I wouldn't agree with that based on my experience with Ti Woody and multiple OGs.

Now, I see where Alexis said that his Ti tip has better airflow than his OG. For me, this is just the opposite so perhaps its just my Ti Woody.
I dont remember ever saying the Ti tip has better airflow. I cant really comment on the OG much since I only gave it a quick, less than half hearted whizz, as I got it for my mum, and she hadnt even tried it at the time and I didnt feel right breaking it out, I was just curious to see how it differed, but it was no fair trial. Hopefully another time.
The only point I recall making was the undeniable difference in bowl and potential load size, with the Ti tip holding a bit more material.
I have now begun a vapor break until christmas to start another 30 day course of homeopathy. I have made fantastic progress and my infection load is just about lower than ever. For the first time in 12 years now, it is entirely conceivable that I may clear ALL remaining infections from my body with this 4 week course.
I may not, but it is possible, there wont be much left. I just need luck now to avoid further infections, but no matter what I am believing for the first time yet, I will clear it all.
Once I clear my lungs fully, my weed and especially vapor allergy may disappear. When I had an infection in my heart in the summer, I couldnt eat my coconut oil abv, as it triggereed a really severe allergy like symptoms with my heart.
My homeopath vega tested the abv jar to see how it was affecting me. Overall ot wasnt too bad, but she checked the heart reflex point and it was indeed a big problem.
Once the heart infection was gone, the canna oil was fine and no heart reaction. I got her to test it again on tuesday, purely out of interest, and low and behold, no problems with my heart from it.
This bodes well for me. If i can clear my lungs at last, who knows what will change. My respiratory allergies could clear up.
For my vapor break, I cooked up 15 grams of Durban Poison sugar leaves I have cured last night. I decarbed in oven, then 2 hours on low heat in coconut oil with sunflower lecithin.
Strained throuh muslin. I put 15 grams into 130 grams coconut oil, but after I strained it there was only 105 grams in the jar. The rest is left behind in the leafy mass in the chessecloth. I squeezed it out to the point of injuring my hand, but you just cant get it all.
So I make tea from it by pouring boiled water over the herbs in the cheesecloth and squeezing.
It is so delicious, this tea. But it is impossible to know what dose you get. There were 25 grams missing, and I was hoping to take small doses of 2 grams. So I have no idea what dose I got in my tea last night, I squeezed a lot out, I didnt want to underdose and I certainly did not!
You should smell the jar now. The most wonderful smell I have smelt since memory serves I swear. This is the best one I have ever done.