This is my first post and it is long overdue. I have been lurking the thread for a few months now and can say that all the impressions posted here got me extremely curious about this piece of perfection

I ordered a cocobolo Ti Woody XLS and after only a few days knew my quest had ended. The vapcap is endgame for me after two years of searching for an alternative to lighting up.
I own an FF2 and a Boundless CF and had been pretty content with both, especially the FF2 allows me to play around with enough variables to medicate and create clouds exactly to my liking. But every now and then I would still enjoy combustion, there was something both vapes couldn't bring for me. The vapcap has taken things to another level and not only has it rendered the FF2 and CF nearly useless but I actually prefer the vapcap far more over combustion. The use of a lighter, the form factor, the density of the clouds, it's all so close to what I have been used to for many years that transitioning from combustion to vaping now is seamless. I owe George and his team a big THANK YOU for engineering such a gem!
Something that was also clear from the thread was the unavoidable VAS. Not being a stranger to similar urges I promised myself to stick to the Ti Woody XLS and only consider up- sidegrades after a few months. Then George announced the sale... I simply could not resist.
My second order arrived this week with an OMNI XL condenser, Ti Tip and 2 M's, and since I had already caved in anyway decided to go all out and reach out to @phatpiggie for one of those gorgeous stems. I really hope my VAS will settle down after this but I fear the worst
As a newcomer - thank you guys for the invaluable info in this thread, it has helped both in my decision to enter the vapcap world as well as in getting the best out of them. This is a life changer for me, and I can finally say that combustion is a thing of the past from here on in.