You have some options to choose from when considering using a Vapcap with a water device.
1. Any model of Vapcap from the glass OG, to the Ti tipped models, to the Omni that has a straight midsection- body or stem, will fit into a 14mm female connection if you take the fat mouthpiece and slip it over the mp end of the Vapcap. No other modification is required.
2. You can outfit or switch out the body of any ti tipped Vapcap model that has a regular length condenser with a 45mm long VonG body and mp. They come in 14mm or 18mm diameters. You can also choose a 62mm long stem without a mouthpiece. It Is 12mm in diameter at one end and 14mm at the other.
14mm and 18mm VonG Body.
VonG Stem
3. If you have a ti tipped Vapcap that uses an XL condenser you can use the 62mm long VonG stem with a mp.
The best gifts come in small packages.![]()
I tried using my Omnivap the other day, into that same small bubbler in your picture, using the fat mouthpiece over the metal one, into a 14 mm reducer, rather than with the 18 mm VonG.
It didnt seemmto be at all air tight. I had to press down into the moithpiece everytime but never got a seal the same as the VonG. It worked, maybe not as well. It may be the female joint and how that seals the fat moutpiece, I know some have had best results with a male joint, and to reach the carb easier.
What butane torches / lighters you guys using?
Anyone using anything fancy? I'm thinking about getting a St DuPont mini jet or maxi jet.
I am using only George's quad torch currently. The triple is hard for me to use due to hand issues. The quad is harder to pinpoint the flame on one section of the cap,, the triple can be turned so that a very specific point can be heated.
I have only just really got into the swing of using the vaporizer (Omni) the last few days. It has taken me a while to get into a routine, and used to the dosages and pattern etc so that it all just flows.. much to do with allergy management though for me and medicating right.
This morning I got the closest to combustion yet. Could not have got closer. It was a good load in the VonG and bubbler, but I had music on and didnt react to the click soon enough.
Vapor (or smoke) was gushing out before I took a drag, I knew I had done it. It was super thick, I just inhaled it anyway to see what it was like. I cant tolerate smoke at all. It was a huge hit. I exhaled quickly in case it was smoke. No immediate bad reaction anyway.
This is the load after that one hit:

There is a slight smell similarity I could pick up, but nothing to make me think I need to clean the Omnivap with iso. I have been aiming the quad flame so that the edge of it lines up with the bottom of the load/cap, and about half way in the outer flame.
The flame also hits the middle of the cap at the same time. I don't want to heat near the diggerouter until the click, but I also don't want to go near the tip too soon and cause an early click.
So I startbat the bottom and middle, after maybe 4 or 5 seconds I move to the middle for a few seconds, slowly moving to the tip when I am happy the whole load has been heated.
This is workning well for me. After he first heat cycle I tend to stick to the middle ajd can get consistent thick hits for 3 or more cycles.
The load above, I dont think it was actual smoke. It didnt really smell, it hasnt buggered my chest. It is as far as you can take it, schorching it, but a true one hitter.
Still, I will avoid!
Oh, amazingly you can still see the beautiful trichomes. Check it out!