taste buds
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I'll work on formatting later, it's a work in progress.
I'll work on formatting later, it's a work in progress.
If you go through 5 batteries in 2 months, then for the sake of math let's say that you go through 1 battery in 1/5th of 2 months, which is roughly 2 weeks. One brand new battery only lasts you 2 weeks before it's "dead"?? Sorry if I don't understand but this is very worrisome information.
I can't help but wonder how many of the warranty claims for backends were just for a dirty backend. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are defective backends out there, but I think the number may be much smaller than it seems.
Between that and the issues that were caused by the charger, I wonder how many warranty claims were for an actual defective Grasshopper.
It sounds weird but finding that fix has improved my confidence in the hopper's reliability.
I have to give a lot of credit to @GreenHopper and u/Reeces_Pieces from Reddit. I wonder why Reeces deleted his post? I'm just glad @GreenHopper was nice enough to post it here. By the time I saw it here the original post was already gone.
I guess my device is not ok. One Batterie you can use about 200 times according GH. I have the GH 50 days.
But I have not loaded any battery 4 times a day.
Problem is, I can't give away my GH for repair, because I can't go without the GH the next weeks. At the moment the GH is my only Vape. And I live in Germany, its a long way to GH Labs.
Resource created:
I'll work on formatting later, it's a work in progress.
Done! If anyone wants me to add anything post it here. I've updated the formatting some, I am open to suggestions for improvement in that area too.And I found the perfect tool to tighten the mouthpiece screen...for cheap! It's precision pointed tweezers I found at CVS in the Beauty supplies section. Retail is $4 (and I had a coupon, so it cost $3).
@Vapor_Eyes, can you add this to resources for me, if you think it's worthy? Thx!
I think there is a good possibility that u/Reeces_pieces deleted his post because his sensor issue came back?
When I had sensor issues, occasionally the device would seem to work normally.
But it wasn't extracting as evenly and eventually it got worse.
It might be worth asking Reeces_pieces how his hopper is now?
After I got back from a coast trip, I had some sand/dirt in the back end (crunchy to adjust), and twisting it repeatedly cleaned it up (the action is still smooth today).
However I am not sure if my backend is without fault as it does occasionally heat up excessively.
I have noticed that the clip doesn't feel as secure as it originally did (there is some play side-to-side) and I wonder if this could have anything to do with an internal connection issue?
I wish they would just put this in all Vape manuals. It's works I tell you!standing on my head while pointing my feet North-East and tapping my nose,
What's with the shipping costs? Does HL cover them, at least one-way?That was so quick, I can't believe it! (I've send it in warranty last week from France!). American postal services are far better than in my country, and long life to HL!
That sounds like me. And your tip works for me, thanks a lot!It could be a coincidence but it's worth a try at least for anyone with a hot backend. I should note that my backend never felt hot enough to burn me, but it was gradually getting warmer as the days went by.
I started doing that and like it ever more.I've settled on just putting in a super small nug - no fuss and super easy. I'll take a few rips at 3.5, and then give it a stir with a dabber (or use the clip if I'm on the go). It's super dry and crumbles to a fine grind. The remaining hits are dense as fuck.
I still haven't used my USB charger once. I've been worried about their reliability for some time, and I'm just too superstitious to use it until my backup hopper arrives.And now my second USB charger is not working after 10 minutes. I don't think I will worry about getting them replaced and just stick with my external chargers.
I agree. Plus with that approach you are constantly rotating batteries which will (hopefully) extend their livesI still haven't used my USB charger once. I've been worried about their reliability for some time, and I'm just too superstitious to use it until my backup hopper arrives.
Even after I get my backup hopper I will probably only use the USB charger on rare occasions in my car. I can even use my Nitecore D2 in my car for longer trips.
I much prefer charging externally, when a battery is dead just pop a new one in your hopper, no need to wait to use it again or cause stress on your battery by using it while it's charging.
It's possible you have metal debris or dirt stuck on the charger. Check out the last video on this page:My charger doesn't seem to be working. I connect the marnet to the end and the GH blinks red once, then nothing.
It charged properly the first time I used it, but nothing after that. I've just been using the nitecore D2 to charge my batteries but I'm a bit bummed that I can't take my USB charger for an on-the-go solution.
Looks like their third vidéo on troubleshooting page. charger doesn't seem to be working. I connect the marnet to the end and the GH blinks red once, then nothing.
It charged properly the first time I used it, but nothing after that. I've just been using the nitecore D2 to charge my batteries but I'm a bit bummed that I can't take my USB charger for an on-the-go solution.
I'm not really sure enough is known about vaporisation to really know what is the best method overall.How do you guys hit your hopper? I just did a loose full pack and took 4 pulls on 2.5 temp and then a few on temp 4. I thought I read somewhere that if you do too many hits on the lower temps it's "wasting" THC.
Unfortunately, in my case, I think the magnet used to connect the hoppers charger, is prone to picking up bits of conductive metal material in a messy shop environment like mine.
I can see all kinds of "stuff" stuck to the end of the charger after touching my bench. This could be the problem anyways... lol
External is the way to go for me.
I wonder if that USB cable might benefit from a special protective sleeve......
Don't worry. It will charge. You'll just have to restart your powerbank every x minutes.Thanks for the links, a little iso rub on both the charger and GH seems to have fixed it.
I am having trouble using it with my USB power bank. Just as @MoltenTiger describes it will charge for a bit but then the bank times out, so presumably it isn't pulling enough consistent power?
Bummer, because I mainly want the USB so I can use it with a power bank when camping or on the go. But since it doesn't really work with the power bank it's kind of useless to me, since it's easier and faster to just use the nitecore at home.