Discontinued The Sublimator


Staff member
Pyrex dish works well for me. :2c:



well-worn member
Marble does sound good lol. My wooden desk has a new character mark, I put the apollo down on it for a bit when I realized I had just done another screenless hit. It was still a good one though, and I had the atomizer plugged into my bong so no worries for the launchpad base which is just starting to oil up. It was easy to pick out the few stray specks that had gathered previously. I like the idea of having a little screen down in the atomizer, but I don't want to have to clean it. I also worry about performance issues with it, but that's probably unfounded if you do keep it clean. So it's kind of a circular dilemma.


Well-Known Member
I use a mini teflon baking sheet for avb. Let's me see how cooked each load is and then easily collect it afterwards.


Subdivision Founder / Sublimator Ambassador
Anyone have an update on planet vapes reclaimer?

We should be seeing the prototype soon. I'm thinking that there is a glass sheath for the atomizer tube and that it drips instead of spray reclaim on there, but it could clog, so I'm impatiently waiting to see the design

We are already making custom Sub reclaimers called the SubBuddy reclaimer. We use a specialized drip tip instead so it doesn't drip all over the place. 5mm glass is no good, for big tubes maybe, in this piece it would be way too heavy and bulky and unaffordable. We are on our third prototype and will post photos soon on FC.
Kind regards,

got mine today, great recommendation!

remember to flip it like a pancake (:


Well-Known Member
got mine today, great recommendation!

Are those the ones spoken off earlier in the thread with the holes in it? Or the finer mesh screen iolite came out with? its actually a very finely woven screen nothing can get thru it only air and it also has double layering so its thicker then most screen durable.

Wow, a bong too? I'm looking forward to seeing it. The Blaze piece is nice but I'd really like one with the heater a bit further from the tube.

I hear ya, always afraid ima poke an eye out with that UFO pin when pulling the whole thing carbing it.
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Well-Known Member
Seems with the Sub you really need to hold it in for a bit, at least 3-5 seconds after the rip to absorb everything. I never really held it for than a second due to coughing fits but now I can hold it in a bit longer. When I do cough it seems to be more from the thc than the vapour itself, or the fact that I've been using almost non stop during the day. Really baked now.

Bob Loblaw

yea, small rips, held long, this thing has been a huge meds saver

Are those the ones spoken off earlier in the thread with the holes in it? Or the finer mesh screen iolite came out with? its actually a very finely woven screen nothing can get thru it only air and it also has double layering so its thicker then most screen durable.

the first ones, can you link these double fine ones? i pulled the stock screen out and jammed my other ufine screen in it


Well-Known Member
For the screen I ended up curving the stock one and pushing it in the hole. With some adjustment I got it to line up with the first ledge pretty much and it doesn't come out when I empty the bowl. I thought about just resting it loosely on top butt then there's a small gap in the airpath where stuff can fall down.
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Paul 8888

Well-Known Member
Operator Error
This is the tragic tale of an older long time user. I turned up the Sub to do a dab of concentrate everything went well. Reset the Sub temp to my "sweet spot" with my Kill a Watt. About 30 min later tried to do a pinch and nothing. No vapor so I cleaned the screen nada cleaned everything overnight; the next day nothing. Then I Discovered the real reason it didn't work . . .Ta Ta. . . The kill a watt had changed itself from watts to VA which was much lower in temp than my watt setting although they were the same number. I hope this helps even one person to avoid this


Operator Error
This is the tragic tale of an older long time user. I turned up the Sub to do a dab of concentrate everything went well. Reset the Sub temp to my "sweet spot" with my Kill a Watt. About 30 min later tried to do a pinch and nothing. No vapor so I cleaned the screen nada cleaned everything overnight; the next day nothing. Then I Discovered the real reason it didn't work . . .Ta Ta. . . The kill a watt had changed itself from watts to VA which was much lower in temp than my watt setting although they were the same number. I hope this helps even one person to avoid this

When I read the first two words I was afraid that this was the first report of a malfunctioning Sub...

Glad to hear it was merely a read error. ;-)


well-worn member
It's a pretty simple product. No moving parts, no microprocessors, just a controlled short circuit into a heat sink. Pure physics for our biological pleasure. Maybe there's a microprocessor in the timer but I doubt it.
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