Recent content by nostalgia

  1. nostalgia

    Am I the only mothafucka in the club that still smokes dro

    A lot of my friends are pretty heavy pot smokers so I join in sessions whenever I'm hanging out with my peeps. I bring my II with me everywhere though so it also gets passed around the circle as well. When I'm alone I pretty much only vape though. Sometimes I'll hit my pipe or bong but I would...
  2. nostalgia

    Get High and play games(XBL, PS3, gamer tag swap!)

    My gamer tag for xbox 360 is Ell4iot but it's probably going to run out soon. I play a lot of GoW2 and NHL '09 at my friend Kyle's house among other games. His gamer tag is Friggin Grease, you should add him and say you're from Fuck Combustion.
  3. nostalgia

    The best herb you have ever vaped?

    It could be Purple Kush, which is one of my all time favourites. Purple Kush varies a lot on how purple the buds are, could be some other purple strain as well. I'd have to see some pictures to be sure. My faves are Jack Herer, Nebula, Purple Kush and Grapefruit. I don't know how I can choose...
  4. nostalgia

    TPB fans?

    The style of the series changed a lot over the seasons. But they didn't sell out and it was the same people writing, acting and directing so I think they still retained their integrity. It's just that they were actually being pulled into the mainstream because they were gaining popularity, but...
  5. nostalgia

    FC needs women..

    I would have to disagree because I've seen a skinny 15 year old girl smoke a two hundred pound dude under the table. It's got a lot to do with tolerance. Dude actually greened out too, it was pretty hilarious.
  6. nostalgia

    FC needs women..

    Haha, this thread is hilarious! There are some chicks on here but I think we should recruit more females for FC... somehow.
  7. nostalgia

    TPB fans?

    Does anyone else out there love the show Trailer Park Boys? My friend just lent me all the seasons and I've been getting vaked and watching through all of them. It's been awesome!
  8. nostalgia

    Iolite vaporiser

    Thanks for the pic Reece, I wasn't sure whether to go diagonally or vertically. Vertically makes a lot more sense though. Your purple II looks sick! I like mine in green too but in general the II/IO is a sexy little piece of stoner technology! I would most definitely get a second one if there...
  9. nostalgia

    Iolite vaporiser

    That's a good idea! How do you put them on exactly? Not sure exactly, I was pretty sure it was fucked when I found it. I took the herb chamber off and a bunch of water poured out. I left it out on a table to dry out for most of the day and then I tried firing it up and by god it actually...
  10. nostalgia

    Why do you vaporize?

    I vape for a lot of different reasons. I have asthma and that is probably the biggest reason is that it's easier on my lungs. I also go through a lot of pot so it helps me be more efficient with my usage. I like the high that it gives and that it doesn't burn you out like smoking does. I do it...
  11. nostalgia

    Iolite vaporiser

    I've had my II for about two months now and I love it! I don't clean it out very often, mostly just scrape any spent herb out of the chamber so the screen isn't clogged. For a full cleaning I take the stem and chamber apart and remove the heating pin, soak them in some rubbing alcohol for a...
  12. nostalgia

    Let's Make Some T-shirts

    I for one would love wearing a shirt that said Fuck Combustion on it. I understand why some people would not be comfortable wearing the word fuck on their clothes though. I think that the best idea would be to have a clean version and an explicit version. I really love the vtac's typography, I'm...
  13. nostalgia

    Online food ordering

    My girlfriend and I ordered food online while we were living in Vancouver. We lived on top of a big hill and neither of us had a car so lugging groceries up the hill was a bitch. So every two weeks we ordered organic groceries from I've ordered pizza online before as well.
  14. nostalgia

    anyone here try the sensory deprivation tank

    I haven't been in one yet but I would really like to try it out sometime. I'd love to go in there with some shrooms and trip out. Hopefully I don't revert into a caveman and eat a goat though. Was it DMT the guy took in Altered States?
  15. nostalgia

    DMT Vaporization

    I started reading books by Terrence McKenna a couple of years ago and found out about DMT there. Being a drug enthusiast when I heard about DMT I knew I had to try it. I've never tried it out of an actual vaporizer before. The best highs I've gotten from it was from freebasing it. I've also had...
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