PUFFiT portable


Well-Known Member
I packed it down because a video they put out told me to. Haha.

I don't shake too much because it makes me nervous. The electronics in this thing aren't the most top-quality. Plus, doesn't your stuff go all over the place under the cap? I don't know how yours fits but my cap goes over the heating chamber pretty snug, but there's plenty of room for materials to get out and betweent he cap space and the heating chamber a bit.

I have just been filling the chamber and packing it down like crazy, but that's only because a video told me to. I try to vape it as much as possible before opening it to stir it (It's packed too tightly to shake) because it lets all the heat out and then uses more energy to reheat but I feel like there's a much better way to do this.

OK, I get the video trying to sell the unit (keep that in mind....) says otherwise, but I found the draw too restrictive IMO. It does have the advantage of forcing herb into firm contact with the hot walls, but IMO that's not really what we're after. We don't want 'the low hanging fruit', we want it all, right?

To me success is measured in an evenly vaped ABV and mild, flavorful delivery.

I'm not afraid of breaking it with the fairly gentle shaking involved. Nor am I over worried about debris getting down past the switches. If it ever becomes an issue, or I go to open it otherwise, 3 screws and you're in. Yes, there's a carefully controlled gap between the cap and the body, I make it at about .040 inches. It says centered on the six ribs on the outer wall of the body. To get down this .020 wide slot and out we'd be talking dust, not ground herb. This is where air is drawn in and down. I'm a big fan of fine grind, but not anything like that. Such stuff would also get sucked through the mesh at the bottom when you hit.....the holes being bigger there. I have no real problems dumping it out in my palm, breaking up the clumps, and putting it back without any problems. Just get it on top and slip the cap back on and shake it down into the bowl.

I think the key is having a uniform grind size so it sifts down well, it needs to be 'free flowing' like in MFLB. The combination of bringing the entire load up in temperature slowly with a series of hits and stirs so it's 'nearly ready to vape' and shaking fresh(er) material against the walls each time gives you maximum vapor volume by wasting as little energy as possible and being sure there's an easy path out for the vapor once produced so it doesn't condense elsewhere. Your draw will pull some air down the center where no vapor will be added (and the harder you pull the more this matters, vapor is only happening so fast....) but you need some flow to sweep the vapor out.

This morning I took five close spaced hits off a fresh .25 grams. The first few were weak being mostly flavor and water. After the third hit, I dumped it out and 'finger ground' it in my palm so it would flow freely. The herb was fairly warm but not too hot to touch. Back in it went, number 4 was much better, 5 better still. As much as I wanted at the time. I'll come back and play some more later. I'd expect several such sessions with shaking between each hit and occasional opening to watch things and check color and evenness. If I stray very far from this my results will suffer. Other schemes my work fine as well, but my experiences with other (similar) vapes lead me this way.

Fun little gadget. I'm still not sure it's a good 'only vape', nor a first vape for that matter. There is a learning curve of sorts, but new users often don't really understand what that involves? Anyway, I'm having fun......



Well-Known Member
OF, my final stance on this device is fairly similar to yours. It may not be powerful enough for most heavy users as their "Go to" vape, but it definitely has earned it's spot in my budding collection. Maybe the PAX is better, but this is generally found to be around at least $100 cheaper (US) and I do believe this thing is more stealthy.

The MFLB is a more direct competitor, and the only other "portable" I've used. And I liked it, but as time goes on I think I like this one a bit better. It's more convenient for me personally. When I toyed with it I got better hits off of the MFLB, but this thing has more advantages to me. If you just wanna quick hit once or twice, it's fine for that but the MFLB might be a bit better and stronger. This thing holds a bit more and I get more hits, so I like the fact that if I can find a quiet place to chill out I can have a nice lil session for myself. Provides a nice little reprieve when I'm in the mood for one :-)


Well-Known Member
glad to see the general attitude in the thread is shifting now that people have been toying with their replacements.

As a few have said, this unit really won't be satisfying as your only vaporizer, and as your go to vaporizer; but as a portable, on the go, secondary unit i think this is as good as it gets ATM.


Well-Known Member
The MFLB is a more direct competitor, and the only other "portable" I've used. And I liked it, but as time goes on I think I like this one a bit better. It's more convenient for me personally. When I toyed with it I got better hits off of the MFLB, but this thing has more advantages to me.

After some thought I think there's 'a lot of buckshot' in that idea. MFLB skills transfer well, much of the operation is the same (but different). Power management and load control are the keys in each. Making the most of the little power you have (everything you save makes more vapor, or conversely robs vapor otherwise) and providing fresh material in direct contact with the hot part.

Like with MFLB, I think another point hasn't been beat to death yet, slow draw. Cold air drawn in not only dilutes our precious vapor but needs heat we can't spare to make it to working temperature or it will condense the vapor back out. Pull hard enough an no vapor at all. Not at all like blazing. I normally pull very lightly at such times, taking the whole 15 seconds usually for the hit, from the MFLB lesson but I bet some folks aren't? I'm thinking 'micro hitting' and the other techniques used there might be of value?

What you think, guys?



Well-Known Member
After some thought I think there's 'a lot of buckshot' in that idea. MFLB skills transfer well, much of the operation is the same (but different). Power management and load control are the keys in each. Making the most of the little power you have (everything you save makes more vapor, or conversely robs vapor otherwise) and providing fresh material in direct contact with the hot part.

Like with MFLB, I think another point hasn't been beat to death yet, slow draw. Cold air drawn in not only dilutes our precious vapor but needs heat we can't spare to make it to working temperature or it will condense the vapor back out. Pull hard enough an no vapor at all. Not at all like blazing. I normally pull very lightly at such times, taking the whole 15 seconds usually for the hit, from the MFLB lesson but I bet some folks aren't? I'm thinking 'micro hitting' and the other techniques used there might be of value?

What you think, guys?


well with the mflb I can speak from experience its all about short burts sips IMO. Long draws even with sipping dont' really do the trick, but the short draw sips work best, and it looks like that's the way to do it with the puffit.

I wish i didn't watch this video it kinda turned me off of the puffit, after wanting one since i first seen it. but it looks like the MFG of puffit is sending dood another puffit because they said the one he got was bunk.

Short and steady wins the race it seems!
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Well-Known Member
well with the mflb I can speak from experience its all about short burts sips IMO.

I wish i didn't watch this video it kinda turned me off of the puffit, after wanting one since i first seen it. but it looks like the MFG of puffit is sending dood another puffit because they said the one he got was bunk.

Thanks, Drum, I agree that draw changes the whole MFLB experience, same here I think. As well as some 'circular thinking' in that while in MFLB the trench (the hot part) has air pulled through it, not past it like with this guy. Also, since the hot surface is a cylinder you can get 'heat from all sides' (modest as it is) working for you. "Chain hitting" (with shakes between) has a useful advantage here I think, more so than with the box.

I'm not sure about that video. Pity it didn't work for him, sounds like it's defective since technique is probably OK? As I see it, 'all' the THC I put in comes out in a reasonable number of hits, no nasty tastes, no combustion, even ABV cooked to my specifications....hard to ask much more than that from a vape, really. It efficiently delivers the goods withing it's 'window', which may or may not match a given user's needs or wants. It's sure not for the 'big cloud' guys. But I see it as far from useless or a waste of money on the face. Just not 'the ultimate vape' for many (or really most) folks.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, Drum, I agree that draw changes the whole MFLB experience, same here I think. As well as some 'circular thinking' in that while in MFLB the trench (the hot part) has air pulled through it, not past it like with this guy. Also, since the hot surface is a cylinder you can get 'heat from all sides' (modest as it is) working for you. "Chain hitting" (with shakes between) has a useful advantage here I think, more so than with the box.

I'm not sure about that video. Pity it didn't work for him, sounds like it's defective since technique is probably OK? As I see it, 'all' the THC I put in comes out in a reasonable number of hits, no nasty tastes, no combustion, even ABV cooked to my specifications....hard to ask much more than that from a vape, really. It efficiently delivers the goods withing it's 'window', which may or may not match a given user's needs or wants. It's sure not for the 'big cloud' guys. But I see it as far from useless or a waste of money on the face. Just not 'the ultimate vape' for many (or really most) folks.


That's great to know, and now I can put it back up on my vape wishlists :)
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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Understood. Then again, I try to be careful where I drool. In checking it without the sleeve I didn't seem to get near the connector, after all you can use it while it's plugged in can't you?

I tend to put my lips on it (like with MFLB) more than sticking it in my mouth like a pipe.

I see no need to get to the dial routinely but I figure I'll be charging it every few sessions? And while the cover snaps on and off easily (nice magnetic catch), that sleeve is a SOB to get off, I can see why they sent so many spares, I bet folks break them all the time prying them off for each charge?

I've got a few extra spares, if I goof it up I can scrap it or even patch it I think?


Can't one be made out of softer silicone? Way back in this thread a bunch of people broke the plastic piece. I did see a while back on you tube a guy hitting it while plugged in and had the sleeve only part way on. I am sure you technophobes will figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Can't one be made out of softer silicone? Way back in this thread a bunch of people broke the plastic piece. I did see a while back on you tube a guy hitting it while plugged in and had the sleeve only part way on. I am sure you technophobes will figure it out.

I'm not sure softer material would help, and it won't address the blocking the outlet issue (unless there's a window....).

I can understand why folks might break it. It takes some care to keep it from binding. Add a bit of junk in there I bet it's even harder. There's a pair of locking ribs on the inside of the vertical sides that could be reduced (easy to file or sand), I don't think there's much danger of it coming off in the cap. However, filing the narrow notch (just wide enough for a thumb nail) is working fine for me. I brace the body with the knuckles of my left index finger and pry it right off parallel to the mouthpiece. Takes a bit of presence, but works great for now.

I don't know about others, but mine won't heat if the charger is plugged in. It'd still be nice to not take the sleeve on and off every time I turn around with it. Lacking a reliable battery gauge the only way to ensure it's going to work next time is to charge it back up. That means lots of plugging and unplugging......and sleeve shifting.



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I think the Vape Critic got a bad one though to be honest. We've all kinda just accepted there's a bit of inconsistency in the manufacturing dept with this device.

Do you really think the pax isn't stealthy? If I had to choose between the two not owning either I would get the pax. Tell me why or how you came to that decision. I believe you own both unless I am remembering wrong. If you went on vacation wouldn't the puffit be short on what you would need for daily use on a vacation? From what I read the pax would do you just fine. Maybe the LB would be ok for some on vacation but for me I think it is hard to travel with because of the batteries.


Well-Known Member
Me? I used a PAW once but never owned one in my life. I'd like to but I don't know if I'm going to sink $250 into another portable.

I personally would give the Puffit the edge in stealth because of it's extremely casual appearance. You can do this out in the open and no one will really even look at you twice. Out in public when people can still smell the herb cooking... I'd personally rather be seen puffing an inhaler than a giant bright-lite bic lighter.

Dreamer, you are an intelligent poster and you may disagree with me. I wouldn't think you were crazy if you prefer the design of the PAX. It is small and lightweight and unless one is extremely careless with it I'm sure it's perfectly stealthy for their needs.


It's hard to say which one is stealthier... the term is subjective, although I do think that they're both equally stealthy.

Firstly, since this is the Puffit thread... the Puffit. I think the form factor gives it a good edge, but the stealth factor depends entirely on the passiveness of whoever gets a glance at it. Although the Puffit is shaped like an actual inhaler, it's a bit bigger than an inhaler should be. There aren't any labels on the canister either, which is a dead giveaway to anyone that is familiar with those types of medications. The fact that most people report light vapors I would consider a plus for the "secret" aspect, although some may not like that or desire more visible vapor. On the downsides, most people also reported a "smell leak" and some don't feel like it delivers all of the contents.

The Pax is stealthy in a different way. It's got a really clean look to it with no material visible, and really... nothing. It just is. Some people may just glance over it and figure it's some sort of computer gadget if they don't see the mouthpiece, and you might even be able to pull off the "custom modded e-cig" excuse a few times, although I think that its look could ultimately be the Achilles' tendon of it. People will get curious, what the hell is this thing? Does it go into a compu-welllllll what is this clicky thing? Oh, lights! Warm! ... and I recognize that smell... and I don't like this/this is the coolest fucking thing EVER!
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Yea man, I mean there's a MAJOR price difference between the two. I mean straight up, it's not even close the PAX is better all around.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I do agree that the inhaler look is stealthier so hopefully with the improvements they made and maybe a few more this will be the stealthiest vape on the market. I was just thinking that the pax can basically be palmed like the MFLB so that in itself helps. Only time will tell till the next best thing comes out lol.

Thanks bigtvapes for the compliment.

Edit: Yes I agree with the price diff but was not taking that into consideration for this convo.


Well-Known Member
I was surprised at how not small the PAX really was. It's no one's fault but my own, as I guess I had just expected something the size of a lighter. It's a little bigger, and I can't palm it and fully conceal it. Now, I'm not trying to overstate it. It fits comfortably into the palm of your hand. It's lightweight. You can hide it very easily in a pinch if you were concerned. Trust me, can't knock the device.

I just personally would feel a little safer in public with the puffit than I would the pax, but I can totally see how an intelligent person would prefer otherwise.
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Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Wow I thought it was small as well and I am sure your hands are bigger then mine. I can just stay with my big INH and use a long tube and stick it in my bra lmao. Who needs a McDonalds cup when a bra is available. :lol:


Well-Known Member
can we get a pic of that???... Just Kidding :lmao:

Hey mmenzie, When are you expecting your replacement Puffit?

The reason I'm asking is i lost my tracking number from Got Vape.

I know they shipped mine out a few days before you posted that they shipped out yours.

I'm assuming it will be here within the next few days.


My friends call me "Menz"
Hey mmenzie, When are you expecting your replacement Puffit?

The reason I'm asking is i lost my tracking number from Got Vape.

I know they shipped mine out a few days before you posted that they shipped out yours.

I'm assuming it will be here within the next few days.

according to the UPS tracking, i am supposed to get mine on Thursday 9/20/12 by end of day.


Well-Known Member
according to the UPS tracking, i am supposed to get mine on Thursday 9/20/12 by end of day.

Oh okay, Thanks for your reply.

I hope it arrives today or tomorrow.

I sold mine on Ebay.

I had put the first bid at $110 and a BUY IT NOW for $125.00

Someone bought it yesterday at the BUY IT NOW price. Which was a shock to me.

I only paid the pre-order price of $109. So I'm extremely happy. :rockon:

I'm just worried because i don't have it yet to ship it out to the buyer.


Well-Known Member
Write them an email and add a gift for there patience.

OK taking pics now of my boobs and the INH attached lol. I think iloveboobs already put my pic up lmfao.

That's a good idea. I could give them a free grinder. Since i have a few of those.

Or some extra screens, or both

Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
Write them an email and add a gift for there patience.

OK taking pics now of my boobs and the INH attached lol. I think iloveboobs already put my pic up lmfao.
I would say the aforementioned pic would make a lovely gift for their patience!!


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Done lol...I believe it is against the rules so you guys will just have to dream. I used a short straw today but will use a long one wed and report back how "hot" it was :p
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