Cannabis News


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Biggest hurdle is International then national. :2c: The UN's participation on the War on drugs and signed treaties,<- link to article. Canada has had to consider that when Full Legalization was considered.

Reverse that like Canada has announced at the UN as part of it's policy. This may counter UN treaties already signed by Canada. Or be reinterpreted as going with the same policies. The US being one of the largest proponents of these UN agreements going after drugs internationally.


Well-Known Member
maybe my beef is that I'm NOT buzzed...(out of medicine is no way to go thru life)

Guess 'follow the money' means something else to me (it leads to the bad guys); markets will stabilize on their own IF bad actors are prevented manipulating the factors in their control to control the field and the rules of the game; markets DO NOT police themselves without turf wars, elimination, and both economic and social disruption.

Typically, 'black' (unregulated/forbidden) markets earn their unsavory reps because of self-protective actions by ruthless players. Variety, availability and price determined by pressures brought mutually to bear, & either stimulated or throttled by demand and/or interference. In legal markets, it's supposed to be different due to standardization, regulation and participant protection, buyers and sellers and providers.

(The problem of corruption arises when when bad actors seek to wist or bend outcomes covertly, as history teaches us many, many times over: if we imagine that corruption is not fully engaged in this current BS, then we have a GREAT imagination).

Siezed up: I'll just sit here and rust until some oil comes my way....

I think the big winners in the new market (once the fed signs off on the deal) will be the players with the resources necessary to stake out a national distribution system, win in the advertising game and find a cheap enough source of approved product. All I want as an individual on the other end of the scale is for the fed to just go away and let me tend to my own needs, maybe everyone can get what they want in the new world.


unbearably light in the being....
The various UN agreements, treaties, whatever, have been solely the product of the USA. We wrote nearly all of each of them, and we bullied nations (United or not) to do as we had done if they wished to continue their relationships w/ the US. Bullying, plain and simple.

One of the common anti-legalization whines is that we're bound by those international agreements, and would 'lose face' with other countries if we didn't stand firmly behind them - as if the entire mess hadn't been our doing...and as if we haven't already lost face for entirely separate reasons. so basically what that means is that we can't change our minds about it after shoving everyone else into it...


Well-Known Member
President Barack Obama has a complicated history with medical marijuana. In his autobiography, and elsewhere, Obama frankly described using marijuana as a teen: “I inhaled frequently. That was the point.” When he was running for president, Obama famously said he wouldn’t be using federal resources to “circumvent state laws on the issue” of medical marijuana. But not long after he got into office, his administration began a crackdown on growers and dispensers in states that had legalized it. By 2012, he had publically changed his tune from 2008, arguing that not to enforce federal anti-pot statutes in states where medical marijuana was legal would be to “nullify congressional law.”

Since then, though, Congress passed a measure explicitly telling the Obama administration to cease spending funds to prevent medical marijuana providers from operating in states that have legalized it. Ironically, Obama has opted to ignore this particular legislation and continues to prosecute these cases, essentially nullifying congressional power. In so doing, the president has not only directly contradicted himself multiple times over, but he has set up a historic clash that threatens the constitutional balance of power between Congress and the executive branch, one that could go all the way to the Supreme Court.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member


Well-Known Member
it explains the reasons that some older folks are turning to marijuana and cannabis use to deal with pain and to help them relax.

We Seniors rock!
what I find most difficult to deal with is that seniors, as a group, are the most likely to oppose med MJ (and legalization).
No group out there could benefit more from MJ, than seniors.
Seniors, of course, gain almost infinite wisdom in their aging process :) but also pick up a host of age related med issues.
Tough to get past the stigma from years of lies and propaganda so there is a lot of education that needs to happen.

soon we hope


unbearably light in the being....
Many 'seniors' IME pick up as much or more ignorance/hypocrisy as wisdom (and many seem to never gain, but only lose it as their marbles scatter). Many people assume there were a LOT more freaks back in the day than there were in fact; and many who are fine with giving THEMSELVES permission are perfectly fine w/ DENYING permission to others....


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
High Times and Agency Unite to Sell Marijuana to Mainstream

MARIJUANA advocates are teaming up with Madison Avenue to try to make pot palatable to mainstream Americans — and to the advertisers that want to reach them.

High Times, the 42-year-old must-have magazine for the cannabis enthusiast, has collaborated with Sparks & Honey, an Omnicom advertising agency, on a report meant to prompt big-picture thinking in the marijuana industry. The paper, “Rebranding Marijuana,” was released April 20, the unofficial pot holiday.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Marijuana ruling could limit prosecutions
A federal appeals court is expected to issue a ruling soon that could limit prosecutions of medical marijuana users and dispensaries in eight Western states that allow medical marijuana.

At issue is a Congressional amendment that said the U.S. Department of Justice could not use funding Congress allocated to it for 2015 and 2016 to prevent states that have legalized medical marijuana from implementing laws that permit its use, distribution and possession.
‘Free the weed’: Cannabis supporters protest globally for relaxation of marijuana laws
The Global Marijuana March has taken place this weekend as cannabis supporters from around the world gathered in 829 cities in 72 countries to put pressure on their governments to legalize the drug.


Mac you are awesome!
Thanks for always posting great info and articles. I follow your thread often and am always eager to see what info you uncover next.

The content of your posts is always backed up too. It is so nice when posters like yourself always insert the links where the info is coming from.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Looming marijuana ruling could limit federal prosecutions

A federal appeals court is expected to issue a ruling soon on the scope of the law that could pave the way to end or overturn at least six federal marijuana criminal prosecutions and convictions ....., and limit future prosecutions of medical marijuana users and dispensaries in eight Western states that allow them.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Attend The Free (Yes, FREE!) Virtual Cannabis Entrepreneur Summit
Posted by Johnny Green at 5:10 AM on May 9, 2016Major Cannabis Events, Marijuana Business News

One of the coolest things in the cannabis space that I have seen since co-creating this blog in 2010 was the first ever Virtual Cannabis Health Summit. I have been to events, and have seen a lot of educational material online, but up until the point of that summit I had never seen so many true cannabis experts in one place, spreading world class knowledge for free. Usually people have to pay out the nose to get that level of info from that caliber of speakers. But with the Virtual Cannabis Health Summit, not only did it not cost a



Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Attend The Free (Yes, FREE!) Virtual Cannabis Entrepreneur Summit
Posted by Johnny Green at 5:10 AM on May 9, 2016Major Cannabis Events, Marijuana Business News

One of the coolest things in the cannabis space that I have seen since co-creating this blog in 2010 was the first ever Virtual Cannabis Health Summit. I have been to events, and have seen a lot of educational material online, but up until the point of that summit I had never seen so many true cannabis experts in one place, spreading world class knowledge for free. Usually people have to pay out the nose to get that level of info from that caliber of speakers. But with the Virtual Cannabis Health Summit, not only did it not cost a

Registered! :tup: Checked out the last one Green Flower had. Very informative.
Cannabis Health Summit 2016


Well-Known Member
Medical marijuana bill clears Ohio House in bipartisan vote


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
News Flash! Chasing Bigger High, Marijuana Users Turn to ‘Dabbing’

The NY Times, forever on top of leading news stories, states:
The practice of consuming marijuana extract — a yellow, waxy substance that can contain high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the chemical in unprocessed marijuana that produces a high — appears to have risen rapidly in New York City over the past few years, according to federal law enforcement officials as well as people who use and sell the drug.


Your resident Super Hero
News Flash! Chasing Bigger High, Marijuana Users Turn to ‘Dabbing’

The NY Times, forever on top of leading news stories, states:
The practice of consuming marijuana extract — a yellow, waxy substance that can contain high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the chemical in unprocessed marijuana that produces a high — appears to have risen rapidly in New York City over the past few years, according to federal law enforcement officials as well as people who use and sell the drug.
such a ridiculous article. acting as if there is this huge difference. Their line regarding flower as beer and wax as vodka makes sense but they ignore the fact that most people drink less vodka vs beer (as in if your are just drinking beer you will more likely have much more drinks than someone drinking vodka) [Most] people don't go out and strictly have shots of vodka, so they use the analogy to make it seem more extreme and then totally ignore any other part of it. Also enjoyed that they are making real dabs vs wax pen equal. :rolleyes:


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
What’s The Problem with Elected Officials and Marijuana?
Every state that has fully legalized marijuana to date has accomplished that change by voter initiative, which means a majority of the voting public in those states clearly favored ending marijuana prohibition. However most statewide elected officials in those states publicly opposed legalization prior to the vote; and even after the initiatives passed, many attempt to undermine the new laws. - See more at:

Fat Freddy

See more at:


"To some degree, they are the victims of their own propaganda. And they can’t let go of those dated views without acknowledging their complicity in the misguided and destructive war on marijuana smokers. The policy they support has resulted in the senseless arrest and prosecution of tens of millions of otherwise law-abiding Americans, simply because they smoke pot. And our elected officials do not wish to accept that responsibility.

Instead of moving forward with a fresh approach, these public officials prefer to assume the voters have been fooled, or they are stupid, or otherwise incapable of making these decisions for themselves." -- K. Stroup, NORML

It's had to argue with Mr. Stroup's well-articulated points above! I firmly believe that marijuana has been so thoroughly stigmatized over the decades that it has developed a certain degree of "third rail" status with politicians of all stripes. Over the next ten years, as politicians are re-elected for SUPPORTING anti-prohibition measures, that will essentially "turn off" the power to the "cannabis third rail" allowing prohibition politics to move forward rapidly without anyone having to be concerned about losing face within their various political arenas. But I will grant you this. The fact that so many generations of politicians and voters have been deceived by anti-cannabis propaganda over the decades is absolutely un-fucking believable!!!


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