The Extreme-Q Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Yeah fuck flipping the Q its not even designed to be used like that. Tell me when you use the EQ with a whip/water pipe do you get very medicated? Exactly.

Elbow pack into my bubbler with whip equals huge highly medicating hits. Was just looking for a more glass on glass situation no hose. Really it was the LSV thread that made me want to try.


Well-Known Member
Elbow pack into my bubbler with whip equals huge highly medicating hits. Was just looking for a more glass on glass situation no hose. Really it was the LSV thread that made me want to try.
I gotta confess my heater cover is broken and the glass inside of it (dropped this thing a few too many times). so I cant try this without having shards of glass fall out everywhere. Im actually quite jealous I cant try it. Considering I came from the LSV thread too lol.


Well-Known Member
What are you dudes doing to break heater cover? Had mine for years. Zero problems. Well two broken cyclones.

The PVC whip would hit something on my table and I would go to catch it and pull the EQ off the table Happened more than 5 times over the course of a year. Then I got the silicone tubing, and never happened again.


Well-Known Member
Silicone tubing! :rockon:
Mine was starting to get pretty stinky and affecting the taste negatively, so just boiled a kettle of water, found a funnel the tubing just fit through, then rolled one end up a bit so it caught on the inside of the bottom of the funnel. A kettle of boiling water through the funnel and tube later and while not all the darkening went away, it neither smells like new silicone hose or funkified resinated hose or even in between... just.. clean :)

I've had mine about 8 months now and have only broken two elbows... am tubing it to a decent American glass bong or the Vapor Brothers Mini Hydrator.. GonG connections with a short tube (or an extra extra long for when I want to move around a bit, though there's a bit of drag) are sick! :ko:


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Silicone tubing! :rockon:
Mine was starting to get pretty stinky and affecting the taste negatively, so just boiled a kettle of water, found a funnel the tubing just fit through, then rolled one end up a bit so it caught on the inside of the bottom of the funnel. A kettle of boiling water through the funnel and tube later and while not all the darkening went away, it neither smells like new silicone hose or funkified resinated hose or even in between... just.. clean . . .

Great idea! :clap:


New Member
I've had an extreme Q for a few months now and I love everything about it! I accidentally fused some of the glass joints and had to crack one, but that's my own stupid fault...


Well-Known Member
I've been enjoying the water filtration from this setup I rigged. I don't think I can go back to raw vapor.




Well-Known Member
Do you guys disassemble the GonG connections while your Q is cooling? I've always done it but don't really want to.


Well-Known Member
Do you guys disassemble the GonG connections while your Q is cooling? I've always done it but don't really want to.
No I leave mine assembled whether on or off heating or cooling. I only take it apart if I think someone will break it.
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Well-Known Member
No I leave mine assembled whether on or off heating or cooling. I only take it apart if I think someone will break it.

Same my cyclones ALWAYS attached. Elbow comes out simply because its attached to my 18m male adapter for bongs. I take it completely apart when I have friends over and we wont be using it.


Singer Song Writer Stoner
So...anyone tried to put his tube in the freezer and then reclaim? shouldn't it make it glass and easy to remove?

I'm wondering about that before I do a QWISO :)


Well-Known Member
I've had an extreme Q for a few months now and I love everything about it! I accidentally fused some of the glass joints and had to crack one, but that's my own stupid fault...
How is it your own fault my heater cover got stuck to the bottom of my cyclone bowl too lol
I've been enjoying the water filtration from this setup I rigged. I don't think I can go back to raw vapor.
I have my q on a table stand just like that. Do you ever find yourself constantly knocking things over? Also, while the lego stand looks pretty badass is there a specific purpose to this? You ever think of packing both cyclone bowls = )

mod note: Please do not quote more than necessary. Pictures removed.


Well-Known Member
I haven't had any knocking issues.

I use the bong for water filtration on my vape hits. The stand holds the two cyclone bowls just about level so dropping the elbows in is smooth. The stand holds my nail in place to get heated by my torch without holding it:

.1g dab of this winterized shatter I made cuz I just got lucky.



Well-Known Member
I've been meaning too... :uhoh: Just don't often get around to it or wind up with a dab instead..


Well-Known Member
do anybody still use the bag with there Arizer?

I do when my friends that smoke come over. I used to smoke with them but, I'm slowly working on converting them! They love the bags (I don't but its better than combustion!!)


Baked & Fried
my friend pretty much only uses bags on the EQ.. i'm kinda surprised. i thought it might just be a quick phase.. but nope

Maynard G Krebs

Well-Known Member
A couple years ago, a friend of mine told me that his daughter had purchased him a vaporizer for a Christmas gift. He described it and I immediately knew what it was when he said it had a remote control and it turned blue at the base. The story went downhill from there. I told him is daughter had been quite generous with the gift and when I told him the price, he seemed to think she'd never spend that kind of money on that sort of thing, but.. none the less, he has it. He said he got it to work once and then it seemed to stop making any heat. Well, after about a year and a half delay, we've finally gotten together on the issue. I just spent a couple hours messing with the thing and everything seems to be working EXCEPT the heat. Am I missing something here. I downloaded the 'manual', for what it's worth.. and learned nothing. I can't tell you how much I hate being defeated by an electronic device.. Hoping from words of wisdom from the community here. tia..

mgk :shrug:
Maynard G Krebs,


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have the v3 and after couple years, it finally crapped out on me today.

Don't know if you got this figured out, but for others also, the problem was the power cord. I hadn't used it in a while, plugged it in and my V would get hotter and hotter past the value I set for it. The first time I thought the display was malfunctioning until it started beeping and it certainly was overheating.

So I unplugged it, and tried a few quick things without luck. THEN, I decided to try another power adapter (the one for a Vapir NO2 actually), which is only rated as 13V 1.5A. Then magically it came alive and worked. It heated slower, not surprisingly because the normal adapter is 19V 3.5A.

Then, I knew my V-Tower was "working". I swapped out the extension cord that leads up to the power brick and the vaporizer was back to working... Was it the cord? Was it a glitched reset by the other power adapter? Who knows. I took electronics, so I knew there was some risk, but going lower in voltage seemed a lot safer. I already put away the other cord. Not sure how that could really matter, but maybe this story will help someone.

In short, try a new adapter before throwing your V-Tower in the dumpster!



Well-Known Member
How does one unstuck a cyclone bowl and heater cover? Also how can I prevent this from happening.
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