Read in this thread that there have been new versions with improvements already in the short time it’s been out. Does anyone which European shops have the newest one?
You can give a look at verdampnotchmal, lacentralevapeur or VapefiendUK. Only difference between earlier units and the last ones is the vibrating feature in OD mode. Heaters are the same!
The glass used for the V3Pro glass wpa, glass mp, and bubbler appears to be the same as the glass used for V2Pro and Starry accessories which I have already. I need the new glass wpa for the mounting system.
@PPN the stainless steel cooler you mention in the new accessories is the same screen in the original V3 mp?
It's similar but it's not the same since there is some differences in construction. We can't really name it a vapor cooler though, I'll try to post a pic soon...
Mailbox treasure!!!! Blue wrapped battery came about 75% charged. Looks like I ordered a day or two too early. I just went back an ordered the XMax V3 Pro Glass Water Pipe Adapter and Silicone Adapter. I don't think I have anything in my odds and ends that would fit this for bong use otherwise.
That's great! Let us to know if you like it!
My V3 Pro will arrive this week and I'm the one who previously asked about an 18mm wpa. Edit: actually it arrived today. Say hello to my little friend! (nice job on the silver gradient)
Yes, I transmitted about your wish to get a 18mm wpa available. Did you noticed the silicone wpa is 14/18mm?
Very nice! By the way to anyone worried, I'm fairly certain the steel cooling unit he talked about in the glass mouthpieces is going to be fully removable, don't panic unnecessarily! I mean, how could it not be removable lol I'm not sure if he meant just that steel screen, seems like there might be a steel spiral behind it the way PPN described it...
Sorry, my mistake, no it's not really a cooler like the ceramic spiral one, it's only a screen and some short ss tubing which force the vapor to go through... more like a condenser.
Hi all, just hopping back in to mention a mishap I had when the V3 got dropped last week.
You are right, we need to offer a protective sleeve, stay tuned (and give a look at the last reply in that post)!
@PPN was the rationale behind this that using the ceramic maze would rob flavor vs the SS cooler and the idea was to maximize flavor w/the glass ? I was pretty excited when I heard there was a glass MP option but being less effective cooling wise is a disappointment for me personally. From a user standpoint my preference is always glass over plastic and ideally I’d like the same cooling offered w/the plastic MP but in glass form. I’m gonna sit on the sidelines for now and see how user reports go.
Cooling vapor means to rob some flavor so I would say you are right but... (please continue to read in the following reply to
@Shit Snacks )
I doubt that was the rationale, more so that the ceramic maze is built to fit into the plastic mouthpiece, I really don't know how you could design a glass mouthpiece for it to fit into because of the way glass is... So these are just standard glass tubes, needing something else for a cooling unit, if anything at all. I'm also not a fan of the plastic type of mouthpiece normally, but I'll say this one is legit quite nice, and the vapor path is not at all plastic it is fully steel and ceramic with it so the plastic is just on your lips by the way.
the main reason is the ceramic maze we did is not compatible with a glass mouthpiece in the form it exists at the moment.
Anyone knows a EU shop which have the Glass/wpa mp?
Not 100% sure but I think you can give a look at lacentralevapeur or verdampnotchmal
So after some testing with the fury edge capsules I noticed that the capsules don't extract as well as it would by just putting some cannabis in the bowl.
Yes, it's a classic issue with capsules and convection vaping, capsules are nice to switch loads in a fast and stealth manner but the counterpart is a thinner vapor. It's my experience as well!
Reading through the thread, there seems to be a consensus that this pretty decent.
Here in Edmonton, these are available in-stock, priced around $100CAD. For the price, I might go grab one today.
Please keep sharing your good (or bad) experience!
I received my 2nd unit this week.
I had myself the same experience, I was mitiged when I opened the box of my first unit but my V3Pros are my portable DD now!
Yes it's 12mm mouthside and 13 mm bottom side (the one which is stuck in the magnetic attachment).
Got my V3 Pro yesterday, this little thing is really something else. Perfect size and quick heat up time. The vapor was VERY surprising. The vapor was super tasty, it really shocked me. With the quick heat-up time, amount of vapor, price point and the flavor, I am one happy customer. It's really great to see a vaporizer like this, now, someone put some sexy wood with it....

I already saw
@Unklmark68 made an insert that looks great.
I'm so glad you like it, I have to check the Unklemark68 insert, looks fun!
Xmax must have magic silicon because the Xmax Ace gets so hot in concentrate mode you cannot hold onto it...255c(491f) so 230c should not hurt, I will add my 2 cents and say the max temp of 220c is fine for warm weather bud vaping but useless for concentrates and hampered in the cold...the slight temp bump would definitely help in both situations.
As you know conduction and convection are pretty different and to get a 255°C bowl doesn't means the silicone in the vaporpath reaches that temperatures, as well for a convection unit, a 220°C vaping temp need a lot hotter heating element but vapor in the vaporpath never reaches these higher temps, so no magic here, but only thermodynamics rules
I would like to get an smart path with rising temperatures if there is an upgrade
I will transmit to the team! TY
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all having a great day. Absolutely in love with my v3, performance and build quality for the price is incredible. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a battery to purchase as a spare?
Glad to know you are happy with your V3Pro. Yes your VTC5A will do the job just right!
Well I don't know....maybe mine is weaker.... I indeed read such comments here before ordering 2 of them.... IDK...
I guess there must be some kind of difference between all the devices, I read some get dark brown avb in capsules, some even get charred while I barely get light brown. Seems pretty strange.
Are you certain it's not related to your pulling technic/weed quality/loading technic? When I got my first sessions with my first test production unit I got the same impression... cause I was hitting it like a conduction vape, it definitively need LOOONG hits to deliver, as well, like many peoples mentionned, closing the air inlets with your hands helps to increase vapor density and extraction level.
@PPN Could you ask topgreen if software upgrade is technicly possible ? They could have the limited version for mass consumption and a little upgrade for the loyal FC advanced vaporists for example

... I guess i's not a big change in the software to raise max temp a bit
Do you means to upgrade the software keeping the same units? I'm sorry but I don't think our units to be firmware upgradable. Maybe in a future FC version...
My prefs:
-medium grind
-220c - yep, all the way up and flavor is still amazing
-8-12sec draws (sometimes at 12 I'm literally about to burst)
-cover 3/4 holes initial 4-5 seconds (feathering), then uncover and hard draw for biggest hits
-always finish that bowl!
Thank you for the tips, you have it right!
Has anyone found a good protective carrying case for the V3 and a few accessories?
For now I'm using a classic ecig protective case of 17.5x7x3.5cm, it fits the V3Pro with stock mp, glass mp or extra battery, a stash jar and a few tools. I'm thinking to make a sleeve from leather, it's a hobby I have my father transmitted to me when I was younger and I always desired to make a sleeve for a vaporizer but finally never gave it a try... maybe for the V3Pro, if I make one I'll post a pic here!