PUFFiT portable


Get your Freak on....
The battery issues right now from what I understand are "it doesn't go past 7-12 hits."

Well if that is true, that is completely unacceptable.. Either they are defective units that the vendor should imminently replace or this product is total BS and will crash and burn with the help of all of us here at FC.. Sorry to sound harsh but this is NOT sounding good..

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
Don't know what else to say other then I have the opposite experience. I tried to vaporize once at my old job. The person at the desk 20 feet away from me turned around with a look of horror on her face as she smelled me using my MFLB. I have never had a good experience with smell in any of the portable vaporizer. Maybe I around people with super sniffers. ;)

I actually try not to comment much on smell because it is so subjective. What might smell to me might not smell to anyone else. Lots of factors can change how much odor any given device is producing. I guess my view is if you are really worried about medicating stealth-fully you will use edibles, tinctures, or cannabis pills. I just avoid medicating in overly public areas. If I need to medicate I usually excuse myself and go set in the passenger seat of my car. I prefer the passenger seat because it makes it hard for a police officer to claim that I was about to drive intoxicated.

Well if that is true, that is completely unacceptable.. Either the are defective units that the vendor should imminently replace or this product is total BS and will crash and burn with the help of all of us here at FC.. Sorry to sound harsh but this is NOT sounding good..

I am concerned about the battery life as well...
Slightly Medicated,


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I was just trying to be light hearted. If it is really that bad I think I would stop using it till we find out what it is. Dogman did say it went away but who knows.


Well-Known Member
I have a question.. People are saying the battery last about 2 bowls.. But what does 2 bowels = in hits.. I believe Dogman said he could get 20 to 30 decent hits off one bowl.. So that would = 40 to 60 hits off of 2 bowls.. If that is the case than that is damn good is it not??? Hell 40 to 60 hits would last me 2 or 3 sessions. When I use my Solo I avg about 2 to 3 bowls at about 6 to 7 good hits per bowl per session... About the same with my T1... With my Solo I can do about 6 to 8 bowls(6 to 7 good hits per bowl) before the battery light gets down to #3 and I recharge per the Solo's instructions..

I think this is the wrong way to look at it. There is no standard hit. IMO a much more useful measure is the amount of herb it will process in a charge. As I understand it, the unit holds a little less than the MFLB, something around 1/8 to 1/10 of a gram? So a charge is good for maybe 1/4 of a gram. If that's a great plenty for you, well and good. But just because it took some guy 50 hits to go through that much with his doesn't mean you're going to find 20 of those hits (representing say 80 to 100 mg of herb) to be a full session. Given good bud, that could be something like 10 to 20 mg of THC, plenty for many, but not for others.

I actually try not to comment much on smell because it is so subjective. What might smell to me might not smell to anyone else. Lots of factors can change how much odor any given device is producing.

Excellent point. Let's recall back to the cigarettes in the boys room days. Parents could always smell it on our clothes when we couldn't, right? Those who don't smoke pot are going to be a lot more sensitive to the smell than those of us for whom it's an old friend. By a wide margin in many cases. Dangerous waters IMO.



Get your Freak on....
I think this is the wrong way to look at it. There is no standard hit. IMO a much more useful measure is the amount of herb it will process in a charge. As I understand it, the unit holds a little less than the MFLB, something around 1/8 to 1/10 of a gram? So a charge is good for maybe 1/4 of a gram. If that's a great plenty for you, well and good. But just because it took some guy 50 hits to go through that much with his doesn't mean you're going to find 20 of those hits (representing say 80 to 100 mg of herb) to be a full session. Given good bud, that could be something like 10 to 20 mg of THC, plenty for many, but not for others.


Agree with your explanation...


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Yea slim if my pill guy was still available I would do that but for now no dispensaries open and I suck at making meds that work. If this place has Private messages and you have a recipe fly it to me and I will try it. Last time I traveled I did use pills and it was great.


Well-Known Member
That is very encouraging, perhaps the cap wasn't on tight for the poster who smelled the oven contents during heatup.

Also your battery must be working pretty well to be on a second bowl. How many hits do you think you've had?

I wish that was the case. But I failed to mention the 3 hour charge after my first bowl.


as in dumb as
I dont think you understand just how bad this taste is
thats what I am saying and to add I think it is the silicone washer around the bowl.

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
Yea slim if my pill guy was still available I would do that but for now no dispensaries open and I suck at making meds that work. If this place has Private messages and you have a recipe fly it to me and I will try it. Last time I traveled I did use pills and it was great.

give me some time... heading out to dinner. I will message you a recipe I have been given that I think is good.

Also just to be clear to everyone. I am talking in terms of absolutes when it comes to odor. I am only speaking in that there is nothing out there that is going to be totally odorless to everyone in every situation. There are plenty of portables that produce minor amount of odor, that should be stealthy enough odor wise for most peoples uses. It all comes down to how comfortable you are with vaporizing in public. I am very uncomfortable vaporizing or medicating in public. I think it mostly stems from the general immature reaction you get if people see you. Grown poeple revert to acting like preschoolers when they see you. "OMG check it out that guy is smoking dope giggle giggle" I also still worry about getting hassled by a police officer who is not in the right mood when they notice me medicating. I tend to look for private feeling places like my car to medicate.
Slightly Medicated,
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Vaporist Extrordinair
I would have to agree with OF on this one, the T1 is an excellent all around vape. I use mine every day, you can boil it and sterilize it for plane travel, simple on/off convection vape that is so far the most discreet vape I have.

Lots of options for add ons and upgrades too, kind of a build your own vape kit. Like an old hot rod, you can customize the hell out of it.

Sorry, way off topic, just my opinion.


Get your Freak on....
<sigh>... I guess I should not expected I would get 3 great vaporizers in a now... Solo, T1 and now the Puffit... Mine comes tomorrow and I am not very excited now after all this.. Maybe since my expectations are so low I will like it.. But I can tell you this... If I only get 7 to 14 hits off of one charge, I will be knocking down the doors demanding a refund.. Love my Solo and T1 but still looking for that one small stealthy unit.. Maybe hope in the Pax but I sure wont Pre order the Pax.. Will wait for tons of reviews first..


Well-Known Member
I have been vaping in public with an iolite for around 4 years at the same job. It's funny that most of the people that smell it are tokers themselves.


Vapor Sloth
It all comes down to how comfortable you are with vaporizing in public. I am very uncomfortable vaporizing or medicating in public. I think it mostly stems from the general immature reaction you get if people see you. Grown poeple revert to acting like preschoolers when they see you. "OMG check it out that guy is smoking dope giggle giggle" I also still worry about getting hassled by a police officer who is not in the right mood when they notice me medicating. I tend to look for private feeling places like my car to medicate.
In Oregon, even if you have a card it is still illegal to medicate in public, so if anyone notices and complains, you're screwed if the cops get involved is my understanding. So an MMJ (green) card apparently is not "carte blanche" after all ;)

From the Oregon State Bar:

Legalization votes in OR, WA, and CO . . . the west is going to lead the nation in the hemp revolution. We legalize and all this nonsense goes away. Legalize, regulate, educate, medicate.


Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
Yea the Washington i-502 vote is kind of iffy. I am not sure if I will vote yes or no on the initiative. There are some really bad aspect to the bill. It is a good first start though. I am left conflicted.
Slightly Medicated,


Well-Known Member
So several days in and I am officially disappointed with my Puffit. The taste/smell is still really strong. My charge only lasts for a bowl, then its a 3 hr wait. I don't hate it but I don't like it near as much as I hoped to. This was my 1st portable and I am already thinking of purchasing another. Any suggestions? Have heard good things about the T1(looking like a strong contender) and the WISPR(a little spendy). Thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
This was my 1st portable and I am already thinking of purchasing another. Any suggestions? Have heard good things about the T1(looking like a strong contender) and the WISPR(a little spendy). Thoughts anyone?

I'm sorry you're not happy with your unit, but they're all compromises at some level meaning they can't please everyone.....

I'm a big fan of T1, IMO it's got excellent taste, reasonable price and excellent quality (both design and construction) in addition to being 'boilable' to clean. However, for best results it needs mixing every hit or two which can lead to awkward motions to those intent on not drawing attention. In that event, Evolution is also worth considering IMO. Once mastered it can deliver continuous hitting until the herb is exhausted. And of course, you can easily carry and swap out charged batteries to your heart's content. For those looking for a slightly smaller package (at the cost of more battery changes) the TV 'Ultra' supply (using a single IMR 14500 battery) and the LV version of Evolution has merit.

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Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
...For those looking for a slightly smaller package (at the cost of more battery changes) the TV 'Ultra' supply (using a single IMR 14500 battery) and the LV version of Evolution has merit.


I agree with that. I use the Alpha Ultralite with the LV Rev and it works really well. It is also hands down the smallest portable vaporizer in that configuration... it is just a little bigger then a cigarette.

I am really disappointed with everyone initial reactions. I will still be getting a unit to review. I am thinking for me though... the puffs of vapor will not be very satisfying. I much prefer thicker short hits or longer light hits.. short light hits might not cut it for me. It might be useful to help prolong my current level until I can get access to a device that delivers a stronger dose.
Slightly Medicated,


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you're not happy with your unit, but they're all compromises at some level meaning they can't please everyone.....

I'm a big fan of T1, IMO it's got excellent taste, reasonable price and excellent quality (both design and construction) in addition to being 'boilable' to clean. However, for best results it needs mixing every hit or two which can lead to awkward motions to those intent on not drawing attention. In that event, Evolution is also worth considering IMO. Once mastered it can deliver continuous hitting until the herb is exhausted. And of course, you can easily carry and swap out charged batteries to your heart's content. For those looking for a slightly smaller package (at the cost of more battery changes) the TV 'Ultra' supply (using a single IMR 14500 battery) and the LV version of Evolution has merit.


Thanks for the input. What is better: the T1 or the Evolution? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I agree with that. I use the Alpha Ultralite with the LV Rev and it works really well. It is also hands down the smallest portable vaporizer in that configuration... it is just a little bigger then a cigarette.

Glad you like it, I do too. But let's be clear about one point Revolution is for concentrates, not herb. The Alpha UltraLite is getting marginal for the load (two dozen hits at most), and is totally inadequate for Evolution with it's heavier power demand and longer cycles. The 10440 just is too small. The Ultra will do a bowl on a charge, the standard LV battery maybe 3 times that?

You need power to heat the herb, remember unlike concentrates most of what's in there is not what we're after (but we still have to heat it up for every hit). Needing lots of power means lots of battery. No way around it. That's why having a field swappable battery is such a keen feature.

Thanks for the input. What is better: the T1 or the Evolution? Thanks

You're welcome. "Which is better?" I thought I just explained the major differences I see, you get to decide how important the trade offs are to you. One is more for the purist, the other more a tool for doing a job....with the attendant compromises. IMO it's really hard to go too far wrong, both are excellent, both call for skill and planning on your part.

Good luck.

In Oregon, even if you have a card it is still illegal to medicate in public, so if anyone notices and complains, you're screwed if the cops get involved is my understanding. So an MMJ (green) card apparently is not "carte blanche" after all ;)

Legalization votes in OR, WA, and CO . . . the west is going to lead the nation in the hemp revolution. We legalize and all this nonsense goes away. Legalize, regulate, educate, medicate.

Not to get off track, but legalizing it is NOT going to make it go away. No state has more liberal laws than California, probably no city has better 'street support' for dispensaries than Los Angeles, but just today they unanimously voted to close them all:

Just because it's legal, and there's a real need, 'recreational users' not being responsible can spoil it for all. And don't discount the Feds. They (or actually one woman it seems?) have closed lots of shops and now are in the process of shutting down Harborside, the largest volume (the very reason she chose to go after them next) and best run (according to LEOs in fact) dispensary in the state.....arguably the nation. Legalization is just another step, and it can go both ways from there. Like the other social issues, we need to change people's opinions at least as much as the law (and ideally first) as I see it. Hearts and minds stuff.

And they ask me why I drink......



So I kept a bit of a journal tonight since my last charge.

1 charge I got 2 bowls in 3 separate sessions. 37 hit in total over a spam of 2 hours, no charging in those 2 hours.(hope that made sense lol) And I vaped solo. Some visible hits, some not so much but I did get completely medicated, so much I had to take a trip to In and Out.


Well-Known Member
The Wispr was good if they can get them to work properly

I agree that the T1 / Evolution was the most tastiest of the vaporizers. But always changing and charging batteries was really annoying.

I had to medicate before I tried to medicate with the T1

Also it's not very portable when I need to carry 4 sets of batteries 8 in total


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Carlos why didn't you like the davinci? I love it just hate the time constraints.


Well-Known Member
Carlos why didn't you like the davinci? I love it just hate the time constraints.

I liked the Davinci except for the cleaning part.

It was hard to reach into the lower chamber to clean. There are 3 screens that have to be removed and cleaned.

Battery life wasn't too bad. One charge pretty much lasted me 4 bowls. It took a little longer to get up to temp by the 4 bowl.

Since the draw speed and taste were about the same as my iolite I couldn't find a good enough reason to keep it.

Not being able to charge it the car kinda was an inconvenience.

Like the Pax the docking station is not very practical.

That's why a bought the Puffit plenty of charging options. But the battery isn't so good and if the plastic taste goes away would make it better.[/quote]

To the moderators,

Why is it that when I reply to someone's post it keeps putting my reply in the quote?

I wish someone would take all the good points of each vaporizer and make one good one.

Take the convection taste of the Thermovape and the durability and sterilization.

The battery charge from the Davinci but include a car adapter. The LCD temp control

Finally take the ease of use from the iolite / Wispr. Which means to be able to just set it and forget it.
Not having to think about how fast or slow I have to draw to get anything out of it.

mod note: three back-to-back posts merged. please use the edit button. broken quote fixed. your question is answered below
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Well-Known Member
To the moderators,

Why is it that when I reply to someone's post it keeps putting my reply in the quote?

In the case above, the final 'square bracket' on /quote got lost so the quote box never closed. To work right you need square boxed quote and /quote to define the quote area, an you need to post all your stuff after that (or before it if you want the quote at the end).

Watch the details next time, it makes more sense than I am right now.....

I wish someone would take all the good points of each vaporizer and make one good one.

I'm sure it's not for lack of will. But 'everything is a trade off'. TV for example, uses designs that preclude electronic temperature controls (or electronics of any sort). What they (and many of us) see as a strength in design. More battery would be nice, but nobody wants bigger or heavier. And so on.

Fortunately for us, Capitalism provides us with lovely options to pick from. And by those rules, if the demand is there, the product will happen if it can. All we have to do is make informed choices.....and enjoy them.



So I kept a bit of a journal tonight since my last charge.

1 charge I got 2 bowls in 3 separate sessions. 37 hit in total over a spam of 2 hours, no charging in those 2 hours.(hope that made sense lol) And I vaped solo. Some visible hits, some not so much but I did get completely medicated, so much I had to take a trip to In and Out.

Jenny it looks like your battery is one of the good ones. (perhaps after a few charge/discharge cycles?) Some here get very little power from theirs. 37 hits without a charge is phenominal imo.

Is the odor of heated herb generated from yours?

How is the plastic taste?

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