- Canada's Destination for the Best Vapes on the Planet


We sometimes push PV into giving away the expected arrival dates sooner than they would like, by the way we express our own needs.
PV gets swept up in our frenzy and divulges a promised date...... because they understand us so well.
At least we are involved in the process, and know what is going on all of the time.. We are treated as family!


Does anyone know if the PVHES have been posted for sale yet. I was unable to check most of the day. i'm worried i missed out again.



My friends call me "Menz"
Last I checked they were still out of stock but I did notice that they raised the price as well


Well-Known Member
EST between two hours ago and midnight. That's the official line from their site. Also they apologize for the raised price but production costs have risen so... Still I wait patiently :D


Well-Known Member
Luckily having stayed up late the last few expected releases only to be bummed that it didn't happen(I live in Scotland, so defo no EST! :ugh:) I'm on nightshift so get paid to PVHES watch.. awesome!
Still like Vitolo rightly says, we DO push for the ETA so only ourselves to blame for getting excited.


Well-Known Member
It said in stock for the PVHES straight.. 2 seconds it took to press add to cart 'there are non of this item in inventory and cannot be added to cart' WTF! How many crazies were waiting to pull that damned trigger jeez louise!


Don't Vaporize The Planet !, Vaporize Yourself
Hi Everyone,

We are happy to announce the PVHES stems have just been listed for sale. Our costs to get them made have risen, we went through all the costs involved in an earlier posting.

Raising prices on anything is not what we ever want to do, especially on a popular item like the PVHES as we know it looks like we are taking advantage of a popular item. This is not a supply and demand increase, it is purely a glassblower labor cost increase, we are being charged more and that affects the selling price upwards.

For current updates, always check the news section of our website first.

All the PVHES Turbos have some scratches inside the bowl from the cutting tool used to bore it out. The scratches are only cosmetic and do not affect performance. Scratching will be remedied in the next batch.

Have a great night,

EDIT: There is lots of stock still left, they are listed with tubes. Sorry, no shorty turbos in this batch.


Cannasseur and Glasshead
I got a straight shorty and a straight turbo because they had no straight shorty turbos. PV, can you confirm if you stocked them and they sold out or not?


Well-Known Member
Yep gonna be a fair few disappointed vaporists today.
Chin up! And keep posted to this thread for updates.. also update available on the PV homepage.
Damnit! Was away at work for 8 hours and missed all the straight pvhes's after checking in religiously the last few days. at least I got a bent one.
PV, any idea when the next batch is coming in for us not so quick on the mouse clicking finger have a chance?


My friends call me "Menz"
don't feel so bad i didn't get any... not cause i missed them, or they were out of stock. nope, i missed then cause i was out of $$$ and my CC does not have the play room i would like. so i hope they will re-stock soon, but not until i have some dough


Well-Known Member
every thing out already. wonderful. putting them up late at night is bullshit. There should of been some kind of restriction like one per customer so everyone could have a chance of getting one. Very poorly handled by PV. But thats OK, price increase and all gone, so everything is rosy for PV.:mad:


Well-Known Member
Games and movies have antisocial time releases.
I don't know if they did have a limit actually. I think the did last time from what I read.
Sucks you didnt get any. Eds TNT is a viable option?
every thing out already. wonderful. putting them up late at night is bullshit. There should of been some kind of restriction like one per customer so everyone could have a chance of getting one. Very poorly handled by PV. But thats OK, price increase and all gone, so everything is rosy for PV.:mad:
You can't please everyone. I guess you REALLY didn't want one. It is were me and I HAD to have one I would have been up late to see, but that's just me ;)


I agree with VapeNStone
Late time releases are also perhaps what is convenient for a seller... after all it is their product.
I think it also levels things so that those that want the item the worst will wait and work at getting the limited items.
Sort of like being willing to give up a comfy bed.. and to camp out in front of a concert hall for 3 days for best tickets!
Sure some folks live around the corner from the box office, so it is easy for them(correlate to those in the "other" time zone).. that's life.
I personally go to bed at 9 PM central time zone every night.
I stayed up and checked.. to get the items I wanted!


Well-Known Member
You can't please everyone. I guess you REALLY didn't want one. It is were me and I HAD to have one I would have been up late to see, but that's just me ;)
You obviously did not have to get up at 5:00 to go to work now did you.
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