
Been here since 2009
not sure it's the same. Raw naterial is not carboxylated, so not ready for effect o the brain. It has to be heated to carboxylate


Can anyone advise me on technique for the power adapted MFLB. I think I keep combusting though I'm not sure. Advice on breathing technique, temps, draw speed, amount of herb, etc would be much appreciated.



Boombox said:
Can anyone advise me on technique for the power adapted MFLB. I think I keep combusting though I'm not sure. Advice on breathing technique, temps, draw speed, amount of herb, etc would be much appreciated.


You should for sure know if you were combusting. Fire would be involved.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
MattyGTwenty3 said:
Boombox said:
Can anyone advise me on technique for the power adapted MFLB. I think I keep combusting though I'm not sure. Advice on breathing technique, temps, draw speed, amount of herb, etc would be much appreciated.


You should for sure know if you were combusting. Fire would be involved.


I think I think MattyGTwenty3 meant glowing embers not flame. Smoke would definitely be involved and maybe embers, but not necessarily flame.

Examine the remains. Ash is greyish and powdery. If it's been cooked long enough for you to think it might have combusted, ABV is dark brown or even black, but retains its shape. Whether you are blackening or combusting, you're keeping the power on too long. Shorten your hits.

For some usage and technique tips read this:



Yeah, I didn't exactly mean a burning flame, but enough to know that you combusted instead of vaporized.


On a Permanent Vakation
So I'm sitting here staring at ,y tiny LB! Never knew it would be so small, and in love it! It just came in the mail, and I'm charging the batts now...wonder how long it will take for them to be charged?


Purpl3_Haz3 said:
So I'm sitting here staring at ,y tiny LB! Never knew it would be so small, and in love it! It just came in the mail, and I'm charging the batts now...wonder how long it will take for them to be charged?

I think they usually come charged.


On a Permanent Vakation
MattyGTwenty3 said:
Purpl3_Haz3 said:
So I'm sitting here staring at ,y tiny LB! Never knew it would be so small, and in love it! It just came in the mail, and I'm charging the batts now...wonder how long it will take for them to be charged?

I think they usually come charged.

That's what ive heard, but i ordered mine from vapeworld and wasmt sure...the charger lights turned green fairly quick, and vie been vaping since! Tis thing rocks!

I only grind up maybe .2 or .3 and I vaped two trenches, and I'm vaked!

Definately a great purchase!


Purpl3_Haz3 said:
MattyGTwenty3 said:
Purpl3_Haz3 said:
So I'm sitting here staring at ,y tiny LB! Never knew it would be so small, and in love it! It just came in the mail, and I'm charging the batts now...wonder how long it will take for them to be charged?

I think they usually come charged.

That's what ive heard, but i ordered mine from vapeworld and wasmt sure...the charger lights turned green fairly quick, and vie been vaping since! Tis thing rocks!

I only grind up maybe .2 or .3 and I vaped two trenches, and I'm vaked!

Definately a great purchase!

I love mine too, using it right now. :brow:


On a Permanent Vakation
Ca i charge just one battery at a time in the tenergy 2batt charger that came with the LB?

Purpl3_Haz3 said:
Ca i charge just one battery at a time in the tenergy 2batt charger that came with the LB?


Also, I find it faster to charge just one battery. Takes about 45 minutes to an hour, IME.


On a Permanent Vakation
I'm not sure if i have the same charger as you do mr pink...I have a tenergy AA/AAA quick charger....came with the lb from vapeworld


Well-Known Member
Withe the quick chargers, if they have a fan, then the charger unit needs to be standing up during the entire charge, and then you must wait until the fan has shut off(the light will shut off at the same time) which is about 10 minutes after the green light goes on. This REALLY really helps with quick chargers since they can ruin the overall life of yours batts(overheating)


Well-Known Member
Well guys, after a great first 3 weeks with the MFLB, my dear mother decided to sneak through my room and throw it out :( (she had already done that and thrown out my vaporcannon 3g, along with pieces, bongs, etc.. everything... Which was the reason I got the MFLB)

Just simply put $100 in the trash, after ($200 not long ago), and not a single fuck was given.
Too bad the user-end warranty likely doesn't include weed-nazi mothers.

Sorry guys, just venting. Really frustrating when you are strapped for cash.
I'll for sure be buying another one though. I smoke a lot and I also run, and it literally changed my life.

Thanks to Chris at vapeworld for hooking up a great deal. They shipped from FL to WA in 3 days, free.
least i still got my shirt...


Well-Known Member
Gobrian - gee that's harsh! And the stuff she keeps tossing is better for your health than combustion (scratches head). Someday maybe you can talk that out with her. Meanwhile, maybe carry an LB on you or in your trunk?


Active Member
Hows it going guys.

Does anyone use their MFLB heavily? How much do you use it...An occasional piece or daily what amount do use in it.


Well-Known Member
Gunky said:
Gobrian - gee that's harsh! And the stuff she keeps tossing is better for your health than combustion (scratches head). Someday maybe you can talk that out with her. Meanwhile, maybe carry an LB on you or in your trunk?

Yeah that's what she doesn't get. She is from another culture where weed was demonized, and, in reality, you cannot expect to change someone's viewpoints on something they have had for 30+ years just because u want to suddenly influence them...
I went back to the disposable gatorade bongs I've always used before (for stealth)... and after just 3 days I was already coughing up black stuff in the showers, and i can feel it on my lungs when I run.

MLark said:
Hows it going guys.

Does anyone use their MFLB heavily? How much do you use it...An occasional piece or daily what amount do use in it.

The MFLB quickly became my primary piece. I would use it several times a day, no problem. Usual amount was about .1 to .2 gs per trench, and I would smoke two to get nice and vaked.


Active Member
Gobrian said:
The MFLB quickly became my primary piece. I would use it several times a day, no problem. Usual amount was about .1 to .2 gs per trench, and I would smoke two to get nice and vaked.

Nice. So how much would that be a day apx?

...and sorry to hear about your MFLB getting tossed. bloody shame bro


On a Permanent Vakation
Hello all...I vaped a couple trenches this eve outta the box, and I put the batts on the charger(tenergy quick charger). Not sure how long it took for the first batt to charge, and i removed it..and its been about an hour now and the other one still isn't charged...any ideas? I used each batt for one trench, and i don't believe there was much of a difference in the size of the two trenches....


Head of Pot
MLark said:
Hows it going guys.

Does anyone use their MFLB heavily? How much do you use it...An occasional piece or daily what amount do use in it.

My trenches are somewhere in the 0.1-0.2g range and about 5-6 trenches throughout a day I go through a gram per day.

I have used the PAMFLB exclusively over the past 6 months and it hasn't even come close to failing me yet!!!

It's right up there at the top of the list of JD's favorite owned possessions.


Vapor concierge
Any word on when the production PA will be available? I haven't seen mf address that recently.
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