Well-Known Member
I know another way the cops can find me.
I also know a little bit more about the law than to believe there's anything I say or do anywhere on the internet that can get me in trouble with cops. In these here United States we have two fancy thingies called the first amendment and the fourth amendment. Even if I murder someone and put video documentation of it on YouTube, the cops have to do enough real police work to be 100% positive a crime has been committed before they can even try to come into my home or search my person. Also, I can watch countless people get murdered on TV every night. It's not because TV is made by TV people.
Are you sure you know what I'm doing in this video? Maybe I'm just a really good actor. Like Cheech. Ever wonder why I haven't been busted yet? Because I've made a lot of videos like this. I even call my herbs 'weed' in at least one of them.
Even if they wanted to, before the cops could do anything about what I may or may not have done in this video, they have to get a lot of evidence. Real evidence. Not video of some dude who may or may not be using illegal drugs on YouTube.
At least one local cop follows my YouTube channel.
To stay on topic, I would like to say that using ground herbs seems to have led to a much better Vapcap experience than I had while using whole nugs.
Bravo sir. Enjoyed the post.
Also, I also need at least a little grind to get clouds.
VapCap 'SS Cap' Heating Guide
How to heat:
DynaVap FAQ: At what temperature does the cap click?
DynaVap FAQ: The Cap
Respect the Click:
All of dynavap's youtube vids:
Thanks to everyone for your help, guidance and input.
EDIT: Updated the text explaining the heating of the M's SS tip in accordance with @Winegums suggestion.
And this is why I've been here since 2012.......
Always a wealth of great info. Seriously, much appreciated!
@Summer your avatar reminds me of MOM's @momofthegoons (shudder!), a former moderator, she was
Always (seemed that way) stepping on my tail. Miss her.
Now, where are my M&Ms........
There used to be another moderator who would always "step on my tail", I kinda wonder where he went.
Only reason I remember really is looking through my account I had a bunch of banning threats and such in a really short time.
We must've grinded each other's gears quite a bit. ...

Edit: I haven't even fully gotten the hang of my M and already want an omni with a little bit of extra money I didn't expect to have. Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
This is bullshit. Fucking bullshit. What a crock of fuckwad. I hate my VAS