Discontinued herbalAire


Well-Known Member
^I cut a screen to fit the crucible with which I "sandwich" the contents of the crucible. The screen fits in tight and is curved so as to fit, and requires tweezers to remove it.

But the benefits are that anytime a hot crucible falls out, the contents of the crucible stayed inside. This is also convenient because you can remove the screen in the mouthpiece, making it much easier to scrape reclaim.


Well-Known Member
Well looks like I have to take my recommendation of this unit back. I used it about 5 times when I got it 2 months ago for bags and a couple whip applications. Then I started using it frequently about a month ago with my new bubbler. Came home from work last night, turned it on and after 5 seconds I heard a click and it shut off. Will not turn back on :(


Well-Known Member
Well looks like I have to take my recommendation of this unit back. I used it about 5 times when I got it 2 months ago for bags and a couple whip applications. Then I started using it frequently about a month ago with my new bubbler. Came home from work last night, turned it on and after 5 seconds I heard a click and it shut off. Will not turn back on :(

Fair enough if you wanna take your recommendation back -- that sucks about your HA. I'm guessing herbalAire will take care of you tho. It has a 3 year warranty no?


Well-Known Member
Fair enough if you wanna take your recommendation back -- that sucks about your HA. I'm guessing herbalAire will take care of you tho. It has a 3 year warranty no?

Good points. Be good to know what happened so we could factor the likelihood of repeats in? For sure there's a lot of guys putting theirs to hard service that seem to be doing fine.

For now, based on my experiences of course, I'll continue to recommend it. But please keep us updated?




Vapor Sloth
Sorry to hear about your product failure VV. Please keep us updated on how HerbalAire responds ok?


Salutations GratefulVapor,

...I have a solo stem I purchased, but not really sure how to use it...

It's no perfect fit and there can be burning-hot parts exposed but it works for me:


I went to the pumbing department of a local hardware store to acquire some teflon tape and brought back whatever i could find, the product was poorly labelled but i can tell from daily use that this is most likely teflon since it does take the heat very well. What you see here is made using a sufficient number of 1 ribbon-large turns to fill the gap at my HerbalAire's entry port. This material provides an acceptable junction which can be made tighter with the addition of a few turns once shaped.

Mine is'nt set too tight as i prefer my angled glass piece to display some movement freedom, which i find particulary suitable because of the water-toy attached... Oh and, yes... The crucible does fall (but i don't let it!) depending on the exact dimensions of the glass tube.



Notmy Well-Known Member
I don't disagree with your thoughts on whips -- I'm a direct vape-bonger myself and really just loving this HA. But I do see some advantages to t-dub's setup -- mostly that you could use the HA in-place and wouldn't have to pick it up. I also think that eliminating the teflon from the vapor path would improve the taste EVEN WITH the addition of a short whip. And here's why: the teflon is really close to the heater, the whip isn't. In my experience the taste of the HA is just fine. It's just that once you've done a few crucibles the bottom of the teflon mouthpiece starts to have a bit of a baked-in smell. Not bad, but it certainly has an effect. Before getting the HA a few weeks ago, my daily driver was a Da Buddha, and I never noticed this baked in smell -- because the hose isn't exposed to nearly as much heat+vapor as the teflon mouthpiece.

Just my thoughts. Good to hear from another direct HA vape-bonger on here.

this is a very interesting theory, i will have to spend some time experimenting to see if i can notice the baked in smell in the mouthpiece. i generally clean the mouthpiece whenever i clean my glass, i don't think i have been leaving it long enough in order to notice the baked in smell. i would imagine that anything that collects resin will give of that baked in smell that you talk about so anything that is close to the heat and the vaporizables will gather resin faster and therefore smell quicker. i am guessing that the whips will eventually have the same baked in smell too. i have noticed the smell in my solo stems.


Well-Known Member
Vape-bonging with the Herbalaire has been my favorite method for the past month now, the vapor's so smooth and it gets you medicated way faster. Here's a video of some vape-bonging with my zob beaker :science:



Well-Known Member
Thanks t-dub! Nice set up, how's the fritted disc perc on your piece?

Here's another more close-up video of vape-bonging with the herbalaire. Not the best lighting but you can see how milky it can get! I've found that I get thicker vapor when I load more herb into the crucible, and I make sure to crank it to 375 and wait one minute after it turns green before hitting it.

This isn't even the thickest it's been, since I only loaded about .075 g of herb in there. When I load half a crucible or more, the vapor gets so thick that the tube becomes completely opaque when milked, like in this other video. :)

Ever since I discovered water filtration, I fear vaping has been a little too enjoyable for me!


Vapor Sloth
I am absolutely in love with Da Disc :freak: my lungs are now no longer a limiting factor when I medicate.



Well-Known Member
Well it's been 6 weeks and the HA is still my daily driver. I tried to go back to Da Buddha for a while but I just love the big vape-bong hits I get with the herbalAire and a nice tube (DBV still a great whip vape IMO). I still keep the HI out for smaller sessions but that's really about it. We'll see if this changes when I get my Steinel+VCB+Valloon this week.

I got some truly fantastic Casey Jones flowers and they've made me change up my vaping strategy. Specifically I'm starting out at 325 (instead of 350) and really enjoying the temp range between 325 and 350. Some people have complained that the HA doesn't go above 400 (and this is probably valid for concentrates) but I rarely find the need to go all the way up, usually topping out around 375.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever heard of glass casting? It's where you pour molten glass into a mould to create perfectly shaped glass pieces. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_casting)

I was thinking that if someone had access to a workshop that does this, maybe they could make a glass cast of the HA mouthpiece. :brow: And to make sure it fits snug, you could use put a silicone O-Ring on the part of the mouthpiece that inserts into the unit! Silicone, as many of you know, can withstand temps of up to 500 degrees.

If possible, such a mod would probably vastly improve taste and look cool at the same time. Any thoughts?


Vapor Sloth
I like your thoughts personally. I was also contemplating along these lines but using a fritted crucible instead. I don't think they make them small enough however. Keep up the good work :tup:



Salutations SkyLine,

...you pour molten glass into a mould to create perfectly shaped glass pieces. ... Any thoughts?

With such means at hand i'd rather wish for a glass accessory like the Vaponic (VapBong replacement) where there's just no direct contact with hot air from my HerbalAire, or any other equivalent apparatus for that matter, through a sealed-glass heat-exchanging system, possibly... But then i fear the HA would never get hot enough!



Hey Guys.... I`m really amazed what i`ve been reading about this vape.... i can get it for !75 Bucks!, so I´m gonna give it a try :) I`m so exited to get this product.... can somebody tell me if you could connect something to the volcano bags to use them properly with the herbalaire? and what would you say is a good glas mouthpiece? I`ve gotta huge one for my shisha ..... will this work if i connect it right?
i`ts this one http://www.egeglas.de/produkte/shisha/schlauch/mund/mund.html .... would be awesome :D

Edit: there is also a nice silikone tube that fits for my shisha mouthpiece(i got it)....

any nice idear to fit it right on top of the herbalaire?



Well-Known Member
Hey Nudelus welcome to FC! 75 sounds like a really good deal you should jump on that for sure haha.

If you look through the thread, you'll find a whole bunch of mods that people have done to improve their HA experience. I don't think I've seen that anyone has found a way to make volcano bags work though, but personally I don't find it that much of an annoyance to cover the tip of the bag when using bags.

As for a glass mouthpiece, there have been lots of mods where they'd drill the stock teflon mouthpiece to make the opening wider, and stick glass tubing through the opening to make the vapor path past the crucible all glass. However, I don't think anyones found a perfect all glass piece that just fits by itself on top of the HA, although a number of people have found the arizer solo stems to work for them by sticking the stem into the crucible, and then sticking the crucible into the HA.


Notmy Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever heard of glass casting? It's where you pour molten glass into a mould to create perfectly shaped glass pieces. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_casting)

I was thinking that if someone had access to a workshop that does this, maybe they could make a glass cast of the HA mouthpiece. :brow: And to make sure it fits snug, you could use put a silicone O-Ring on the part of the mouthpiece that inserts into the unit! Silicone, as many of you know, can withstand temps of up to 500 degrees.

If possible, such a mod would probably vastly improve taste and look cool at the same time. Any thoughts?

This is a good idea. However if the mouthpiece was glass it would end scratching, or flea biting your water pipes when used in vapebong mode.

I would like to see a gong joint mated to the base of the ha mouthpiece. That way it would mate perfectly to both the glass and the ha.

While I'm dreaming we might as well incorporate a glass herb chamber similar to a solo stem. You might need to put a ss screen on the bottom in order to contain the vaporizables. it would take longer to heat up, so as long as the ha could get it hot enough it would make the ha into an all glass vapor path vape.

The more i think about it, the more i like this idea. I'm going to see if I can get one made.
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Well-Known Member
This is a good idea. However if the mouthpiece was glass it would end scratching, or flea biting your water pipes when used in vapebong mode.

I would like to see a gong joint mated to the base of the ha mouthpiece. That way it would mate perfectly to both the glass and the ha.

While I'm dreaming we might as well incorporate a glass herb chamber similar to a solo stem. You might need to put a ss screen on the bottom in order to contain the vaporizables. it would take longer to heat up, so as long as the ha could get it hot enough it would make the ha into an all glass vapor path vape.

The more i think about it, the more i like this idea. I'm going to see if I can get one made.

If you do, it'd probably be the coolest mod made for the HA so far :)

If only the Herbalaire company decided it was time to get into the whole glass movement, we wouldn't have to come up with such elaborate schemes haha.

I like the GonG idea alot. One of the few faults I see with the Cloud is the fact that the GonG joint is permanently fixed and thus susceptible to break off. Having a removable mouthpiece GonG joint would just be awesome ... maybe they could put threads on the mouthpiece and threads in the chamber so you could screw the glass in place like a bolt to ensure it can't accidentally fall off like with the current design.

On a different note:
Lately I've been trying to limit the frequency of my vaping but it's been hard to resist since I got my new 9mm thick piece! I feel like I could club an intruder down with this thing and it'd still be pretty to look at afterwards. So of course, here's some vapor and glass porn for all of you folks. :smug:



Notmy Well-Known Member
^ great vid! 9mm ftw - the ha milked that beast with no trouble. I love how the instant you start drawing there's vapor in the tube, that's one of my fav features of the ha - your vid shows it beautifully!

Also, it looks like PV is looking to drop some F Bombs on us ha owners. Could be interesting.
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Well-Known Member
^thanks notmyrealUSERname! yeah the HA never fails to produce thick vapor as soon as you start drawing, which is the upside of the controversial conduction-convection combo that this unit uses haha.

I just took a look at the PV thread and saw what you were talking about, it sounds pretty awesome. I wonder how the connection will be if it can fit the Solo, EQ, and the HA universally hmm. I hope they release some pics soon!

I don't know if this has been thought of but seeing the F-bomb idea led me to think of this potentially possible and simple mod - you could take the Vaporfection Aquavape (http://vaporfection.com/products/aqua-vape-standard/) and drill a hole in the HA mouthpiece big enough to fit the end of the aquavape, and just stick the aquavape in that and you have a simple and relatively inexpensive water-filtration piece that would go right on top of the HA.

But I don't actually have an aquavape so I don't know if it's end nubs are too fat for someone to drill a hole in the HA mouthpiece that'd be wide enough to fit, but it might be possible haha. If someone does have an aquavape and an HA they should try it and report the results here ... for science! :)


not sure if im covering old ground here, but i recently started packing the teflon mouthpiece directly and not using the metal piece at all. its sorta like the elbow pack of and EQ if u ask me. and my herb isnt as cashed im guessing because theres no radiant heat to deal with from the metal bowl piece. i pack the piece, minus the extender, and slam that bitch in my roor. nice vapin'



I think the HerbalAire would be worth a companion model (to initiate a series, perhaps!) with enough power to work as the former LoxLux lamp for the VapBong (now Vaponic) or some similar glass ustensile: its heater element could be easily replaced using something significantly more responsive, provided the casing's thermal isolation proves to be suitable, that is... Thanks to such inherent relative "purity" (as that from the VapBong concept) it should result into a simpler design and hence contribute to render the product really attractive. A sophisticated controller hidden behind its base (as in the Happy Vappy Varry) would raise the final cost but that sort of offer would certainly retain my attention if it existed! I don't suppose it's that expensive to "beef-up" a driver stage and improve layout/isolation accordingly, after all.



Well-Known Member
I was going to post a video to demo this but I'm on a monthlong t-break now so I'm just gonna say that the Hydratubes for the Cloud fit on the HA's mouthpiece! The teflon mouthpiece doesn't go all the way into the female joint though - a good portion of the bottom of the mouthpiece still sticks out. As a result, you can't just leave the HT on the HA by itself, you have to hold it there as you hit it.

I do think this can be remedied though by cutting the mouthpiece shorter, allowing all of it to go into the joint so that the HT can just sit on the HA like it does on the cloud.


Well-Known Member
So, im sitting here CHOKING on clouds of vapor - using my Airizer Solo's Glass on Glass adapter... IN MY HERBALAIRE. Like WTF, this thing is hitting hard - no cruicible, no teflon. Those who own these, I suggest you try this, then give your self a nice slap in the face! Hehe.

(So like the GOG adapter is sittin in my US tube 11 mm glass double tube, and I just set the herbalair over it like it was the solo.)

You know, planet vape could just barely tweak this (make it a tini bit bigger) and it would be custom perfect.
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