E-Cigarette (not for THC use)


Head of Pot
Vitolo said:
Hell... I will be reading, and likely be in contact with all of you that just posted.. ( and left an "opening" for contact)

That's what we here for! You'll get better, quicker info coming to us than diving into the massive ECF lol! Definitely cool to contact me if you got any ?'s

the ob

all good in the hood.
I am happy to help too, but know way less than Lo! Not that I am trying to get you to harass her instead! I am here if you need me.

JDS, out of warranty and will have to pay. I need him to contact me first though! I asked last night in a email to just email me a invoice for the repair amount. I do not know why I do not hear from him.

mine was even more. I did VV, with brass cup and expensive woods. I think mine was like 195.00
the ob,

the ob

all good in the hood.
heard from him today. He said too much juice flooded it and the insides are fried. It will be a few days before it dries out and then 39.00 to repair. I will get it back and sell it.

the ob,


Head of Pot
the ob said:
heard from him today. He said too much juice flooded it and the insides are fried. It will be a few days before it dries out and then 39.00 to repair. I will get it back and sell it.


That's exactly what he told me....

Now the question is, why didn't he originally put the dial on the side or bottom or somewhere that's not DIRECTLY in line with the fucking catch cup RIGHT?!?!

So ya put it in ur pocket, juice drains out of atty into catch cup, then spills over into dial, and jacks your shit up. SMH

the ob

all good in the hood.
I agree. that is why i currently own a darwin and have ordered a REO wood to take this ones place.
the ob,


Queer in a high haze
Lo said:
lesvape said:
Lo said:
I did get more 357's... a girl needs backup!

@Lesvape! What atomizer you vaping on your eGo now?? You using standard or low resistance?? Holler. There are oodles of options.
I have the standard tank and a 510 2.2(or was it 2.1)ohm that I am dripping with.

Oh dude! I think if you tried one of the Cisco 306's in 1.8 ohm or even 2.0ohm you might be rather pleased. It would fit your 510 connector but you'd need a drip tip to go with. They are a great atty for dripping and provide more vapor/heat than the one you're using now. You could also use a 1.5ohm version but I hear the lower ohm's could make your overall battery life shorter. I think 1.8ohm would give you the boost you're looking for ;)

1.8ohm atty: http://www.avidvaper.com/products/LR306-Low-Resistance-Atomizer-1.8-ohm-(Cisco-Spec).html
What about the 510 model of the 1.8ohms, or is 306 somehow better?

the ob

all good in the hood.
lesvape said:
Lo said:
lesvape said:
I have the standard tank and a 510 2.2(or was it 2.1)ohm that I am dripping with.

Oh dude! I think if you tried one of the Cisco 306's in 1.8 ohm or even 2.0ohm you might be rather pleased. It would fit your 510 connector but you'd need a drip tip to go with. They are a great atty for dripping and provide more vapor/heat than the one you're using now. You could also use a 1.5ohm version but I hear the lower ohm's could make your overall battery life shorter. I think 1.8ohm would give you the boost you're looking for ;)

1.8ohm atty: http://www.avidvaper.com/products/LR306-Low-Resistance-Atomizer-1.8-ohm-(Cisco-Spec).html
What about the 510 model of the 1.8ohms, or is 306 somehow better?

people really like the 306's.
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
lol.. Lesvape, You could get the 1.8 ohm version of the 510. The 306's really have tickled people's fancies though and I switched to them over a year ago until trying that handmade atty recently. The 306's deliver more vapor and heat than a 510. There is an adapter too that would allow you to use the 306 with your 510 drip tip or you grab a 306 drip tip when you get one. They are really a sweet atomizer.

I am not sure if the drip tips I have now have larger holes, the dropper bottle have smaller holes or if I have just refined my dripping skills. I used to get juice airlock in the drip tips and had to blow a teensy bit to get the juice to drop into the atomizer. I haven't had that problem in a long time but I'm just not sure how it solved itself.

I'm guessing that Ryan might have been fixing a lot of those Ali's and if same problem over and over I'd call that a design flaw for sure. I'm guessing he found easier to close shop than to keep up. So many mods now ;)

the ob

all good in the hood.
I know I asked this before, but cleaning 306's? How? do you dunk them in alcohol and for how long? I have looked and looked and cant find one exact way to do it.
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
The method I use now is the one that Cisco mentioned and it works very well. I soak the atomizer in Everclear (or Vodka). I soak mine about an hour or two if I forget lol. This is where his method differs from my previous method. Instead of a rinsing with water and letting dry as I used to now I just blow the atomizer out well into a paper towel. I then flood it with PG though they say this isn't necessary...I blow it out again really well. Add juice and start vaping. If you skip the PG flooding you might blow a little juice through it to help get rid of the alcohol. Since starting this method I am very pleased with the results. They say it's better not to rinse with water and I now agree it does work better for me as well.

the ob

all good in the hood.
Lo said:
The method I use now is the one that Cisco mentioned and it works very well. I soak the atomizer in Everclear (or Vodka). I soak mine about an hour or two if I forget lol. This is where his method differs from my previous method. Instead of a rinsing with water and letting dry as I used to now I just blow the atomizer out well into a paper towel. I then flood it with PG though they say this isn't necessary...I blow it out again really well. Add juice and start vaping. If you skip the PG flooding you might blow a little juice through it to help get rid of the alcohol. Since starting this method I am very pleased with the results. They say it's better not to rinse with water and I now agree it does work better for me as well.

with both the 306's and the new ones, do you leave the drip tip on? also which direction do you blow in? from the bottom up or through the drip tip?

without the drip tip on the 306's how do you do it?
the ob,


Queer in a high haze
So, can I just use the 306 straight on the ego, or do I need to get a connector for it?


Head of Pot
lesvape said:
So, can I just use the 306 straight on the ego, or do I need to get a connector for it?

As long as its a 510 connection you should be good

the ob said:
with both the 306's and the new ones, do you leave the drip tip on? also which direction do you blow in? from the bottom up or through the drip tip?

without the drip tip on the 306's how do you do it?

I do the same thing but I clean with iso with the drip tip off, then when blow out with tip on. Drip like 3 or 4 drops when I think its dry, then blow that liquid out. All blowing done from tip end not batt end

Since I quit running water on them I noticed a difference for the better as well

the ob

all good in the hood.
JDSupreme said:
lesvape said:
So, can I just use the 306 straight on the ego, or do I need to get a connector for it?

As long as its a 510 connection you should be good

the ob said:
with both the 306's and the new ones, do you leave the drip tip on? also which direction do you blow in? from the bottom up or through the drip tip?

without the drip tip on the 306's how do you do it?

I do the same thing but I clean with iso with the drip tip off, then when blow out with tip on. Drip like 3 or 4 drops when I think its dry, then blow that liquid out. All blowing done from tip end not batt end

Since I quit running water on them I noticed a difference for the better as well

will you do this same thing with the hybrids?
the ob,


Combustion free since '09
I've always (and most folks) blown the attys from the drip tip end towards battery end, into a paper towel. The new HH357's they specifically say ONLY blow from battery end towards drip tip end. I'm following protocol with that one as I don't want to fuck it up.

306 & 510 have the same connector so you can use the 306 on an eGo or any of the eGO like mods. The 306 is a short atty and requires it's own drip tip or that adapter that allows you to use 510 drip tips with the 306.


Head of Pot
Lo said:
I've always (and most folks) blown the attys from the drip tip end towards battery end, into a paper towel. The new HH357's they specifically say ONLY blow from battery end towards drip tip end. I'm following protocol with that one as I don't want to fuck it up.

This latest batch can be blown from the tip end since they are supposed to have the bottom hole, I think


Combustion free since '09
Not correct sir lol.. The sealed ones have small holes in threads but Hanna & Cisco specifically said only blow in the direction of airflow (i.e. the way you normally vape). Instructions I got for 357s was to do opposite of what we've always done. I've had mine a week and I am hoping to make mine last so I am following protocol ROFL! Cisco knows his shit and Hanna...well he makes a damn fine atty too!


Head of Pot
Lo said:
Not correct sir lol.. The sealed ones have small holes in threads but Hanna & Cisco specifically said only blow in the direction of airflow (i.e. the way you normally vape). Instructions I got for 357s was to do opposite of what we've always done. I've had mine a week and I am hoping to make mine last so I am following protocol ROFL! Cisco knows his shit and Hanna...well he makes a damn fine atty too!

What about the new ones that aren't sealed? still no?

the ob

all good in the hood.
JDSupreme said:
Lo said:
Not correct sir lol.. The sealed ones have small holes in threads but Hanna & Cisco specifically said only blow in the direction of airflow (i.e. the way you normally vape). Instructions I got for 357s was to do opposite of what we've always done. I've had mine a week and I am hoping to make mine last so I am following protocol ROFL! Cisco knows his shit and Hanna...well he makes a damn fine atty too!

What about the new ones that aren't sealed? still no?

we need to figure this thing out.
the ob,

the ob

all good in the hood.
this is from the atty maker himself:

Hey guys I've taken a look at a few atty's I have gotten back and have seen seal breaks, but more commonly is see evidence of tampering and obvious improper use.....I am replacing the attyns this time regardles but I would like to say:



These attys are built and dialed in on and individual basis, tampering with the coil and or filler will have a large impact on performance.

No biggie guys just remember if it doesn't work contact me first. No disassemble
the ob,

the ob

all good in the hood.
and this for cleaning:

Dip them in and scoop up some alc and let it drain out the battery terminal a few times. Then let soak for a few minutes then blow out real hard through the battery terminal end and out the drip tip end.

the ob,


Combustion free since '09
Ob got the quotes I would have posted!! Yes, even the new unsealed versions should only be blown from batty end only.


Head of Pot
Lo said:
Ob got the quotes I would have posted!! Yes, even the new unsealed versions should only be blown from batty end only.

Thx guys I just figured the reason they said "no tip blowing" was strictly because they were sealed attys, but oh well shouldn't be a hard habit to break lol

less than 3 hours until the mail comes!! tracked them on their way here today for sure!!
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