pat-on-the-back.

I do see my progress.
I'm a body buzz kinda guy so stick to indicas and higher temps. However most folk seem to prefer the less lazy high and avoid the higher temps for health reasons.
Sativas or S. hybrids all the way for me baby!
Glad it's working for you, all my material lately has been very well cured so I haven't run into issues with moist material but thanks for the heads up.
Well, I just picked up 62% brovedas so this was moist. I didn't get around to taking it out earlier to let it dry out for a couple of days or even use
@flotntoke's suggestion of putting it in the car for a short time to dry it out. But, because it is moist, got a nice coarse airy/fluffy grind. And, despite the moisture, it vaped very well & was flavorful.

Now, your being a pompous, smart ass! I had to look up 4 of them only to find out OK was abbrev. & not an acro.

For those who don't know & are just too damn lazy to find out: For your info, I don't know, as far as I know, keep it simple, OK? Have a Good Day. But I don't know what
eime is. I think you said your trade was mechanical engineering?

If so,then is could mean
Early Intervention and Mechanical Engineering.
All I know is that you are looking out for us fellow thread members, trying to keep our brains active &, thus, warding off alzheimers.
Geez you forgot...I'm also UNKIND!
I said pompous, smart ass(!), but I never said or implied unkind.
But thanks for the 'color, font, bold, italic' tip even though you just said that to make up for finding out and broadcasting my true pompous, smart-ass personality.
Your on to me!
Thanks! I thought it couldn't be fixed. After I deleted part of Summer's post, I wanted to hit the Smilies button but it was all highlighted. I didn't highlight it but I couldn't get rid of the highlight...tried to grab both ends but it was 'fixed' and neither end would move. So I just hit 'submit'. So thanks again!
If the link is broken, just go back again to the post you want to add to your reply & click on 'Quote'. You can re-add the post again with the unbroken link.
I'm following your journey thru the DV adventure because it's a lot like my own. I can't afford to have any harsh vapes at all. I'm hoping I can eventually learn how to get just really really small vapor hits.
I don't like harsh vape either. Take a shot at what GreenHopper & flotntoke suggested. Worth a try.
See how the flame has a dark blue halo, keep the cap in that.
Sounds like you're definitely in right part of flame. When I use a triple jet in triangle config (instead of jets being inline) I find best heating with 2 jets hitting out towards end of cap, and 3rd jet lined up dead center and away from end of cap. Very simple diagram with blue dots as jets.
I just tried rotating the lighter to the triangle position you suggested, along with
@GreenHopper 's flame-to-cap positioning & it worked great. Light vapor on every hit (how I like it); normal, slow ABV color change. OK, this definitely betters my technique. But, Greenhopper, I didn't drop the cap as low/deep into the lighter blue region as you, rather I dropped it, from just above the lighter blue area, into the
outer extreme of the lighter blue. I roll on the slower side so if the intensity is farther away I'm assured not to roast. And I even used your technique for packing the tip...
Sorry, can't readily find your packing post, GH.