Yes, the Power Adapter has the wheel. The wheel is just a little too small for me to make as fine adjustments as I would like. Not horrible, but just a nit-picky thing. :)

aesthyrian's link is correct. I got mine from MF as well.

Surf Monkey

Well-Known Member
Kaptan said:
I think you can purchase just the box itself for a discounted price around $75.

I spoke directly to Magic Flight and they confirmed that you can buy the box alone.
Surf Monkey,


Would just like to say a public thank you very much to Magic Flight.
Best customer service of any company I've ever dealt with. Shipped my replacement PA to the UK in record time, and I didn't have to a pay a penny in customs this time :D

This PA is sturdier, seems to be made of a slightly different wood, and the etching + serial number is clearer and not done in pencil :lol:

Also comes with a nice black bag, a bigger version of the one that comes with the Box itself - nice!

I love you Magic Flight - if I wasn't on a tolerance break I would have vaped a trench in appreciation. Magic Flight, a big bacon sandwich and England beating India in the cricket = a perfect afternoon!


Revolting Peasant
Hey Wilf, whilst you mention customs charges; I worked out why you got charged last time- the VAT threshold was lowered in last Nov from 18 to 15. I was looking into shipping an Arizer solo over and found this news a few days ago. Effectively another tax hike.


Well-Known Member
anbuitachi said:
Yes, the Power Adapter has the wheel. The wheel is just a little too small for me to make as fine adjustments as I would like. Not horrible, but just a nit-picky thing. :)

aesthyrian's link is correct. I got mine from MF as well.

thank you fellow vaporists
happy vaping

mflb n vc


Well-Known Member
Even though Forrest said this in the post showing the graph chart I just realized that the mflb is the only vaporizer that is BETTER than a joint in delivering flavor and high in one concentrated hit if done right due to the fast heat up time which will release different substances at different temperatures. The secret is to inhale REALLY slow(you barely feel air hitting the tip of your tongue) after about 3 seconds of putting the battery in and inhaling for around 40-60 seconds straight. Drinking some cold water and swishing it around the mouth will help prevent too much irritation from the heat and dry mouth.

A joint is the only thing that does this because the cherry acts like a heat source and boils the substances in the herb as it travels down the joint but as it travels it cools off so it releases different substances at different points in the joint allowing a tasty and concentrated hit compared to bongs and even vaporizers. The only drawback is the heat becomes so high as you inhale that it burns a lot of the substances we want as well as dilute the smoke with particulate plant matter but the mflb does what a joint does without the negatives. CRAZY.

Forrest, can you raise the temperature in this manner using the power adapter by slowly turning the wheel or will you have to let it heat up first like other vaporizers? In other words can I inhale while turning the wheel to raise the temperature to release substances I want to give a concentrated hit for those times I just want a hard hitting, fast high?


Well-Known Member
I finally managed to get enough money together to buy an MFLB and went for this one on ebay for 91.99 to avoid customs charges. After I paid I had a look around the seller's ebay shop and saw a more expensive version for 99.95 which looked like the same thing but with a storage tin. When I read through the details it mentions:
"Newest 2011 Version includes Battery Push-back Ring & Rubber Vapor Seal installed."
Now (maybe stupidly) I had assumed that the one I was ordering was going to be an up-to-date model. I could understand if it didn't have the new lid clip thing but surely the push-back ring isn't that new a feature?

Would any of you see this as a deal-breaker? I've sent my money via paypal but now I''m not sure whether I should cancel, or maybe contact the seller and look at paying the additional money for the newer version.


Well-Known Member
I would be careful with ebay sellers, some of them remove the serial number so you cant use the warranty! :o :uhoh:

To guarantee you get a legit, warrantied Box, along with the most up to date version, order from Blisssville or puffitup :)


Revolting Peasant
edame said:
Would any of you see this as a deal-breaker? ...
I wouldn't pay 9 extra for the tin and push back ring myself. You could buy each of those extra as spares for less than that if you really wanted them. My box pre dates the push back ring so I've never really seen the need.

I'd go for the cheaper deal. The latch is the key difference that can't be retro fitted. Up to you how much you want that :2c: (edit ; Scrap that- I don't even think his more expensive option has this. the cheaper deal could well be the model from before the tin, push back ring and o-ring in the trench- i think the o ring is mainly to stop the screen lifting, but seeing as it has warranty that's not much of an issue for the user- more a longevity improvement. Vape works the same. I'd still save the few quid and get the cheaper one)


Vapor concierge
luchiano...yes you can. you should definitely get the PA. the light gets more intense with the higher power immediately. You can move that dial as fast as you want.


Well-Known Member
WatTyler said:
edame said:
Would any of you see this as a deal-breaker? ...
I wouldn't pay 9 extra for the tin and push back ring myself. You could buy each of those extra as spares for less than that if you really wanted them. My box pre dates the push back ring so I've never really seen the need.

Can the seal around the trench be retro-fitted too? That does put me a little more at ease anyway. I must have read that listing dozens of times over the last few months and it just never occurred to me that these were much older versions.

@Nycdeisel - This seller does specifically mention that they sell genuine MFLBs with the warranty. I should be covered by paypal if there are any problems.


Well-Known Member
stickstones, thanks for the quick answer and yes I will get the pa since it can do that. Beautiful.


Revolting Peasant
edame said:
Can the seal around the trench be retro-fitted too?
I actually just edited that post, but you might not see; no, the o ring can't be retro fitted, but doesn't affect the vapes performance- it's more to stop the screen potentially lifting and thus reducing warranty claims, I believe.


edame said:
Can the seal around the trench be retro-fitted too?
No. It can only be insatlled by machine during assembly. Do not worry. The old style boxes also still are covered by warranty.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the speedy replies. Can't wait to get it and start vaping again! My aromazap died about 2 months ago and I've been limited to the odd crafty smoke or eating ABV firecrackers (UK adapted version - hob-nobs and peanut butter :lol:). I miss being able to vape in bed watching TV. :)


And also, get in touch with Rick from AromaZap. I believe that he would be able to tell you how to get your Zap cooking!


Well-Known Member
Vitolo said:
And also, get in touch with Rick from AromaZap. I believe that he would be able to tell you how to get your Zap cooking!

I've been in touch with him a few times as my zap died initially about 6 months ago and then I got it working for a little while longer. My zap is about 7 years old and is one of the earlier softwood models so there isn't really a lot that can be done now. He offered me a good deal on a replacement but the MFLB's portability won me over.


Hello there, could any help me with a question? I haven't been on here since the PA beta came out and people were getting excited about the forthcoming release new LBs made from different woods. Anything new and exciting happened in MFLB world since then?

Anyway my question is about vaporising synthetic cannibinoids such as JWH and AM - 2201 in the LB. Can this be done? I've never tried JWH but looking at getting some AM 2201 due to the good reviews. It's v potent so would only be 1mg of powder in the LB. Would this work? I know you can't put resin in but what about powder? Would I need to put tobacco in and sprinkle the 1mg of powder on top?

Any help appreciated as I would like to order some AM 2201 asap.



sorry man i can't help you with that question. I would think it would work. but why do you want to mess with those synthetics? they are questionable regarding saftey are they not? the creator of the drug himself regrets making it and advocates against it's use.


Well-Known Member
Boombox said:
Anyway my question is about vaporising synthetic cannibinoids such as JWH and AM - 2201 in the LB. Can this be done?

I have no idea about the specific one you mentioned above, but I have used synthetics (various pre-packaged brands) and they all worked absolutely fine in my zap.


Well-Known Member
Quick question. I know most places you buy the box from give you a tiny 1.25 or 1.75 inch grinder with it, and my impression has been that the fine grind this does is important to having the box work at it's best. I found a seller that, if I go through, I won't get the small grinder, so I'm wondering if my 2.5 inch SharpStone should grind fine enough for the box?



Well-Known Member
nr-cole said:
Quick question. I know most places you buy the box from give you a tiny 1.25 or 1.75 inch grinder with it, and my impression has been that the fine grind this does is important to having the box work at it's best. I found a seller that, if I go through, I won't get the small grinder, so I'm wondering if my 2.5 inch SharpStone should grind fine enough for the box?


If you have a 2-piece then YES. A 4-pc or 3pc generally doesnt grind fine enough.


Any grinder will grind fine.. even the 4 piece.. justs posistion grinder like a wheel in relation to ground.. and grind as much as you like.. the herb wont fall through until you position your grinder top up...
for a few last twists.. to let the ground herb through!
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