Also there could be more options for the session timer. 4 minutes would be perfect for me. 3 is too short, 6 is too long.
Some questions I still have: What is the cell the Roffu comes with? Can not find any info on it. Also, what kind of cell does the Roffu actually need, i.e. what does it draw?
I use three minute sessions. If I want more I just turn it back on for a second session while it is still warm. Sometimes I'll start the draw early which adds maybe 10+ seconds to the session. If I want four minutes I stop vaping one minute into the second session and either turn it off or just let the session expire on its own.
I don't worry about *wasting* battery life because I have eight spares and an eight bay battery charger. I have at least three different 18650 brands. I ran tests on them and didn't notice any significant differences. Heat up times and number of minutes in battery life were very similar. Even the life of the same battery varied with itself likely due to the way it was used. More puffs in a session likely results in more juice used in the same amount of time. If I wanted another 18650 I would go with a Molicel because I can get it at a good price and it is highly rated.
If I had a tiny gripe it would be five clicks to turn on or off. One click would be good for me. Also I would like to see a voltage reading just below the battery charge symbol. I don' like starting a session and having it shut off early. A voltage reading would be more precise and help me determine when best to change out the battery.
Owning a second Roffu also adds to my experience. One is usually loaded with fresh weed and the other ABV. I get to choose the weapon of choice combined with various vaping styles which makes this a very pleasant experience.