Nausea: The Monster


Well-Known Member
I've had a long 3yr Odyssey of trying to find out what is wrong with me.. I used to work in a highly stressful job at a corporation that had a very negative bullying I know it prob was the shove that got the ball rolling. I've gone from GERD to Its all in your head.. To it is IBS, it's anxiety!..I've had gastric attacks that have sent me to the hospital a few times over the years (they send me home clueless to what's wrong with me). No one listens to me and I have said to my docs my general and GI doc look I know it's more then that.. I did an endoscopy and oh look mild chronic gastritis.. They gave me acid reducers (felt like they did more harm then good) liquid carafate that was supposed to help heal my gastritis(which made me even MORE nauseous taking so stopped that) and I've only gotten worse with time.. This year being the worst as I have nausea every morning and after I eat it goes away for 20mins then comes back.. Other times I have a gnawing acidic feeling I have to eat or else.. Nothing drug wise my doc has thrown at me works and even giving me anti anxiety meds I don't think is going to solve this...I've done every diet under the sun.. Fodmaps seems to be the only thing close enough to being helpful.... Well recently my GI doc says well nothing is working so we must be missing something (ya think?) as things I eat one day are fine the next day aren't fine makes it impossible to figure out what is safe.. So my doc ordered my gall bladder to be checked out.. No stones so then the functionality test was done and found my gall bladder operating at 6%.. I have to have it removed. I am going to talk to a surgeon but also get another GI opinion on the matter as maybe a fresh pair of eyes or more experience can figure out why the nausea is occurring and how to get my life back.. I was a VERY active person and the nausea beast just kills me..hard to get out of bed in the morning.. Mornings I can't eat as my stomach makes me feel ill and tells me I'm full when I am not and just is the worst in trying to function in the morning.. Vaping Herb is the only reason the last few months I have gotten some part of my life back.. It makes the nausea go away and makes me have an appetite/not afraid to eat.. I'm sorry this is long winded and prob a mess to reAd lol it's 1am where I am. It is uncertain whether the Nausea is linked to the Gallbladder issue.. Or the gallbladder not functioning is causing the gastritis (I've read it's known to) I'm hoping in removing it.. It resolves it but there's no guarantee and it's scary for no one to know what is going to help you.. Self medicating is the only way I've had my life back in a sense.. So I guess I'm sharing my story of the battling of the nausea monster.. He's pretty strong and feisty.. It's unrequited love on his part.. He loves me but I can't say I love him back.. He might be starting to get bitter about it :/ lol

Wow Lucky Pucky.....its like hearing someone paraphrase my life. ((((BIG HUGS)))) for all you've have gone through as well. Ive done those tests, ive been on those meds, ive been told im a nutter or attention seeker too :(. Had my gal bladder tested in the beginning came back in range so they dismissed it but ive only ever gotten worse so I hope someone will test it again. Going to finish reading the thread, not sure if you've had the surgery yet if you did go through with it I hope it helps on your way to healing.
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Well-Known Member
Vitolo you are a wealth of information as well as inspirational!

Blue Dream Smells so good and eases my stomach pains. (mornings are hard)
Strawberry Cough is another one that works well for me. (can't find it anymore?)
Sour D is another good one.
GDP is the all time best before bed.

Dutch Treat is tasty however makes me take a nap in the afternoon.
Girl Scout Cookies is the best for me during the day. (projects)
OG and ALIEN KUSH knocks me out! (that's all I have currently)

Blue Dream is easy to get and I will stock up on this one!

Thank you for the reminder!


Cant keep track of everything I wanted to quote so im posting as I read along now. Don't know where you are but I recently purchased Strawberry Kough/Cough in Homeland CA outside of Murrietta in the sticks :p. I haven't seen it at alot of other dispensaries only 1 or 2 online who deliver in socal. If not in cali ive heard it hard to get sadly :(


Well-Known Member
Ok now that ive rea the entire thread I can properly participate :). 1) Big MASSIVE (((HUGS))) to all of you suffering as well im sorry you have ha to experience this so long for so many reasons. 2) I really appreciate everyone who mentioned specific strains its really helping me navigate my first big order. Thus far I only got a gram to try and didn't really know what to do with it :p.

Since you all have shared it makes me feel much safer to do so. Here is my summary -

I was the kind of kid your mother or grandmother would have called "sickly". Never slept as a baby, all the steps (teething, walking, etc...) were harder for me than others but I did ok. No major issues till 9yrs old started the joint pain mainly hands and knees. DX arthritis by 10 which when added to growing pains at 13 was literally crippling. I couldn't walk for almost a year. Then my family had to rehab me back out of a wheelchair alone since insurance wouldn't cover it for "growing pains" *rolls eyes*.

I worked my way back to an active lifestyle. I always had been despite the joints and other issues (got bronchitis and colds multiple times a year, allergy migraines, all that fun stuff) I had put many years into gymnastics, horses, 7 different kinds of dance, hiking, biking, rollerblading....well you get it.

After the growing pains I really put extra focus on holistic care since nothing doctors did really helped. I knew I had crappy genetics (I say we are determined people not hardy) to fight so I would have to work harder than most to be what I wanted in life. Despite all that my life started to crumble again at 18yrs old to fully disabled before 20yrs old. This time it was mostly gastro stuff.

In short I rapidly found myself developing multiple food allergies and intolerances, I was vomiting multiple times a day despite a small truckload of meds. Most of which had side effects worse than the tiny bit they helped if at all. Started being a diligent diet tracker and label reader, still am. Now at almost 25 yrs old I am still fully disables mostly bed/chair bound and my list of food allergies and intolerances fills an excel sheet (literally! and that's the condensed small print version).

There is no safe food for me. I will even vomit after 1 - 3 sips of distilled water. To this day I still vomit multiple times a day ranging from "baby spit up" to full on projectile. When I have nothing in me I throw up gastic acid and saliva. Granted that's the little bit of saliva I can still stand to swallow through the nausea. Last year I had to finally give in and stop swallowing the saliva and get a discrete spit cup to carry with me at all times :(. Its humiliating and depressing but I do vomit less when I don't have to swallow.

Ive been through most of it. Scopes up and down, ultrasounds, cat scans w/and wo contrast of head and body, blood tests, urine tests, yada yada ya... Drugs too ODT's, pills, suppositories, IV, IM injections, etc....Right now my regulars are Zofran (less side effects than the others and its dissolvable), benedryl, hyoscamine (antispazmotic with less side effects than bentyl), digestive enzyme complex, naproxen, as needed, IM B-12 injections) and I eat my probiotics since pills don't like me.

To date ive had total of 3.5 years of 1 on 1 therapy and 2 and a half years of group therapy. For two of those years with the good therapist I went twice a week for the 1 on 1. It was nice to have someone who had seen other people in her life go through medical challenges to talk to. I still cry everyday she moved her practice out of state. Have yet to find another good one sadly but I feel for the most part ive exhausted that route. I started so docs would stop telling me im crazy....hasn't happened yet no matter how often I go.

My daily reality is nausea and pain every second. I wake up already nauseous knowing I have to get up and poising myself aka eat an drink just to get to another day of doing the same. I finally decied it was time to try MJ Thanksgiving 2013. It had been kicking around in my head for a few years but what education I did complete toward my dream careers were all federal and MJ card means no federal employment :(. But I know I wont survive much longer if I don't do something. Currently I am a 5 foot 8 inch 87 pound woman and its terrifying....

Thanksgiving was the last straw when all I had ingested all day was peppermint tea and I was intentionally ODing on Zofran and hyoscamine because if I was ending up the ER again on a holiday I wasn't going easily. So I found a doctor I could afford, traveled down near him and the dispensaries and got my card mid January.

Funds have been tight so I haven't been able to do much with it yet. But I have been gathering knowledge all along the way. And im happy to have found this site to further assist in the learning curve.

And if you've survived this far you deserve a hit of something good and candy lol. Yes I promise this IS the short version. You all have shared so much I hope my reciprocity can help someone else feel less alone.

Take care all GenYHippie


Covered in Peepaws
Wow Lucky Pucky.....its like hearing someone paraphrase my life. ((((BIG HUGS)))) for all you've have gone through as well. Ive done those tests, ive been on those meds, ive been told im a nutter or attention seeker too :(. Had my gal bladder tested in the beginning came back in range so they dismissed it but ive only ever gotten worse so I hope someone will test it again. Going to finish reading the thread, not sure if you've had the surgery yet if you did go through with it I hope it helps on your way to healing.
Hey fellow GenY I had mine finally removed about a month ago.. Dec 30th finally.. Mine was functioning at 6% but that one problem caused many as a non working gall bladder can poison your system.. I've found out sooo much in the last month about myself through healing.. I'm better in one month then I have been in years.. But why did I have to go through all that to get here? To Semi normal? I now make it a point to say to my docs dead in the eyes... Not in my head WAS it? Yea they treat me differently now and the one thing I can say is BE persistent do not listen to everything they tell you and accept treatments blindly do some research before getting on anything (even tho you want relief now a pill isn't a solution it is a band aid) the nausea I have now is that my body is adjusting and anything too high in fat for me still makes me very pukey sick tho I don't ever vomit.. Strange my doc said that for people with these issues it's diarrhea but for me things go up not back.. Burping/nausea. I will say what's getting me better faster and even my doctor wrote down the stuff to recommend to her patients because she said it's better then the prescription stuff they have is digestive Enzymes. I take them before eating and I have fewer pressure in my abdomen and no nausea. But this is POST gallbladder removal.. Every day is getting better for me and mine was going bad for years and they would have told me the same thing if I had the Hyda scan sooner rather then later.. I say get another opinion because a failing gallbladder causes gastritis from its inability to help the body digest any fats.. And then with food rotting in your stomach inflammation occurs (gastritis without hpylori) you become imbalanced/deficient and even your hormones go out of wack..your cold in a hot room.. Hot in a cold.. I hurt my shoulder and was in physical therapy longer then usual and my muscles wouldn't heal.. I would exercise and I would be sore no matter how often I was exercising and I am athletic person and love to work out...and I knew it wasn't normal even when I spoke to friends or my boyfriend about it.. I had brittle nails that never grew before surgery and now my nails are growing strong and long... ALL it was from a malfunctioning gallbladder! I'm not saying it is you but if you sound like me and your gall bladder is going bad though not as "critical" as they say.. It is still going to prob get worse and then well how much worse does it have to get for them to listen to you? Remember a normal gall bladder does not function at 100%... It functions normally around 25-30%. I will say I puff less for nausea then I did previously and I know what it is rather then not knowing.. I ate too much fat while my body is still adjusting and or the gastritis that will eventually go away was irritated by an acid..I was waking up with an ugh feeling but I found out that taking an enzyme before bed helped any digestion that may be going on while I sleep. I hope some of what I said helps but everyone is far I'm on the road to recovery and I'm seeing the silver lining again.. Hang in there you will find it one day.. Have hope even when it seems hopeless ( I know hard to say and it was hard for even me to do) make sure your taking b12 and D as you can become deficient in those with these issues..but again this is me talking about my experience
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Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
I get very emotional when I discuss nausea. Any of you who do skype vape sessions with me can hear the tears in my voice when I talk about nausea.
I am crying now.
I was a championship fighter for my entire lifetime, and a dog trainer.
Never took a pill.. never puked.
I was Superman.
Things change!
After my coma, I was left with many issues. Spasticity, that makes my body twist in directions I am not planning on aiming! Pain that makes me shout out, and then publicly announce "hehe.. excuse me folks.. a bit of a cramp"
I have gotten over the self conciousness of a broken Gait as I walk..
But (the big but)
Every morning I wake up and forget the morning before... I think today will be OK...
but it never is.
I fall to my knees and cry daily..
At night Patty says "Honey, did you get your morning meds ground?".. I love Patty with all of my heart and I comply.
If I fall asleep or forget... when I wake up it is too late.
I hurry in the morning to grind some herb, and vape a fast stem.... if I wait to long.....
Patty will find me.
A grown man...
A once famous champion..... now a shattered man.... on his knees... in tears...
"Oh God... why... I didnt do anything bad... please God .. tell me why and I will be good.. I swear... "
Patty walks in... " Oh honey I am so sorry"... My 115 lb wife drags my crumpled form into my wheelchair from it's station on the floor at the toilet.
I am not embarrassed.. not humiliated at being an EX hero... now reduced to daily tears..
I am grateful... because without her help.. I would not be able to get myself to my meds to grind....
2 large vape hits, and the tears begin to dry...
I kiss my Patty.
"I am so sorry Patty... I am so sorry that this happens to me, and that you have to see it"
She doesn't use weed... but she understands..
"I am glad your OK now Vito... tonight I will remind you to get the Daily Grind done for tomorrow!"

When I qualified as an MMJ Patient.. they qualified me on 4 separate criteria.
I was and am a fighter....
Pain...haha... bring it on!. I am not afraid.
Neurapathy.. Mind over matter
Spastic Convulsion... what the hell you lookin' at??
but... Nausea...
Nausea you fucking Monster... YOU BEAST....
How I loath you...
I would kill you dead if I could... but I can not see you or touch you... and if you get too close.. I am powerless against you.

Now friends- you have read my true feelings about Nausea.
Anyone want to try to come up in here and take my MMJ card?


I am sorry to hear of all these things, but glad to hear you've found relief! In your tale, I see we share two things.... a Venomous Hate of Nausea and amazingly supportive wives! Every day I'm torn on what I'm more thankful for, the relief I've gained with MMJ or the support I have from my wife! Like yours, she does not partake, but in supportive in every way. I would die for her and every time I had one of my episodes, I saw her die for me... :cry:

My afflictions have very little hold on me now, hope the same for everyone here!!!!
My Tale:

Thanks for the support I've seen you give the FC community!


Covered in Peepaws

I am sorry to hear of all these things, but glad to hear you've found relief! In your tale, I see we share two things.... a Venomous Hate of Nausea and amazingly supportive wives! Every day I'm torn on what I'm more thankful for, the relief I've gained with MMJ or the support I have from my wife! Like yours, she does not partake, but in supportive in every way. I would die for her and every time I had one of my episodes, I saw her die for me... :cry:

My afflictions have very little hold on me now, hope the same for everyone here!!!!
My Tale:

Thanks for the support I've seen you give the FC community!
I can say I share with you on the loving support from my family.. I wouldn't have made it without my boyfriend these three years.. Three years we have been dating.. Talk about being thrown through the gauntlet eh? Omg tho I would cry and cry over my hatred for the monster!!! MMJ gave me sanity and for those hours it gave me a piece of who I was before all this happened.. Breaks my heart hearing that because I see me in those moments.. I know what it is like and been there.. I'm just now starting to beat back the beast.. Knock on wood right? Lol


I've had a long 3yr Odyssey of trying to find out what is wrong with me.. I used to work in a highly stressful job at a corporation that had a very negative bullying I know it prob was the shove that got the ball rolling. I've gone from GERD to Its all in your head.. To it is IBS, it's anxiety!..I've had gastric attacks that have sent me to the hospital a few times over the years (they send me home clueless to what's wrong with me). No one listens to me and I have said to my docs my general and GI doc look I know it's more then that.. I did an endoscopy and oh look mild chronic gastritis.. They gave me acid reducers (felt like they did more harm then good) liquid carafate that was supposed to help heal my gastritis(which made me even MORE nauseous taking so stopped that) and I've only gotten worse with time.. This year being the worst as I have nausea every morning and after I eat it goes away for 20mins then comes back.. Other times I have a gnawing acidic feeling I have to eat or else.. Nothing drug wise my doc has thrown at me works and even giving me anti anxiety meds I don't think is going to solve this...I've done every diet under the sun.. Fodmaps seems to be the only thing close enough to being helpful.... Well recently my GI doc says well nothing is working so we must be missing something (ya think?) as things I eat one day are fine the next day aren't fine makes it impossible to figure out what is safe.. So my doc ordered my gall bladder to be checked out.. No stones so then the functionality test was done and found my gall bladder operating at 6%.. I have to have it removed. I am going to talk to a surgeon but also get another GI opinion on the matter as maybe a fresh pair of eyes or more experience can figure out why the nausea is occurring and how to get my life back.. I was a VERY active person and the nausea beast just kills me..hard to get out of bed in the morning.. Mornings I can't eat as my stomach makes me feel ill and tells me I'm full when I am not and just is the worst in trying to function in the morning.. Vaping Herb is the only reason the last few months I have gotten some part of my life back.. It makes the nausea go away and makes me have an appetite/not afraid to eat.. I'm sorry this is long winded and prob a mess to reAd lol it's 1am where I am. It is uncertain whether the Nausea is linked to the Gallbladder issue.. Or the gallbladder not functioning is causing the gastritis (I've read it's known to) I'm hoping in removing it.. It resolves it but there's no guarantee and it's scary for no one to know what is going to help you.. Self medicating is the only way I've had my life back in a sense.. So I guess I'm sharing my story of the battling of the nausea monster.. He's pretty strong and feisty.. It's unrequited love on his part.. He loves me but I can't say I love him back.. He might be starting to get bitter about it :/ lol
I can relate!
At 55 and retired from a great corporate career. ( there was a few bullies along the way).

Getting Ataxia at 45 was not in my plans. It took a lot of doctor visits and plenty of money to find out what was wrong with me? Why was I nervous on a ladder? Why were certain foods making me sick?
The drugs the doctors who I trusted were making me worse?

Cannabis helps my many symptoms.

Even Nausea!

@Vitolo You are an inspiration and I'm so glad your here to help me cope!


Well-Known Member
I truelly hope MJ helps you GenYHippie and welcome to the forum.

Thank you Reflections. This thread has been very helpful to me picking strains and methods I hope it will work as well.

Hey fellow GenY I had mine finally removed about a month ago.. Dec 30th finally.. Mine was functioning at 6% but that one problem caused many as a non working gall bladder can poison your system.. I've found out sooo much in the last month about myself through healing.. I'm better in one month then I have been in years.. But why did I have to go through all that to get here? To Semi normal? I now make it a point to say to my docs dead in the eyes... Not in my head WAS it?

Yea they treat me differently now and the one thing I can say is BE persistent do not listen to everything they tell you and accept treatments blindly do some research before getting on anything (even tho you want relief now a pill isn't a solution it is a band aid) the nausea I have now is that my body is adjusting and anything too high in fat for me still makes me very pukey sick tho I don't ever vomit.. Strange my doc said that for people with these issues it's diarrhea but for me things go up not back.. Burping/nausea. I will say what's getting me better faster and even my doctor wrote down the stuff to recommend to her patients because she said it's better then the prescription stuff they have is digestive Enzymes.

I take them before eating and I have fewer pressure in my abdomen and no nausea. But this is POST gallbladder removal.. Every day is getting better for me and mine was going bad for years and they would have told me the same thing if I had the Hyda scan sooner rather then later.. I say get another opinion because a failing gallbladder causes gastritis from its inability to help the body digest any fats.. And then with food rotting in your stomach inflammation occurs (gastritis without hpylori) you become imbalanced/deficient and even your hormones go out of wack..your cold in a hot room.. Hot in a cold.. I hurt my shoulder and was in physical therapy longer then usual and my muscles wouldn't heal.. I would exercise and I would be sore no matter how often I was exercising and I am athletic person and love to work out...and I knew it wasn't normal even when I spoke to friends or my boyfriend about it.. I had brittle nails that never grew before surgery and now my nails are growing strong and long... ALL it was from a malfunctioning gallbladder!

I'm not saying it is you but if you sound like me and your gall bladder is going bad though not as "critical" as they say.. It is still going to prob get worse and then well how much worse does it have to get for them to listen to you? Remember a normal gall bladder does not function at 100%... It functions normally around 25-30%. I will say I puff less for nausea then I did previously and I know what it is rather then not knowing.. I ate too much fat while my body is still adjusting and or the gastritis that will eventually go away was irritated by an acid..I was waking up with an ugh feeling but I found out that taking an enzyme before bed helped any digestion that may be going on while I sleep. I hope some of what I said helps but everyone is far I'm on the road to recovery and I'm seeing the silver lining again.. Hang in there you will find it one day.. Have hope even when it seems hopeless ( I know hard to say and it was hard for even me to do) make sure your taking b12 and D as you can become deficient in those with these issues..but again this is me talking about my experience

Im so glad you were able to get the surgery and have been recovering and feeling better :). It must be very gratifying to have readable, studyable, medical proof to tell it to all those crappy docs who blew you off. I sear if I ever have proof I am going back to that second doc showing her and suing her for the medical neglect she casued. Her notes in my file did a lot of damage to my quality of care. She certainly deserves the hassle even if nothing ever comes of it.

As far as symptoms im much the same way. Had alternating diarrhea in the begging but not often now unless I happen upon some of my worse trigger foods. Last time I had it bad was when I took a cough syrup that had horehound in it. 3 horrible days of D couldn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time because I had to keep going most of the day :(. Now between my dietary restrictions and the meds more goes up than down.

I do take digestive enzymes, have for over a year now. They do help but not a miracle mostly helps with fats and proteins which hare harder to get and keep down. I will ask about the Hyda when I go back in. Im due for my shot (b-12) anyway though the docs aren't cooperative about giving them *rolls eyes*. I will aslo try taking some extra enzyme before bed see if that helps my morning issues some. Last few weeks it takes me 2 hours to get out of bed just to hobble to the next room and onto the couch.

I have been trying to take D in many forms but mostly it comes back up within 20 minutes :(. So for now ive been mostly sticking to sunning my crimini mushrooms (they can make D after they have been harvested) and taking supplements on days I think I can keep it down better. My last level 2 weeks ago was a 13 :(. The weather is getting better though so im starting to add 15 minute sun sessions to my routine when I have help to get out to the yard.


well-worn member
Gerd, chronic candidiasis, leaky gut, ibd, I have so many gut problems! I also have other issues like add so I need coffee to start the day mentally. And if I drink tea with tannins (even green) on an empty stomach I puke like clockwork anyways so coffee it is. I find it makes a big difference if it's organic and just drink it black. And then my disc in my neck was causing cramps and nausea...

Like many of you I have adjusted my diet, but still eat stuff that's bad for me sometimes. Last night I wasn't feeling great so for dinner I just ate half a pineapple smothered in plain greek yogurt. Probiotics and enzymes for days! Food can hurt us but it can also heal us (fasting/skipping a meal can help too), just wanted to add that and say: Thc helps immensely, how could I have missed this thread for so long!


Gerd, chronic candidiasis, leaky gut, ibd, I have so many gut problems! I also have other issues like add so I need coffee to start the day mentally. And if I drink tea with tannins (even green) on an empty stomach I puke like clockwork anyways so coffee it is. I find it makes a big difference if it's organic and just drink it black. And then my disc in my neck was causing cramps and nausea...

Like many of you I have adjusted my diet, but still eat stuff that's bad for me sometimes. Last night I wasn't feeling great so for dinner I just ate half a pineapple smothered in plain greek yogurt. Probiotics and enzymes for days! Food can hurt us but it can also heal us (fasting/skipping a meal can help too), just wanted to add that and say: Thc helps immensely, how could I have missed this thread for so long!
Coffee in the morning is awesome.
Fresh Ground Black made with RO water.


well-worn member
This week I've been good with the ice cream. Haven't touched it for a few days, highly unusual!
But my downfall: I got a hankering for some peanut M&Ms. And discovered that they now not only come in dark chocolate, but they're damn near FREE with amazon's subscribe&save! I got six huge bags delivered to my doorstep by fedex, $15 total! Who knew they would cause anal leakage? Not me, that's for sure...

Anyways I've got over five bags left and am now saving them for company!


This week I've been good with the ice cream. Haven't touched it for a few days, highly unusual!
But my downfall: I got a hankering for some peanut M&Ms. And discovered that they now not only come in dark chocolate, but they're damn near FREE with amazon's subscribe&save! I got six huge bags delivered to my doorstep by fedex, $15 total! Who knew they would cause anal leakage? Not me, that's for sure...
If I had Ice Cream I would have to go to the hospital. Commercial Candy no way!
With my ATAXIA I can't eat certain things?


well-worn member
Yeah sugar is bad, but HFCS is worse...
I think with the m&ms the colorings weren't doing me any favors either.

edit: I wonder if the m&ms changed or I did.
I think it's a little of both!

@Reflections, I used to drink milk as a beverage and on cereal, and I used to suffer horrible environmental sensitivities/hay fever/acute allergic sinusitis. I still eat cheese and yogurt and ice cream, and now use soy milk on cold cereal but don't drink it. And since I stopped with the milk no more hay fever, I'm not even allergic to cats anymore (used to be the worst)!
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Covered in Peepaws
Thank you Reflections. This thread has been very helpful to me picking strains and methods I hope it will work as well.

Im so glad you were able to get the surgery and have been recovering and feeling better :). It must be very gratifying to have readable, studyable, medical proof to tell it to all those crappy docs who blew you off. I sear if I ever have proof I am going back to that second doc showing her and suing her for the medical neglect she casued. Her notes in my file did a lot of damage to my quality of care. She certainly deserves the hassle even if nothing ever comes of it.

As far as symptoms im much the same way. Had alternating diarrhea in the begging but not often now unless I happen upon some of my worse trigger foods. Last time I had it bad was when I took a cough syrup that had horehound in it. 3 horrible days of D couldn't sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time because I had to keep going most of the day :(. Now between my dietary restrictions and the meds more goes up than down.

I do take digestive enzymes, have for over a year now. They do help but not a miracle mostly helps with fats and proteins which hare harder to get and keep down. I will ask about the Hyda when I go back in. Im due for my shot (b-12) anyway though the docs aren't cooperative about giving them *rolls eyes*. I will aslo try taking some extra enzyme before bed see if that helps my morning issues some. Last few weeks it takes me 2 hours to get out of bed just to hobble to the next room and onto the couch.

I have been trying to take D in many forms but mostly it comes back up within 20 minutes :(. So for now ive been mostly sticking to sunning my crimini mushrooms (they can make D after they have been harvested) and taking supplements on days I think I can keep it down better. My last level 2 weeks ago was a 13 :(. The weather is getting better though so im starting to add 15 minute sun sessions to my routine when I have help to get out to the yard.

Yea thankfully.
This is what turned the tide for me with my doctors and made me press them on the HIDA scan ( I misspelled it ) look it up.. I actually think after and ultra sound this should be the next thing ALWAYS!

Enzymes I take are by source naturals "essential Enzymes" look it up and the reviews.. Read a forum about it then looked at reviews and is best on market that even the prescription enzymes don't have.

The only vitamins I can recommend is the gummy ones and the D I take is 2000 liquid soft gels.

If your not keeping anything down well without sound like me before I took the Hida scan. Who knows until you take that one but I'm hoping it is so like me you finally have an answer.. If it isn't.. Back to the drawing board as many times I had to do


Well-Known Member
Yea thankfully.
This is what turned the tide for me with my doctors and made me press them on the HIDA scan ( I misspelled it ) look it up.. I actually think after and ultra sound this should be the next thing ALWAYS!

Enzymes I take are by source naturals "essential Enzymes" look it up and the reviews.. Read a forum about it then looked at reviews and is best on market that even the prescription enzymes don't have.

The only vitamins I can recommend is the gummy ones and the D I take is 2000 liquid soft gels.

If your not keeping anything down well without sound like me before I took the Hida scan. Who knows until you take that one but I'm hoping it is so like me you finally have an answer.. If it isn't.. Back to the drawing board as many times I had to do

Ah thank you for the link on my way to read. I take enzymedica digest spectrum. I am allergic to both pineapple and papaya so enzymes were hard for me to find. I stick to liquid or chews for most supplements as the ingredients can be cleaner and throwing up pills hurts way more :(. Its hard to find stuff when you have some many items you can have. Most gummies use gelatin and I have a severe intolerance, last time we met it send me to the ER and hospital over night.

I am just today getting my voice back after a bad cold so tomorrow I will call to get an appointment with the NP ive been seeing. Talk to her about HIDA though my hopes aren't high. If she says no i'll call the gastro surgeon who did my consult, if she says no i'll go to the supervising GP of the office.

Thank you for your kind thoughts and sharing with me *hugs* . Hopefully my vape and herb will get here and I can get some relief while everything else works itself out


well-worn member
Have you guys tried rainbow light's advanced enzyme system? Those are the ones I take on an empty stomach to aid digestion. I also take a turmeric/bromelin with food for inflammation.


Covered in Peepaws


well-worn member

Even the brown one looks unnatural!
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