Discontinued The Sublimator

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
Yesterday I had an only Sublimator day.

Most devices can't provide a strong enough medicated state for me to use them exclusively... I usually have to reach for the cloud to relive my pain. I was able to use the Sublimator all day which is speaks to its ability to efficiency and quickly extract actives from plant matter.

It was an interesting day. Generally the high leaves me feeling unsatisfied. It is a very personal thing for me, so I am sure it does not apply to most. It does not provide the same pain relief that other products are providing. The state it provides is more cerebral and less body for me. Which is not something I like. Even my high CBD strains have more of a cerebral effects and less body.

I feel like the atomizer reheats the vapor making it expand some thus making it easier for people to take larger smooth hits. Well personally I could already take large hits on all the other devices. So this device is almost too smooth for me. I don't get the same chest expansion and kick in the lungs like I experience with other devices. Personally, that is a very strong single to me that relief is on the way. Without that single I tend to chain smoke. I went though WAY more medicine yesterday then I ever would with the competition. It was close to double the number of sessions I normally do.

Don't get me wrong, it gets you medicated... it is just not the type of state I am getting much personal medicinal value from. I woke up today and all my joints/mussels have tightened up which is a sign that I am not getting enough sedative and analgesic properties from the vapor.

The heater is also very touchy. I can't seem to find a middle ground between the high temp vapor and combustion. It seems like every 5th session or so I end up causing it to combust. Have not tried any reclaim yet because I keep having to clean it out after it combusts. I am sure with experience I will find the right combination of techniques.

I really still don't know how I feel about this one for personal use. It is leaving me disappointed... getting me medicated, but in a state I don't find as useful for the conditions I am trying to treat. Personally, the high is to cerebral and not enough body for me. Personally, I feel like the Sublimator is a step sideways for me.

I tried the while it was cold today. I actually got a better feeling high off of it then I did when the atomizer was hot. It was a little harsher, which I liked. It felt a little stronger in the body. I almost want to figure out a way to remove the atomizer completely.


Well-Known Member
Personally, the high is to cerebral and not enough body for me.
I think you make a good point here. For me this is a bonus, but I agree that it is not as much of a knock-out body-wise as say my VG. I usually prefer the cerebral, however. Also, the effects didn't last as long as some other devices. It hit hard for a good couple of hours, but not with long lingering effects. Again, a bonus for me as I usually don't want the long-lasting body effects and mental haziness.

Regardless of the science or technology behind it, in my opinion Sublimator is a good name from a spiritual or mental effects standpoint - does make you feel sublime. But from an analgesic standpoint maybe not the best for everyone.

Edit: Disclaimer - I don't vape for physical pain so take my observations with a grain of salt in that regard. I am giving my honest observations of the effect on my body, but YMMV and I'm still wet behind the ears with this thing anyway.


Active Member
Yesterday I had an only Sublimator day.

Most devices can't provide a strong enough medicated state for me to use them exclusively... I usually have to reach for the cloud to relive my pain. I was able to use the Sublimator all day which is speaks to its ability to efficiency and quickly extract actives from plant matter.

It was an interesting day. Generally the high leaves me feeling unsatisfied. It is a very personal thing for me, so I am sure it does not apply to most. It does not provide the same pain relief that other product are providing. The his is more cerebral and less body for me. Which is not something I like. Even my high CBD strains have more of a cerebral effects and less body.

I feel like the atomizer reheats the vapor making it expand some thus making it easier for people to take larger smooth hits. Well personally I could already take large hits on all the other devices. So this device is almost too smooth for me. I don't get the same chest expansion and kick in the lungs like I experience with other devices. Personally, that is a very strong single to me that relief is on the way. Without that single I tend to chain smoke. I went though WAY more medicine yesterday then I ever would with the competition. It was close to double the number of sessions I normally do.

Don't get me wrong, it gets you medicated... it is just not the type of state I am getting much personal medicinal value from. I woke up today and all my joints/mussels have tightened up which is a sign that I am not getting enough sedative and analgesic properties from the vapor.

The heater is also very touchy. I can't seem to find a middle ground between the high temp vapor and combustion. It seems like every 5th session or so I end up causing it to combust. Have not tried any reclaim yet because I keep having to clean it out after it combusts. I am sure with experience I will find the right combination of techniques.

I really still don't know how I feel about this one for personal use. It is leaving me disappointed... getting me medicated, but in a state I don't find as useful for the conditions I am trying to treat. Personally, the high is to cerebral and not enough body for me. Personally, I feel like the Sublimator is a step sideways for me.

I tried the while it was cold today. I actually got a better feeling high off of it then I did when the atomizer was hot. It was a little harsher, which I liked. It felt a little stronger in the body. I almost want to figure out a way to remove the atomizer completely.[/quotethank you for the update
sorry thank for your update

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
sorry thank for your update

It is still a powerful device and I am still experimenting with it. I might find a way to make it work better for my needs. I am sure for most people it will provide a great high and experience.

Have you considered a apollo unit that connects to an herb chamber with no atomizer inside? You could sell it as an optional accessory.

I get much better results when I use the atomizer starting at room temperature.

Has anyone else tried using the atomizer starting at room temp?
Slightly Medicated,


Active Member
slim i see ur clear paterns of writing and knocking the innovations on the sub
(it really has me wondering ?? or maybe i am just too smart for my owne good...or then again

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I found it took a moment to start producing vapor, but when it did the results were a little more expansive in the chest/less smooth and a slight bit better pain relief. The atomizer produces allot of reclaim. Maybe what I feel is missing from the body is being turned in to the reclaim? My reasoning is: If the atomizer was colder it would produce less reclaim and might help preserve the composition of the vapor?

slim i see ur clear paterns of writing and knocking the innovations on the sub
(it really has me wondering ?? or maybe i am just too smart for my owned good...or then again

Actually it is you wondering. I want every company to make it and be successful. I actually want to switch to your device exclusively for the time being. With the cloud being down and not manufacturing/repairing units right now. I don't want to use that unit for risk of not being able to have it repaired.

I want to switch to something else that can hit has hard. The only issues I had with you were your marketing claims. Other then that I am taking the device for what it is. It does a fantastic job of quickly extracting. For me it is a little too smooth. Like I said that is a personal thing that will not affect most. I am just trying to figure out a way to make the device work better for my medical needs.

Believe me, I have motivation to make it work. I want a device I can travel with and use in hotel room. I don't travel much now because I don't have a vaporizer that works well enough and is ultra durable. The last time I left the house for a couple days and did some traveling around the area my back up unit broke. I have not felt like I could travel much because of the durability issues and lack of a repair. Your device has the potential to allow me to travel again with out worrying about if it will break or not.

The simple fact I could switch for a day away from my daily driver is really quite astounding. Anyone who knows me knows I don't make any change easily. My observations have to do with my personal needs at this point and trying to get find ways to make the device fit a little better into my medical issues.

Your going to get a well thought out and honest review. This is a forum where I discuss the product on a pretty candid level. My public reviews (on youtube and my website) speak to who the device is best intended for.

Your device is up there in the top three in terms of it's ability to quickly extract actives from plants.


Active Member
I found it took a moment to start producing vapor, but when it did the results were a little more expansive in the chest/less smooth and a slight bit better pain relief. The atomizer produces allot of reclaim. Maybe what I feel is missing from the body is being turned in to the reclaim? My reasoning is: If the atomizer was colder it would produce less reclaim and might help preserve the composition of the vapor?
makes no sense at all for this process
remember slim the patterns !!!!


Well-Known Member
I found it took a moment to start producing vapor, but when it did the results were a little more expansive in the chest/less smooth and a slight bit better pain relief. The atomizer produces allot of reclaim. Maybe what I feel is missing from the body is being turned in to the reclaim? My reasoning is: If the atomizer was colder it would produce less reclaim and might help preserve the composition of the vapor?
This sounds like my early experiments before I let it heat up thoroughly. It acted more like a normal vaporizer in this mode - a little weak IMO and not with the unique effects I got later with a hot atomizer.


Active Member
This sounds like my early experiments before I let it heat up thoroughly. It acted more like normal vaporizer in this mode - a little weak IMO and not with the unique effects I got with a hot atomizer.
take your time and play with it


Well-Known Member
This sounds like my early experiments before I let it heat up thoroughly. It acted more like normal vaporizer in this mode - a little weak IMO and not with the unique effects I got with a hot atomizer.

That was what it was like for me in the beginning as well. I admit to initially thinking "This is it? This is what I paid $500 for?" but once I got it humming along the way it was supposed and at a temp I liked, it became a beautiful thing :D

I can't wait for the weekend...Great White Shark + Budder + Maui Wowie Bubble=:mmmm:


Active Member
I found it took a moment to start producing vapor, but when it did the results were a little more expansive in the chest/less smooth and a slight bit better pain relief. The atomizer produces allot of reclaim. Maybe what I feel is missing from the body is being turned in to the reclaim? My reasoning is: If the atomizer was colder it would produce less reclaim and might help preserve the composition of the vapor?

Actually it is you wondering. I want every company to make it and be successful. I actually want to switch to your device exclusively for the time being. With the cloud being down and not manufacturing/repairing unit right now. I don't want to use that unit for risk of not being able to have it repaired.

I want to switch to something else that can hit has hard. The only issues I had with you were your marketing claims. Other then that I am taking the device for what it is. It does a fantastic job of quickly extracting. For me it is a little too smooth. Like I said that is a personal thing that will not affect most. I am just trying to figure out a way to make the device work better for my medical needs.

Believe me I have motivation to make it work. I want a device I can travel with and use in hotel room. I don't travel much now because I don't have a vaporizer that works well enough and is ultra durable. The simple fact I could switch for a day away from my daily driver is really quite astounding. Anyone who knows me knows I don't make any change easily. My observations have to do with my personal needs at this point and trying to get find ways to make the device fit a little better into my medical issues.

Your going to get a well thought out and honest review. This is a forum where I discuss the product on a pretty candid level. My public reviews (on youtube and my website) speak to who the device is best intended for.

Your device is up there in the top three in terms of it's ability to quickly extract actives from plants.
marketing claims???? have you proved me wrong !!! remember yesterday about the magic trifecta 3 points to achieve my (claims)i make gas particule condensation of these particule is called reverse sublimation,the sublimator ,makes the gas as a gas it is thicker more particule thicker gas .you breath the gas it cooles of in you leaving a oily deposits of (sublimate)sublimator thats my claim

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs

Thank you so much. I really do appreciate that. It is hard when something is your baby, and you have worked so hard to bring it to fruition... so I empathize. I am not trying to attack you at all. I really do want to you succeed.


Vaporization Aficionado
Accessory Maker

Twas a simple misunderstanding. You've had many people attack you and your product and are probably pretty "raw" from all of that. Most here aren't going to attack you or the Sublimator(that's against the rules after all ;)). They will however offer their constructive criticisms in an attempt to better the product. Occasionally we will have some "undesirables" come along and try and stir things up in this thread. Just ignore them, the moderation team will make swift work of them!

Can't wait to try the Sublimator, Enrico! All of this positive reception makes me want it all the more! Holding out until the release of the "Full Kit".


Well-Known Member

Now go take a nice fat rip off the sublimator and film it! :spliff:


Vapor concierge
Three hits in and getting ready for a fourth.

I get what SliM is saying, because I was surprised at how pronounced the head high was...and I am usually chasing that! So far the effect is very different than I was expecting. I was expecting a very heavy body stone that would knock me out. Instead I am really enjoying this sativa type high. I have been hitting it on medium and have it just a little bit higher for this next session.

the screen is bugging me. The bottom of the bowl has a lip...let's call this X. There is a second lip above the atomizer...lets call this Y. My unit came with a screen wedged into place at Y with an extra screen in a bag. I can push this screen higher so that it is between X and Y. Here it is loose. Then I can push it hard to get it above X. But here it is not wedged. Instead it spins vertically. None of my screens fall into place when just thrown in there. My initial thought is the screens are just a tad too small to fit right at X. Maybe heat expansion has something to do with it. Help me! Right now I have wedged it back into place at Y.

Now to get subbed!
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