What's in my Vapes? This is how a day of "constant microdosing"

could look like.
Most of the day I medicate with White Widow (16-18% THC, <1% CBD) in a Vapman (OG Classic Pear) with a long glass mouthpiece on the heating station. 20-30 mg per Dose with up to 10 soft hits each. It elevates me and helps against pain and nausea. I'm super happy with the effects. The often not so good taste of this strain tells me that it is medicine and not candy. The last batch just smelled like hay. This one has a nice calming lemon flavor to it. I use 200-300 mg.
Towards the late afternoon, to mix things up a bit, I use a strain called Casey Jones (16-17% THC, <1% CBD) in my Vaponic which I have connected to a pipe. Up to 10 medium-sized clouds (+1 tasty hit and +1 to clean up) per 50 mg Dose. Honestly, I'm not super happy with this strain, its effects and flavor. It tastes good with the Vaponic but not in the Vapman. The buds smell great though, a bit like carrot juice. The effect is quite strong for a THC content that low; however easy to handle. For me it is not uplifting enough. I'd use 100-200 mg in total.
Later, when I wanna get loaded, I grab a glass of Jealousy with 28% THC. Time to get back to the Vapman. This strain has a high density so I can put up to 35 mg in the Vapman (incl. microdosing sieve) and up to 15 hits out of it; some are really strong. Again, not a big fan of the taste of this strain. At least of this batch. I remembered it differently, and actually I wanted something else. The effect would be great for some interaction. It wakes me up like coffee but I'm also quite high. This should have been my go-to-bed-strain but that doesn't work, at all. ~300 mg.
So I need to take a look in the next jar, where we have some Hindu Kush. A classic indica with around 20% THC. Actually I wanted to find something else as a bedtime strain, but this is still unbeaten in this regard for me. This strain is very spicy, actually too spicy in the upper throat. Not bad, but you have to get used to it. It gives my body a clear signal to shut down soon without getting me extra high or stoned. Also great against muscle pain. Maybe my Fenix Mini (like LOTV One) with WPA comes into play to have as little work as possible and to get some strong milky nighty-night clouds in the bong. 50-100 mg.
By mostly using the Vapman with the micro-dosing sieve I could vape the whole day and use up less than a gram on such a day. But as you see, I'm not happy with the taste of most of my strains at the moment. I found out that I often like strains where Beta-Caryophyllene is a dominant terpene. But flavor is a complex topic... My favorite strains last year were La Bomba, Mimosa and Berry Haze, but those are not available. Next round I'll keep the White Widow but replace the Casey Jones and the Jealousy in my order. And yeah, sometime I will add photos, too.