The NonaVong : An honest re-view.
My first contact with Dynavap's world of wonders was made with the VapCap M model.
But I'm not going to review the M .
I never had a glass VC or an OMNI VC .
Maybe one day I will express my thoughts for them ...
( I'm a nasty vape critic,I guess ...

But since that's the only way-the act of vaporizing- for me to medicate and
keep enjoying this ride ,
I really feel an internal urge to learn as much as possible for the equipment
and the procedures involved .And of course there are things found ,
that either I appreciate very much or dislike very much ... )
The NonaVong ..
Say ...The woodies?
Always thought that the "woodies" are kinda ...flimsy .
Excuse me for being an arse,I really do not know how hard and durable are the stems/bodies
of the woodies .They maybe hard and durable well enough.
Still,that won't do for me .
They remain flimsy ,to my eyes.
Thin-walled wooden tubes....
But the NonaVong ?
Allow me to be "unholy" ,but if the M and the Woodies are like joints ,
the nonavongs are like fat cigar blunts !
Lots of wood material.
Sturdy ,thick bodies and stems .
Love the hexagonal shape.
Easy to roll inside fingers while heating the cap.
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G design !

A-W-E-S-O-M-E feel and looks !

Lightweight ,lighter than an average sized ,real cigar !
With some fine grit sand paper (>1000 ) the nonavong
stems/bodies can have a really fine natural luster surface finish .
Then they come to shine !
Coupled with the amazing Ti tip and here you go .
A small vaporizing wonder that fits inside your palm !
Classy ,elegant, super efficient and simple !
My nonavong is my main vaporizer ,right now .
For so many reasons,that myself already got lost ,while counting them .
Have forgoten totally about batteries charging , heating times ,etc ...
Have forgotten totally all my rest of my vapes.
All the rest of vapes ,actually.
Do not care -at all- for the rest of the vapes outta there ,
to be totally honest with you ,guys !
Well ok,I will keep my Ms ,mainly when out of home ...
They are the "don't-really-care-if-they-are-given away-lost-stollen-or -forgotten"
cheap substitutes of my nonavong !
I really wish to see more different materials involved into the manufacturing of
nonavong stems and bodies .
More exotic woods.
Maybe even a full titanium stem !
But then again..
That's just me having some time to kill
and lot's of love for my nonavong to express meanwhile ...
I know ...

Time to STFU.
Never really understood how come the germans build the Cadillac of vapes,
while the americans build the Mercedes_Benz of vapes .
Odd enough ...