I can say with no exaggeration that so far, one one battery, on T4, I have:
-Vaped a pinch of Indica last night before bed (re my post gushing about the new performance).
-Emptied this morning and have vaped one full fluffy chamber to ABV perfection.
- Am currently vaping a second similar sized chamber with Hits #1 and 2 being 10/10 clouds, Hit #3 being a 7.5/10 cloud, and Hit #4 starting to question if the chamber is done or if it's ABV yet.
(to be continued below)
Here's the thing - the "variable" in all assessments (IMHO): Battery Stooch (that's my word for "stay power"

) (
this has nothing to do with DetoxIT):
With a battery that is
not at 100%, would the T-setting replicate the same temperature "range" as a 100% charged battery? That is to say, I have found that as the battery gets weaker, I'm THINKING that turning up the Temp will "compensate" for the battery depletion. It sure seems that way, because...
(back to topic)
I've literally just now acted on this Sidebar idea and where Hit #4 was of light density, the nudge I just did to T4.25 gave me back an 7.5/10 cloud for Hit #5, and Hit #
6 yielded 3/10. Emptying the chamber, it's golden brown ABV. No flecks of good stuff.
And I
also just noticed that, by now, I'd see the Blue Flicker of Impending Death. The Blues are still rock steady after more than 10 uses. The blues are SOLID! My GOD man, do you know what this MEANS!?
So, It is unquestionable to me that, having got what I've got from this little maintenance (which I don't intend to do unless I feel that warmth, or even that crunchiness whilst screwing the body together with the backend), I have gotten superb repetitive performance without futzing. Sure, I
always check that the fastened ends are tight, of course.
I hope this helps...
Vapor, I get your concern... I just took a thick rubber band to put around the LED holes, and that wasn't enough for me... I took the whole front into my mouth,
beyond the lights (being careful not to get it wet of course) and could (just barely) detect some "escape path" going on, but, based on 1) how little I'd used, and 2) how many times I wiped it clean, and 3) how tightly those threads are woven together, and 4) how cool the body is (which further decreases 'outgassing'), and (!!!) 5) how tiny that "escape air" might be -
(also, physics will eliminate that path as "active" until your draw path is severely obstructed)....
then I feel comfortable enough to not have a concern for myself.
Having said all that, I think the Gold IS the better solution in light of what you said before. After all, we are not restoring contacts. We're cleaning and protecting them. I should have made that connection about all this in the first place.
Regarding the residue, it's really not residue, but a "release" of what wouldn't come off
without using DetoxIT. I too had wiped my new hopper just with ISO and got the stuff I called Mystery Gunk.
This stuff is different. It's oxidation, and it is molecularly "stuck" on the metal. ISO won't remove that. ISO only removes Mystery Gunk.
Thanks for allowing my to contribute. The impetus to improve this experience is so enhanced when you have peeps to share it with. I'm glad to be a part of the FC Hopper Cult.
EDIT: I just loaded a fresh chamber, same size, put the temp BACK to T4, and ripped a great cloud; toward the end of the hit, the slightest blue flicker began.