Hi FC Family, I'm sorry but my Internet is still not repaired, all peoples in my area are getting the same issue, I'm right now connected through 4G but it's not reliable. That's why you didn't saw me so much recently.
Warning: compressed canned air contains added bitterents that are toxic, do not use it to clean any vape parts!
Yes I was advised by our engineers to NOT use compressed air can. Although they recommended the following cleaning solution for the peoples thinking some dust/resin passed through the bottom chamber's screen, pretty interesting:
"V3 PRO heating cup cleaning can be sprayed with a bit alcohol, leave it for a while, and then keep it upside down and wipe it. The way won't damage the other components of device."
Thanks for the answers.
For the bolded part, so to get the maximum number of hits for bowl is better a coarse grind or even a whole mini-nug?
Hi, yes a whole small nug or broken by hands works very well for me, hits are slightly less dense but you'll get many hits and it's impressive how much the abv is whole colored, even using a dense full little nug!
Medium grind is best for everything, I haven't tried a whole nug here, but I don't think it would be ideal, if you want full extraction you're going to have to break up the nug eventually... Consistent medium grind
Give it a try! It works... and like I replied to
@GymWolf , the abv's color shows the extraction level... full brown!

The new dosing caps must be good as I am still using them! They may give a slightly shorter sesh but they keep things nice and clean...quick hot swaps are also handy when watching a movie, no distractions!
I have suggested Xmax offer them in a double-end opening tube/keyring type storage for easy quick swaps when on the go...they are looking into it.
Thank you for confirming how much the capsules work well and I'm glad you suggested a better carry case for the dosing caps to our team!
Hello got the V3 since some days and i'm liking it so far!
Only problem I have with it is it doesn't consume all the ABV in an even way. ABV usually is dark in the middle and not that much used around it.
Is there any mod to make air go though all the chamber ? I'm pretty sure the problem is the tip, I am using it stock and the hole with the grill is rather small which make me think this is what is causing the problem...
Hi, I represent here the Xmax brand, I'm glad you like your V3Pro! This is a convection based device, this is means you must to pack it differently than conduction based vaporizers, loose and not fully loaded (in opposition to full packed down chamber used in regulars conduction portables vaporizers). I believe this advice and the one from
@Shit Snacks about to moderate your draw will help you to get a fully browned chamber, I'm sorry to say but it's not a design flaw but a user error... but I did it myself for my first V3Pro bowl a while ago.
Yeah it would be nice if it didn't include the heat up time in that 30 seconds...
Oh yes, it's something we can do I believe, I'll transmit your suggestion to remove the heat-up time from the 30s on-demand hit's time length. We are always trying to improve units based on customers feedbacks, have fun!
I agree, and I must take long draws because this shut-off timer has kicked in for me a few times.
One way to mitigate or work around this might be to hold the button until it reaches your selected temperature, releasing the button and then immediately pressing it again to re-start heat up. The second heat up time should be a little shorter, and give you a little more draw time (I'm sure you know this, but may help others).
Nice trick but we'll consider the
@Shit Snacks suggestion about to remove the heat-up time from this 30s, thank you for sharing your experience!
Yes, I use them all of the time. They also fit in the Roffu. My ABV doesn't come out as dark, but I still get nice sized clouds. The amount of material that fits in the capsules is just right for me.
Just make sure you clean them before use. I forgot to and I got some bad machine oil taste on my first few sessions.
Mines fit the Roffu but the top lid doesn't fully close cause the capsule's top rise above the Roffu's bowl... that's why I didn't tested. I'm surprised you said to get a bad taste, I still recommend a little cleaning (quick iso wipe is enough) but I did a test with 2 caps and one was cleaned with iso prior to be loaded while the other wasn't cleaned at all before... I didn't noticed any difference although I'm aware sensitivity depends the people.
So I’ve now used the V3 since november, my first vape. I’ve tried a friends vapes, a hard hitting corded vape and a mighty? or something similar. And I love this little vape, just perfect for me.
I’ve skimmed through the thread, a lot to take in..! But saw discussions about the mouthpiece screen. I know of a good replacement screen, not sure if anyone else already shared this..! There is a screen in the wax cup you get with the V3 (I’ve never used the wax cup) . That screen fits after bending the edge around. so I tried it out, not sure I felt a difference but I’m keeping it there for now.
Ive also used capsules since day one, fury edge capsules. I have now 3 tubes,filled with 3 diferent strains at the moment (anyone wanna guess which):
Since I use calpsules I have also used the V3 without a mouthpiece screen, less resistanc!
Hi, I'm so glad you joined this forum and put a foot in the vape zone with our last Xmax V3Pro! I represent here the Xmax brand, feel free to contact me for infos, tips&tricks or support. Thank you for sharing your tricks, i'm still using myself the OG filter screens in my devices but I'll give it a try soon. Although I noticed my last Very Peri V3Pro is coming with a slightly different filter disc/screen, it looks like it offers more holes and a thinner screen, yes we are continually improving devices based on your feedback.
Nice! Thanks! Did you try the fury caps to compare? I have the fury cos but i feel i can get the same results
Here the benefits of the Xmax dosing caps:
- perfect fit, this is means no hot air bypass the load going between the dosing caps wall and the chamber's wall.
- slightly wider, slightly taller also, this is means more room for your herbs!