Bravo sir. Enjoyed the post.
Also, I also need at least a little grind to get clouds.
And this is why I've been here since 2012.......
Always a wealth of great info. Seriously, much appreciated!
Edit: I haven't even fully gotten the hang of my M and already want an omni with a little bit of extra money I didn't expect to have. Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
This is bullshit. Fucking bullshit. What a crock of fuckwad. I hate my VAS
Anybody here feel just ok about the M but can't help wondering the hits I'd get from one of the more expensive options?
Thanks fella , appreciate the compliment.
Regarding the Omni/VAS situation here is my advice (not everyone will agree - when do they ever?).
I'd get an
@Pipes induction heater over an Omni any day of the week. If it was a choice between the two you'll get more real world benefit from a Jarhead II (plugin), Portside (Battery - also what I have) or the Skeletor (Barebones battery).
The Omni is good for those who wish to vary the airflow/vapour mixture but beyond that there is very little real world difference in terms of vapour quality. It really shines when you are switching between different types of material (hash, flower, wax, etc...) that may require different types of air/vapour mix. With all the other models you can achieve the same result by learning good carb control. The thing I value the most about my Omni is the metal mouthpiece but thats a personal preference and other would likely prefer the wooden mouthpieces.
Don't get me wrong I love my Omni but if I had limited cash I'd go for the heater every time.
Since receiving my M and Omnivap, I've developed an extreme case of VAS. Sweaty palms with perspiration pouring down my face, heavy breathing, rapid pulse, uber high B/P, eyes popping out of my head...those sorts of things.
Now I want two or three or more of everything DynaVap has for

But if I buy all that, I won't ever get lunch again. Hence, I will starve. So...what's the solution? What do YOU do when your DV VAS gets to Stage 4? This is an emergency. Please help!
The problem most folk have in this situation is that "what am I missing out on" feeling.
The answer is mostly not that much, the base M unit really does offer 90% of the experience in my books.
I do recommend you use a
needle file to create the added air flow grooves to the M's SS-Tip. This mod will cost you a couple of bucks and will make a noticeable difference.
For me the
@Pipes Induction Heater is a game changer. It reduces the whole process down to, load Tip, replace cap, hold in heater 5-10 seconds, rip. It's consistent, convenient and has made the biggest difference to my VapCap sessions.
I also believe a good water pipe adapter like the NonaVong. The VapCap is great when paired with glass and there is are numerous benefits to doing so. All the same benefits as any vape used through water.
All the above I feel make a real notable contribution to the functionality and experience of a VapCap session.
Below are upgrade options that will improve the experience but mostly in minor incremental ways.
A Ti-Tip is a nice addition mostly for the adjustabowl capability (ledges in the tip that allow you to insert the screens higher up reducing the bowl size). There is also the quicker heating and cool down profile. For some this will be a benefit, others will actually prefer the SS-Tip's heating profile, this ones quite personal to the individual. If I was going for a new Ti-ip I'd probably just spring for a whole UNI/Ti-Woody(s).
Wooden stems and bodies are nice upgrades but they really are mostly about aesthetics. If I was tight on cash I'd just get a NonaVong as it adds the water pipe adapter feature and is quite tactile. I have several different stems and love them all, especially my
@Winegums and
@phattpiggie custom stems. But I wouldn't have bought them if it would have cost me a meal.
Lastly the Omni.
Hmm this is going to be a controversial opinion but I'm going to throw it out their any way.
Considering the cost of the Omni I think it has the least bang for least for me and the way I like to vape.
If you can't live without a carb hole, aren't prepared to or are unable to learn carb technique or need the reduced draw resistance (at the cost of vapour density) then the Omni does alleviate those issues.
It really all comes down to what you value most.
Buying into DynaVap is a bit like buying a sports car. Do I get the carbon brakes or spend the dosh on a K&N air filter. Maybe I don't need to stop faster, maybe what I want is a big fuck off whale tail spoiler because I think it looks cool ( doesn't).
**Warning, the above is just one vapers opinions and other may/will disagree with some/all of the above**
This is really cool, great job! I have a request regarding layout. If this was formatted more rectangularly, like would fit on 8.5" x 5.5" for 2-up on 8.5" x 11" paper, it could be more efficiently duplicated for distribution. For things like giving it away with an M and a lighter, or inserting into the vapcap brochure as an addendum. I do like the horizontal layout, just would like to see it stretched out a bit wider if you don't mind.
edit: or it could be digitally stretched out, it would distort a bit but probably would be okay.
Acronyms are confusing by nature. Head and tail like a coin, can't get any simpler than that
It's a vector based document so moving the objects about is fairly easy to do, I'll have a look into creating a version using the dimensions you've supplied and we will see how it turns out.
Working in IT I can tell you the acronyms drive me fucking nuts!
As someone who didn't "get it" until recently—and who is kinda still in the process of solidifying this information into knowledge—I'd say get rid of at least the final sentence of the bottom right paragraph, if not the entire paragraph.
Ha interesting, I've had conflicting feedback on this bit.
I don't disagree with you to be honest. It's not quite right yet, too wordy and not clear enough for my liking.
It was added for those new user who were underwhelmed by the M because they were heating to the click (as they were advised to do so) but not getting visible vapour due to the cap being designed for the Ti-Tips and not the SS ones.
I'm thinking maybe remove it from the graphic, make the graphic non-M specific and then do something separate for the M.
I need a little more time to ponder it but I think your point is valid.
You can also build a screen/hemp fiber/screen sandwich in the M SS Tip. That's what I use in my M. The upper screen does not have an official notch inside the tip but that is not needed. I use a stock DynaVap SS screen as the bottom and cut down a regular pipe screen to use as the top screen (cuz the chamber is so small).
You don't need the Ti tip to do this mod.
This is great advice for anyone who prefers the SS-Tips heating profile.
Does anybody know how much you can put in a vapcap (mainly the Omni)? like min and max amount? I'm seriously considering getting one. I love using my Underdog, and also enjoy the Evo, but I am thinking about going camping and watching the stars and I want to get a portable to take with me
Not really sure myself but it's worth pointing out that grind consistency will affect the answer. Finer grind will packdown more densely thus resulting in more bud in the bowl. However this will mean you'll have more draw resistance and you'll likely need to stir between hits.
The best advice I've seen for getting as many hits off a bowl as possible is to use concentrates. A dollop of wax or oil will last quite a while longer than ground up herb. The down side being you'll probably get more reclaim building up in the condenser.